mediacijska vloga samokontrole in kakovosti spanja
Katarina Maučec (Author), Vita Štukovnik (Mentor), Katja Košir (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo raziskali povezanost kronotipa, študijske uspešnosti, samokontrole in kakovosti spanja. Zanimalo nas je tudi, ali lahko povezavo med kronotipom in študijsko uspešnostjo razložimo s samokontrolo in kakovostjo spanja. V raziskavo smo vključili 544 slovenskih študentov, od teh je bilo 56,1 % žensk. Povprečna starost udeležencev je znašala 21,61 leta. Študenti, ki so sestavljali vzorec, so prihajali iz različnih univerz, fakultet, študijskih programov in letnikov. Kronotip smo merili z Vprašalnikom jutranjosti in večernosti MEQ, samokontrolo s Kratko lestvico samokontrole BSCS, kakovost spanja s Pittsburškim vprašalnikom kakovosti spanja PSQI, za študijsko uspešnost pa smo uporabili dve meri, in sicer objektivno (tj. povprečno oceno zimskega izpitnega obdobja 2022/23) in subjektivno (tj. subjektivno oceno študijske uspešnosti glede na referenčno skupino pri študiju). Rezultati so pokazali statistično pomembno povezanost med vsemi spremenljivkami. Jutranjost se je pozitivno povezovala z obema merama študijske uspešnosti, s samokontrolo ter kakovostjo spanja. Prav tako sta se tudi obe meri študijske uspešnosti pozitivno povezovali s samokontrolo in kakovostjo spanja. Mediacijske analize so pokazale, da samokontrola popolnoma mediira odnos med kronotipom in obema merama študijske uspešnosti. Povezava med kronotipom in objektivno mero študijske uspešnosti se je pokazala kot neodvisna od kakovosti spanja. Povezava med kronotipom in subjektivno mero študijske uspešnosti pa je bila delno posredna preko kakovosti spanja. V diskusiji magistrske naloge smo razložili rezultate in predstavili njihovo uporabno vrednost, pomanjkljivosti naše raziskave in ideje za prihodnje raziskave.


magistrska dela;kronotip;študijska uspešnost;samokontrola;kakovost spanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [K. Maučec]
UDC: 159.963.2:37.091.8-055.1(043.2)
COBISS: 154751235 Link will open in a new window
Views: 264
Downloads: 90
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The link between chronotype and academic achievement among slovene students: the mediating role of self-control and sleep quality
Secondary abstract: The present master’s thesis researches the link between one’s chronotype, academic achievement, self-control, and sleep quality. Moreover, we examine whether self-control and sleep quality could explain the link between one's chronotype and academic achievement. Our research included 544 Slovene students, 56.1% of which were female. The average age of the participants was 21.61 years. The students in the sample attended different universities, faculties, and study programmes, and were in different years of studies. The chronotype was measured with the Morningness-Eveningness questionnaire (MEQ), self-control with the Brief-Self Control Scale (BSCS), sleep quality with the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), and academic achievement was determined using two measures, i.e., the objective (i.e., the average grade for the winter 2022/2023 exam period) and the subjective (i.e., the subjective assessment of one’s academic achievement according to the reference group in one’s studies) measure. The results show a statistically relevant link between all variables. Morningness positively correlates with both measures of academic achievement, i.e., self-control and sleep quality. Furthermore, both measures of academic achievement positively correlate with self-control and sleep quality. Mediation analyses revealed that self-control fully mediates the relation between one's chronotype and both measures of academic achievement. The link between one's chronotype and the objective academic achievement measure was established irrespective of sleep quality. However, the link between one's chronotype and the subjective academic achievement measure was determined partially indirectly, i.e., via sleep quality. In the Discussion section, we elaborate on the results and present the practical value as well as the shortcomings of our research and ideas for further research.
Secondary keywords: master theses;chronotype;academic achievement;self-control;sleep quality;Spanje;Učenje in poučevanje;Samonadzor;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (X, 79 str.))
ID: 18830347