magistrsko delo
Inkluzija je proces, ki otrokom s posebnimi potrebami (OPP) zagotavlja možnost
izobraževanja skupaj z vrstniki. Temelji na vključevanju posameznika tako v šolsko kot
družbeno okolje in poudarja sprejemanje medsebojnih razlik. Inkluzija pa ne zagotavlja le
optimalnega razvoja potencialov nekaterih otrok, ampak stremi h kakovostnejšemu
poučevanju za vse otroke. Večina OPP ima možnost izobraževanja v rednih osnovnih šolah
(OŠ), so pa za to prikrajšani otroci z motnjo v duševnem razvoju (MDR), med katere spadajo
tudi otroci z Downovim sindromom (DS). Zakon o usmerjanju otrok s posebnimi potrebami
(2011) sicer navaja, da imajo otroci z MDR možnost vključevanja v prilagojeni izobraževalni
program, ki se izvaja skupaj z vrstniki v rednih OŠ. Ta omogoča izobraževanje s prilagojenim
predmetnikom in učnim načrtom ter prehajanje med nivoji izobraževanja. To pa se v praksi
žal ne uresničuje. Zato bi bile potrebne celovite sistemske spremembe na področju
izobraževanja in zakonodaje. Uresničevanje inkluzivne prakse pa ni odvisno le od slednjega,
ampak na to vpliva več dejavnikov. Eden od njih je podpora na ravni šole. Vodstvo šole mora
spodbujati inkluzivnost in strokovnim delavcem omogočati profesionalna usposabljanja. Od
učiteljeve pedagoške prakse pa je potem odvisno, v kolikšni meri se inkluzija uresničuje v
praksi. Na uspešno vključevanje vplivajo tudi vrstniki, saj skupaj preživijo velik del dneva.
Pomemben dejavnik je tudi družina, ki mora otroku nuditi podporo v različnih obdobjih
odraščanja. Prav tako je za uspešno inkluzijo nujno, da med strokovnimi delavci ter njimi in
družino poteka dobro medsebojno sodelovanje.
Magistrsko delo temelji na predstavitvi primera dobre prakse. Z dobljenimi rezultati smo
omogočili vpogled v vključevanje učenca z DS v redno OŠ in osvetlili dejavnike, ki vplivajo
na uspešnost inkluzije.
V magistrskem delu nas je zanimalo, kako različni dejavniki vplivajo na implementacijo
inkluzije v prakso, kateri so potrebni pogoji in kakšne so lahko prednosti ter ovire. Želeli smo
raziskati, katere vire pomoči so imeli na voljo starši in strokovni delavci ter koliko podpore so
bili v tem procesu deležni oni in učenec z DS. Prikazati smo želeli, s katerimi izzivi se učitelji
srečujejo pri poučevanju, kakšne so učinkovite prilagoditve učnega okolja in strategije dela,
kako značilnosti in posebne potrebe učenca z DS vplivajo na izobraževalno področje ter
socialno vključenost in kakšna je vloga spremljevalke in družine.
V ta namen smo v vzorec raziskave vključili 7 učiteljev, ki so učenca z DS poučevali,
izvajalko dodatne strokovne pomoči (DSP), njegovo spremljevalko, učenca in njegove starše
ter 22 sošolcev. Z učencem smo opravili polstrukturirani intervju, za ugotavljanje socialnega
položaja učenca z DS v razredu smo naredili sociogram, za ostale sodelujoče pa smo sestavili
vprašalnik z odprtim tipom vprašanj. Analizirali smo tudi dokumente iz učenčeve osebne
mape. Vse zbrane podatke smo kvalitativno obdelali in rezultate podkrepili s teoretičnimi
spoznanji različnih avtorjev.
Na podlagi analize zbranih podatkov smo ugotovili, da je za uspešno vključitev potreben
prispevek prav vseh udeleženih. Od staršev do vodstva šole s strokovnimi delavci,
spremljevalke, vrstnikov in seveda tudi od volje učenca z DS ter njegovih sposobnosti.
