doktorska disertacija


Elektroporacija je pojav, kjer izpostavljenost celice zunanjemu električnemu polju povzroči povečano prepustnost membrane, zato v celico lahko vstopijo molekule, za katere je drugače membrana neprepustna. Če po prenehanju delovanja električnega polja celica preživi govorimo o reverzibilni elektroporaciji, o ireverzibilni elektroporaciji pa, če celica umre. Pred kratkim se je pojavila nova oblika ireverzibilne elektroporacije - visokofrekvenčna ireverzibilna elektroporacija, pri kateri naj ne bi prišlo do nenadzorovanega mišičnega krčenja in občutka bolečine, kot smo tega navajeni pri monopolarnih pulzih. Namen doktorske disertacije je bilo preučiti učinek nove oblike elektroporacijskih pulzov in ga primerjati z učinkom uveljavljenih monopolarnih pulzov, ovrednotiti učinkovitost ponovnega zdravljenja z elektroporacijo v primeru delnega odgovora tumorja ali ponovnem pojavu tumorja in preučiti vzrok za aktivacijo imunskega sistema po elektroporaciji. Rezultati kažejo, da je učinkovitost visokofrekvenčnih bipolarnih pulzov ob povečanju amplitude primerljiva z monopolarnimi pulzi. Vzrok za potrebovano višjo amplitudo bi se lahko skrival v izničevalnemu učinku. Ta je odvisen od elektroporacijskega pufra. Zdravljenje z elektroporacijskim metodami lahko uporabimo večkrat, učinek vsakega nadaljnjega zdravljenja pa bo primerljiv s prvotnimi zdravljenjem. Celice pri elektroporaciji umrejo tudi po poti imunogene celične smrt, ki preko sproščanja DAMP molekul lahko aktivirajo imunski sistem in s tem pripomorejo k boljšem izidu zdravljenja tumorjev z elektroporacijo.


elektroporacija;ireverzibilna elektroporacija;povečana prepustnost membrane;visokofrekvenčni bipolarni pulzi;DAMP molekule;imunogena celična smrt;doktorske disertacije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [T. Polajžer]
UDC: 576
COBISS: 144138755 Link will open in a new window
Views: 32
Downloads: 6
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂeffects of high-frequency bipolar and low-frequency monopolar electric pulses on cell survival
Secondary abstract: Electroporation is a phenomenon in which exposure of a cell to an external electric field causes the formation of pores in the membrane. This allows molecules to which the membrane is otherwise impermeable to enter the cell. If the cell survives, this is called reversible electroporation; if the cell dies, this is considered irreversible electroporation. Recently, a new form of irreversible electroporation has emerged - high-frequency irreversible radiofrequency electroporation. These pulses do not cause involuntary muscle contractions or pain, which is inevitable when using established monopolar pulses. The aim of this dissertation is to compare the efficacy of the novel pulses with monopolar pulses, to evaluate the efficacy of repeat treatment with electroporation in case of partial response or tumor recurrence, and to understand the cause of immune system activation after electroporation. The results show that the efficacy of high-frequency bipolar pulses is comparable to that of monopolar pulses, although a higher amplitude is required. Possible reason for the higher amplitude is the cancellation effect. However, it seems that this effect depends on the electroporation buffer. Electroporation therapies with long monopolar pulses can be applied multiple times, achieving the same treatment efficacy as the original treatment. Cells killed by electroporation may die by immunogenic cell death, in which the release of DAMP molecules may activate the immune system and affect the outcome of electroporation therapy.
Secondary keywords: electroporation;irreversible electroporation;permeabilization;high frequency bipolar pulses;DAMP molecules;immunogenic cell death;doctoral dissertations;Citogenetika;Elektroporacija;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Doctoral dissertation
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak.
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 104 str., [7] str. pril.))
ID: 18019759