magistrsko delo
Namen magistrskega dela je bila predstavitev karateja za predšolske otroke, v katerem smo predstavili najpomembnejše dejavnike, ki vplivajo na otrokov razvoj v predšolskem obdobju, opredelili smo, zakaj je športna dejavnost že v predšolskem času tako nujna za otrokov skladen telesni in gibalni razvoj ter kakšno vlogo igrajo športni pedagogi v življenju predšolskih otrok.
V vsebinskem delu smo se s pomočjo deskriptivne metode osredotočili in podrobneje predstavili program dela v karate klubu za predšolske otroke, v katerega smo vključili možnosti napredovanja otrok, vključno z njegovim izpitnim programom za vsako stopnjo posebej.
V nadaljevanju razprave smo predstavili različne vsebine drugih športov, ki vadbi predšolskim otrokom dajo širino, in temeljijo na izvajanju in prepletanju različnih gibalnih nalog. Te vsebine so osnovni judo elementi, osnovni gimnastični in atletski elementi in borilne igre.
Ker otroke v tej starostni skupini učimo preko igre, smo na koncu magistrskega dela podrobneje predstavili tudi nekaj značilnih iger, ki jih uporabljamo v uvodno pripravljalnem delu, v glavnem delu vadbene enote ter na koncu oziroma v zaključnem delu vadbene enote z njihovimi opisi. Nekatere od njih smo oplemenitili s slikovnim gradivom.
Predstavljeni program karateja za predšolske otroke je posebno prilagojen program otrokom starim štiri in pet let. Otroci v tem življenjskem obdobju potrebujejo gibanje in v največji meri gibalne izkušnje. Menimo, da bo magistrsko delo pomembna strokovna podlaga oziroma pomoč vsem učiteljem, vaditeljem in vzgojiteljem za vodenje predšolskih otrok pri vadbi karateja.
šport;otroci;predšolski otroci;biološki razvoj;gibalni razvoj;gibalne sposobnosti;športni pedagog;karate;vadba;oprema;izpiti za višje pasove;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FŠ - Faculty of Sport |
Publisher: |
[K. Stišovič] |
UDC: |
796.853.26-053.4 |
Views: |
61 |
Downloads: |
13 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Karate for preschool children |
Secondary abstract: |
The purpose of the master's thesis was to present karate for preschool children, in which we presented the most important factors that influence the child's development in the preschool period, we defined why sports activity is so necessary already in the preschool period for the child's harmonious physical and movement development and what role it plays sports pedagogues play a role in the lives of preschool children.
In the substantive part, with the help of the descriptive method, we focused and presented in more detail the program of work in the karate club for preschool children, in which we included the possibilities of children's advancement, including its examination program for each level separately.
In the continuation of the discussion, we presented the various contents of other sports, which give preschool children exercise breadth, and are based on the implementation and interweaving of various movement tasks. These contents are basic judo elements, basic gymnastic and athletic elements and martial arts.
Since we teach children in this age group through play, at the end of the master's thesis we also presented in more detail some typical games that we use in the introductory preparatory part, in the main part of the training unit and at the end or in the final part of the training unit with their descriptions. We enriched some of them with pictorial material.
The presented karate program for preschool children is a specially adapted program for children aged four and five. Children in this period of life need movement and, to the greatest extent, movement experiences. We believe that the master's thesis will be an important professional basis or help for all teachers, trainers and educators for guiding preschool children in practicing karate. |
Secondary keywords: |
sport;preschool children;karate;movement skill;role of a sport teacher; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za šport |
Pages: |
89 f. |
ID: |
19014998 |