diplomsko delo
Špela Savić (Author), Tina Kavčič (Reviewer), Manca Pajnič (Mentor), Gordana Šmerc (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Presaditev pljuč je način zdravljenja za bolnike, ki imajo neozdravljivo oziroma zadnjo fazo pljučne bolezni. Presadi se lahko eno ali obe pljučni krili. V Sloveniji potekajo presaditve pljuč v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Ljubljana od leta 2018. Priprava bolnika na presaditev je lahko za bolnike naporna, saj so ta čas tudi hospitalizirani in lahko se zgodi, da po vseh opravljenih preiskavah niso primerni kandidati za presaditev. V procesu priprave na presaditev pljuč igra družina zelo pomembno vlogo, prav tako pa tudi medicinske sestre, saj z bolniki preživijo veliko časa. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti pomen psihosocialne podpore iz strani družine oziroma skrbnika in iz strani medicinskih sester. Ugotoviti želimo tudi ali je socialna podpora res tako pomembna pred in po presaditvi. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo s pregledom slovenske in tuje literature. Iskanje literature je potekalo preko oddaljenega dostopa digitalne knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani (Dikul) v podatkovni bazi PubMed/Medline, Cinahl, COBIB in Google učenjak. Iskanje člankov je potekalo v obdobju od februarja do novembra 2022. Uporabili smo časovni okvir od leta 2007 do 2022. Ključne besede pri iskanju člankov so bile: lung transplantation/presaditev pljuč, social support AND lung transplantation/socialna podpora IN presaditev pljuč, psychological support AND lung transplantation/psihološka podpora IN presaditev pljuč, nursing support AND lung transplantation/podpora medicinske sestre IN presaditev pljuč. Rezultati: Za analizo rezultatov smo uporabili 6 člankov, ki so ustrezali vključitvenim kriterijem, od tega je bil en članek sistematični pregled literature. Raziskave so potekale v Združenih državah Amerike (Florida, Pensilvanija, Severna Karolina), na Švedskem in v Avstraliji, vključevale pa so od 16 do 191 udeležencev. S pregledom literature smo ugotovili, da so skrbniki za bolnika zelo pomembni v vseh fazah presaditve. Nudijo jim psihično podporo, zaradi vedno slabše fizične zmogljivosti jim skrbniki pomagajo pri fizičnih opravilih, pogosto pa jim nudijo tudi finančno pomoč. Vsa ta odgovornost skrbnikov pa zna negativno vplivati tudi na njih, zato pogosto tekom zdravljenja bolnika postanejo depresivni. V času hospitalizacije bolnik največ časa preživi z medicinskimi sestrami in v odnosu bolnik-medicinska sestra je najbolj pomembna komunikacija, saj bolniki od njih pričakujejo tako psihično podporo kot tudi odgovore na vprašanja, ki se jim pojavijo tekom hospitalizacije. Razprava in zaključek: Svojci oziroma skrbniki so pomembne osebe v obdobju priprav na presaditev, saj bolniku zagotavljajo občutek varnosti. Prav tako so pomembne medicinske sestre, saj so bolniki pogosto hospitalizirani zaradi poslabšanja osnovne bolezni. Bolniku je potrebno nuditi predvsem psihično oporo, saj je dokazano, da jih veliko trpi za depresijo in anksioznostjo pred in po presaditvi.


diplomska dela;zdravstvena nega;presaditev pljuč;priprava bolnika na presaditev pljuč;psihosocialna podpora bolnika;anksioznost;depresija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [Š. Savić]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 135977219 Link will open in a new window
Views: 24
Downloads: 7
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Psychosocial support for the patient at lung transplantation
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Lung transplantation is a treatment option for patients who have incurable or end-stage lung disease. One or both lung wings can be transplanted. In Slovenia transplants have been taking place at the University Medical Centre Ljubljana since 2018. Preparing a patient for transplantation can be exhausting for patients, as they are also hospitalised during this time and may not be suitable candidates for transplantation after all the tests have been carried out. The family plays a very important role in the process of preparing for lung transplantation, as do the nurses, who spend a lot of time with the patients. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to examine the importance of psychosocial support from the family/carer and from nurses. We also want to find out whether social support is really that important before and after transplantation. Methods: We used a descriptive method with a review of Slovenian and foreign literature. The literature search was conducted through remote access of the University of Ljubljana Digital Library (Dikul) in PubMed/Medline, Cinahl, COBIB and Google scholar databases. The search for articles took place between February and November 2022. The time frame used was 2007 to 2022. The keywords used in the search for articles were: lung transplantation, social support AND lung transplantation, psychological support AND lung transplantation, nursing support AND lung transplantation. Results: For the analysis of the results we used 6 articles that met the inclusion criteria, of which one was a systematic literature review. The studies were conducted in the United States of America (Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina), Sweden and Australia and ranged from 16 to 191 participants. The literature review concluded that patient caregivers are very important at all stages of transplantation. They provide psychological support, help with physical tasks as the patient’s physical capacity deteriorates, and often provide financial support. All this responsibility can also have a negative impact on the caregivers, who often become depressed during the patient's treatment. During hospitalisation, however, the patient spends most of the time with the nurses, and communication is the most important aspect of the nurse-patient relationship, as patients expect them to provide both psychological support and answers to questions that arise during hospitalisation. Discussion and conclusion: Regardless of what happens, relatives or other caregivers are important during the transplant preparation period, as they provide the patient with a sense of security. Nurses are also important, as patients are often hospitalised due to an exacerbation of the underlying disease. Above all, the patient should be given psychological support, as it has been proven that many suffer from depression and anxiety before and after transplantation.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;nursing care;lung transplantation;preparing the patient for lung transplantation;psychosocial support for the patient;anxiety;depression;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 31 str.
ID: 17547215