diplomsko delo
Magdalena Franc (Author), Milica Lahe (Mentor), Miran Muhič (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu Debelost pri predšolskih otrocih v Slovenskih goricah smo opisali, kaj je debelost, vzroke za nastanek debelosti, kako debelost vpliva na zdravje in rast otrok ter kakšne so posledice debelosti. Spregovorili smo o pomenu zdrave prehrane in gibalne aktivnosti za zdravo življenje. Opisali smo vlogo vzgojiteljice pri soočanju z debelim otrokom in pomen njenega sodelovanja s starši. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli s pomočjo ankete med vzgojiteljicami v vrtcih na območju Slovenskih goric. Namen raziskave je dobiti podatke, kolikšen je delež debelih otrok v vrtcih, vpliv vzgojiteljic na oblikovanje jedilnikov, koliko in kakšne gibalne dejavnosti izvajajo, oblike sodelovanja s starši debelih otrok ter kako te otroke obravnavajo v vrtcu. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da je debelost pri predšolskih otrocih v vrtcih prisotna. Vzgojiteljice nimajo vpliva na oblikovanje jedilnikov v vrtcih, imajo pa pomembno vlogo pri navajanju na zdravo prehranjevanje. Gibalno športne aktivnosti izvajajo vsakodnevno v obliki iger na igrišču vrtca, sprehodov in iger na snegu. Vzgojiteljice, ki se srečujejo z debelimi otroci, jih spodbujajo pri gibalnih aktivnostih in navajanju na zdravo prehrano. Takšne otroke v svojih oddelkih obravnavajo enakopravno in jih ne izpostavljajo. Vzgojiteljice se v okviru sodelovanja s starši debelih otrok premalo dogovarjajo za skupno ukrepanje.


predšolska vzgoja;predšolski otroci;debelost;Slovenske gorice;zdrava prehrana;gibanje;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Franc]
UDC: 61(043.2)
COBISS: 17733128 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3528
Downloads: 366
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The diploma paper, Obesity among pre-school children in Slovenske Gorice, defines the term obesity, by what it is caused, how it affects health and growth, and describes the consequences of the illness. Moreover, it deals with the importance of wholesome food and physical activity in order to have a healthy life. We have described the role of a kindergarten pedagogue while confronting an obese child and the significance of teacher-parent communication. The empirical part of the paper introduces research results that had been gathered by a questionnaire, given to kindergarten teachers in the Slovenske Gorice region. The purpose of the investigation was to gather data on the number of obese children attending kindergarten, the influence of the pedagogues on shaping the menu, the amount and type of exercises that are performed, teacher-parent interaction, and how the children are being dealt with in the kindergarten. The results have shown that child obesity in kindergarten is present. The pedagogues have no influence on the menus. However, they play an important role in educating the children about healthy nutrition. Exercise and sports are carried out on a daily basis by different games on the playground, walks and activities on the snow. The kindergarten pedagogues, who come across obese children, stimulate them at physical activities and educate them about wholesome food. The children are being dealt with equally and are not being exposed. The teachers have noticed though that not enough measures had been taken in the co-operation with the parents.
Secondary keywords: obesity;pre-school children;healthy nutrition;physical activity;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo
Pages: 79 f., [5] f. pril.
Keywords (UDC): applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;
ID: 18590