diplomsko delo
Nina Kovač (Author), Lučka Lorber (Mentor)


Vloga prometa, ki je pomemben element okolja in kot terciarna dejavnost pomembno prispeva h gospodarskemu razvoju ter hkrati deluje kot povezovalec prostora, danes vse bolj narašča. Vse več ljudi potuje, vse več blaga je potrebno prepeljati na druge lokacije in skladno s tem so se pojavile zahteve po boljši in učinkovitejši infrastrukturi, ki omogoča varen ter kvaliteten prevoz ljudi in blaga. Ozemlje Slovenije je pomembno prometno vlogo zaradi svoje geografske lege imelo že v zgodovini. Tudi danes, ko prednostno nalogo EU na področju skupne transportne politike predstavljajo PAN evropski koridorji, dejstvo, da preko ozemlja Slovenije potekata V. in X. koridor, potrjuje, da Slovenija še vedno predstavlja pomembno transportno in tranzitno območje. Občina Slovenj Gradec. Je ena tistih regij, ki je omenjena koridorja ne sekata in zaradi oddaljenosti od obeh koridorjev predstavlja neizkoriščeno sekundarno središče v tem delu države. Slovenj Gradec kot sedež edine Koroške mestne občine ter pravno, gospodarsko, bančno, šolsko, informacijsko, oskrbovalno in prometno središče Mislinjske doline in Koroške nasploh, mora biti ravno zaradi te pomembnosti in koncentracije storitev prometno povezan z ostalimi občinami Koroške, kot tudi z ostalo Slovenijo in tujino. Tukaj so skoncentrirane dejavnosti in funkcije, na katere gravitira širše območje celotne regije. Vendar prometna infrastruktura ne sledi potrebam gospodarskega razvoja. Gradbeno-tehnično stanje prometnega omrežja je neustrezno. Kljub izboljšavam cestne infrastrukture v zadnjih letih, so cestne povezave slabe in nepretočne, kar zavirajoče vpliva na gospodarske dejavnosti in prometno dostopnost. Ključnega pomena za občino Slovenj Gradec je izgradnja Tretje razvojne osi, katere cilj je povečati dostopnost in integracijo prostora zunaj obstoječih panevropskih koridorjev. Pomembna so tudi vlaganja v prometno infrastrukturo, saj obstoječe cestno omrežje v občini ne nudi želenih in potrebnih potovalnih hitrosti, hkrati je ob naraščajoči količini prometa vprašljiva tudi kapaciteta cest.


geografija;promet;infrastruktura;dostopnost;Slovenj Gradec;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [N. Kovač]
UDC: 91(043.2)
COBISS: 17961480 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2796
Downloads: 280
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The role of transport which is an important element of the environment and as the tertiary activity contributes to economic development and it also works as the integratore of area, is rising. People are travelling, goods have to be transported around the world and all this demands a better and more effective infrastructure which would provide safe and high quality transport. Slovenian teritory had an important traffic role because of its geographic location also in the past. Even nowadays, when PAN European corridors present the priority on the grounds of common transportation politics and corridors V. and X. go through Slovenia, is a fact that Slovenia presents an important transportational and transit role. Municipality Slovenj Gradec, which was looked in details, has an unenviable position because the two corridors mentioned before do not go through this region. That is why this region presents unused secundary center in this part of Slovenia. Slovenj Gradec, the main town of Carinthia, the only municipality and also legal, economic, banking, school, information, supply and transport center of Mislinjska valley and Carinthia in general must be connected with other towns of Carinthia and Slovenia as a whole and the abroad. There are some activities and functions concentrated here on which the rest of the region gravitites. But the important transport infrastructure does not follow the need of economic development. Building-technical state is insufficient. Although some road infrastructures were improved in last few years, road links are bad and not fluent and all these facts inhibit economic activities and traffic accessibility. The key solution of this problem is construction of the Third development axis. The goal is to improve the accessibility and integration of the space outside existing paneuropean corridors. Investments in traffic infrastructure are important, because this existing road network does not offer the needed travelling speed. Also the capacity of the roads is questonable because of the large quantity of traffic.
Secondary keywords: Traffic;traffic geography;traffic infrastructure;traffic accessibility;Third development;Slovenj Gradec;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za geografijo
Pages: 162 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;geography;exploration of the earth and of individual countries;travel;regional geography;geografija;raziskovanje zemlje in posameznih držav;potovanja;regionalna geografija;
ID: 18889
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