Peter Praper (Author)


Uporaba kavča v psihoanalizi je inovacija, ki jo je uvedel Freud, ko je ugotovil, da tako olajša proces svobodnih asociacij. Pacient se poleg tega v analizi bolj ukvarja s samim seboj, išče psihični determinizem lastnih asociacij. V psihoterapiji- kot jo definira ameriška ego psihologija- je uporaba kavča kontraindicirana. Zaradi slabe analizabilnosti pacientov z razvojnimi deficiti strukture ega uporaba svobodnih sociacij ni več mogoča. Kavč bi celo utegnil potencirati razvoj maligne regresije. V opisanem primeru pa terapevt in pacient odkrijeta, da je uporaba kavča edina možna pot. Ne zaradi vzpodbujanja asociacij ampak zaradi tega, ker je pacient bil ujet v tako hudo paranoidno pozicijo, da je prenesel govorice oči. Kavč mu je omogočil regresijo v predsimbiotično obdobje (v primarni narcizem). Od tam je pričel svoj razvoj. Po osmih letih terapije je "shodil", prešel v terapijo vis a vis ter pričel prakticirati.


psihoanaliza;psihoterapija;študija primera;ne zaključna dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: Društvo psihologov Slovenije
UDC: 159.964.2
COBISS: 5929476 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 1318-1874
Parent publication: Psihološka obzorja
Views: 1041
Downloads: 94
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂapplication of the psychoanalytic couch in the process of psychotherapy
Secondary abstract: The Application of a couch was invented by Freud to support the process of free associations in psychoanalytic process. Within psychotherapy- defined through Ego-psychology - the use of the couch is contraindicated because of the insufficient analysability of the patients with developmental deficits of the Ego. The use of the couch even provoke and support the malign regrassion. In the present case the therapist and the patient discover the use of a couch as the only way, not because of supporting free assocoations but but because of the patient's deep paranoid position. He couldn't stand the eye contact. In the process of eight years lasting psychotherapy, he succeeded to stand on his feet, to pass over to a vis a vis position and to start self motivated practising.
Secondary keywords: Psihoterapija;Psihoanaliza;
Type (COBISS): Scientific work
Pages: str. 29-31
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ1
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ1
Chronology: 1992
ID: 1755675