Ugotovili smo, da je potrebna podpora na ravni širšega okolja, šole in razreda. Pri tem je
pomembno, da starši in strokovni delavci med seboj sodelujejo. Učenec z DS je z ustreznimi
prilagoditvami ter dobro podporo družine in podporo na ravni šole dosegel izobraževalne
cilje. Z raziskavo smo tudi ugotovili, da ima učenec z DS dobro razvite socialne kompetence,
nima težav z vključevanjem v ožje okolje in je dobro sprejet med vrstniki. Učiteljem največji
izziv pri poučevanju učenca z DS predstavlja načrtovanje dela in prilagajanje vsebin. Hkrati
pa to izpostavljajo kot zelo pomembno, saj so dobro načrtovani individualni cilji
posameznega predmeta ključni za delo. Starši in učitelji so si enotni, da bi bilo za
izobraževanje otrok z DS treba zagotoviti več podpore s strani države.
učenci z Downovim sindromom;osnovne šole;izobraževalne in socialne prilagoditve;socialna vključenost;inkluzija;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2022 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[A. Novak] |
UDC: |
376(043.2) |
Views: |
11 |
Downloads: |
1 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Inclusion of the primary student with Down syndrome in the sixth grade |
Secondary abstract: |
Inclusion is a process that provides children with special needs (SEN) the opportunity to be
educated together with their peers. It is based on the inclusion of the individual in both the
school and social environment and emphasizes the acceptance of mutual differences.
Inclusion does not only ensure the optimal development of the potential of some children but
strives for higher quality teaching and inclusion of all children. The majority of children with
special needs have the opportunity to be educated in regular elementary schools but children
with intellectual impairment, including children with Down syndrome (DS), are deprived of
this. Indeed, the Placement of Children with Special Needs Act (2011) states that children
with intellectual impairment have the option of being included in an adapted educational
program that is carried out together with their peers in regular elementary schools. This
enables education with an adapted course and curriculum, as well as transitions between
education levels. Unfortunately, this is not implemented in practice. Therefore,
comprehensive systemic changes in the field of education and legislation would be necessary.
The implementation of inclusive practice does not only depend on the latter but is influenced
by several factors. One of them is support on the school level. School management must
promote inclusivity and provide professional workers with professional training. The extent to
which inclusion is implemented in practice depends on the teacher's educational competence.
Peers also influence successful integration because they spend a large part of the day together.
An important factor is also the family which must provide support to the child during different
periods of growing up. It is also essential for successful inclusion that there is good
cooperation between professionals and the family.
The master's thesis is based on the presentation of an example of good practice. By the
obtained results, we have provided insight into the inclusion of a student with DS in a regular
elementary school and shed light on the factors that influence the success of inclusion.
In our master's thesis, we were interested in how various factors influence the implementation
of inclusion in practice, what the necessary conditions are, and what can be the advantages
and obstacles. We wished to investigate what sources of help were available to parents and
professionals and how much support they and the student with DS received in this process.
We wanted to show what challenges teachers face when teaching, what the effective
adaptations of the learning environment and work strategies are, how the characteristics and
special needs of a student with DS affect the educational field and social inclusion, and what
the role of the assistant and the family is.
For this purpose, we included the following persons in the research sample: seven teachers
who taught a student with DS, a provider of additional professional assistance, his assistant,
the student, his parents, and 22 classmates. We conducted a semi-structured interview with
the student. To determine the social position of the student with DS in the classroom, we
produced a sociogram. For the other participants, we wrote a questionnaire with open-ended
questions. We also analyzed documents from the student's personal folder. We processed all
the collected data qualitatively and supported the results with the theoretical insights of
various authors.
Based on the analysis of the collected data, we ascertained that the contribution of all
participants is necessary for successful integration: the parents, the school management with
professional workers, the assistant, peers, and, of course, also the will of the student with DS
and his abilities. We ascertained that support is needed on the level of the wider environment,
school, and classmates. In the process, parents and professional workers must cooperate. The
student with DS achieved his educational goals with appropriate adaptations and good support
from family and school. Through the research, we also ascertained that the student with DS
has fairly well-developed social competencies, has no major problems with integration into
the wider environment, and is well accepted by his peers. The biggest challenge for teachers
when teaching a student with DS is planning the work and adapting the content. At the same
time, they highlight this as very important because well-planned individual goals for each
subject are essential for work. Parents and teachers agree that the education of children with
DS needs more support from the government. |
Secondary keywords: |
Downov sindrom;Inkluzivna vzgoja in izobraževanje;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika, Posebne razvojne in učne težave |
Pages: |
62, [33] str. pril. |
ID: |
17538438 |