magistrsko delo
Manca Javornik (Author), Darja Zorc-Maver (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo se ukvarja z raziskovanjem področja varovanja duševnega zdravja otrok in mladih v slovenskih osnovnih šolah. V teoretičnem delu opredelim pojem duševnega zdravja in izpostavim ključne koncepte na tem področju. Osredotočim se na duševno zdravje v obdobju otroštva in mladostništva in za osnovo celostnega pojmovanja duševnega zdravja vzamem ekosocialni sistemski razlagalni model in koncept varovalnih dejavnikov in dejavnikov tveganja. Duševno zdravje umestim v družbeni kontekst in predstavim vpliv epidemije ter omejevalnih ukrepov na duševno zdravje otrok in mladih. V nadaljevanju predstavim vlogo osnovne šole in zaposlenih na šoli pri varovanju duševnega zdravja otrok in mladih. Teoretični del zaključim z opredelitvijo kategorij dejavnosti in strategij, metod in pristopov varovanja duševnega zdravja v osnovnošolskem prostoru. V teoretičnem delu predstavim tudi ugotovitve nekaterih slovenskih in tujih raziskav, vezanih na področje raziskovanja. V empiričnem delu sem raziskovala razumevanje duševnega zdravja otrok in mladih s strani učiteljic razrednega pouka in svetovalnih delavk na šoli in njihov pogled na vlogo šole na tem področju. Izhajala sem iz opredelitve osnovne šole kot univerzalnega institucionalnega prostora, v katerega so vpeti vsi otroci, zaradi česar ima ob naraščanju težav na področju njihovega duševnega zdravja edinstveno možnost podpornega delovanja. Osvetlila sem trenutne prakse varovanja duševnega zdravja v osnovnih šolah ter zaznane varovalne dejavnike in dejavnike tveganja ter raziskala vpliv epidemije na duševno zdravje otrok in mladih. Raziskovala sem tudi možnosti izboljšave področja varovanja duševnega zdravja v osnovnih šolah. V kvalitativno raziskavo so bile vključene štiri osnovne šole iz osrednje slovenske regije. Vzorec je zajemal štiri učiteljice razrednega pouka in štiri šolske svetovalne delavke. Za zbiranje podatkov sem uporabila polstrukturiran intervju in podatke obdelala s postopkom kvalitativne analize. Pri procesu kodiranja sem uporabila deduktivni in induktivni pristop. Uporabila sem deskriptivno metodo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da učiteljice razrednega pouka in svetovalne delavke v ospredje svojega razumevanja duševnega zdravja postavljajo salutogeni model in osnovni šoli pripisujejo pomembno vlogo pri varovanju duševnega zdravja otrok in mladih. Zaradi epidemije pri otrocih in mladih zaznajo pojavnost sprememb na različnih področjih in oblikujejo ustrezne odzive, usmerjene v varovanje duševnega zdravja. V lastno delovanje vključujejo strategije, metode in pristope varovanja duševnega zdravja in v šolskem okolju razvijajo varovalne dejavnike in preprečujejo dejavnike tveganja. Na individualni ravni in na ravni celotne šole izpostavijo možnosti za izboljšavo področja varovanja duševnega zdravja in morebitne ovire za implementacijo ter možnosti za njihovo preseganje. Z magistrskim delom sem želela raziskati možnosti šole pri varovanju duševnega zdravja otrok in mladih ter odpreti prostor za izboljšavo tega področja.


osnovna šola;otroci in mladostniki;duševno zdravje;epidemija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Javornik]
UDC: 364.622:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 148358403 Link will open in a new window
Views: 13
Downloads: 6
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Protecting the mental health of children and adolescents in slovenian primary schools
Secondary abstract: The Master's Thesis is dealing with the research of children's and adolescents' mental health protection in Slovenian primary schools. In the theoretical part the meaning of mental health is explained and the key concepts in this filed are presented. I am focused on the mental health in the period of childhood and adolescence. In order to fully understand the definition of mental health I use an Eco social systemic explanatory model and the concept of protective factors and risk factors. Mental health is placed into social context and the impact of the epidemics and restrictions on mental health is presented. Further on I focus on the role of primary school and those working there to protect children's and adolescents' mental health. The theoretical part is concluded by presenting various activities and strategies, methods and approaches to protect mental health in primary school. Additionally I present some national as well as international findings on the topics. The empirical part deals with researching the understanding of mental health among primary school teachers and consultants in primary school and their views of the role that primary school has about mental health protection. Primary school is a universal institutional place where all children meet and primary school therefore has, when the mental health issues increase, a unique opportunity to play the protective role. The temporary ways of protecting mental health are presented as well as detected protective factors. I was researching the impact of the epidemics on the mental health of children and adolescents as well as the opportunities how to improve the protection of mental health. Qualitative research included four primary schools from central Slovenia. The model includes four primary school teachers and four school counsellors. For data collecting I used half-structured interview and then I processed the data by qualitative analysis. Deductive and inductive approach was used for coding. I also used the descriptive method. The results revealed that the teachers and the school counsellors focus on the Salutogenic model and consider school to be very important for children's and adolescent's mental health protection. Due to the epidemics, various changes were noticed therefore different strategies of protecting mental health were developed. Their work includes strategies, methods and approaches to protect mental health in school environment and they develop protective factors and prevent risk factors. Individually and on the school level they expose possibilities to improve the area of mental health protection; they present possible obstacles in implementation as well as possibilities of their excession. In my Master's Thesis I wanted to research the possibilities that schools have concerning the protection of children's and adolescents’ mental health.
Secondary keywords: primary school;children and adolescents;mental health;epidemics;Socialna pedagogika;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (79 str.))
ID: 18519006