diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študijskega programa I. stopnje
Liposomi so vezikli v obliki sfere, sestavljeni iz enega ali več fosfolipidnih dvoslojev. Med seboj se razlikujejo po lipidni sestavi, velikosti, površinskem naboju in načinu priprave. So eni izmed najbolj raziskanih nosilcev učinkovin in imajo pred tradicionalnimi dostavnimi sistemi številne prednosti, kot so ciljna dostava učinkovine, biokompatibilnost, biorazgradljivost, nizka toksičnost itd. Velika prednost liposomov je tudi v možnosti enkapsulacije učinkovine tako v hidrofilni kot v hidrofobni del. Študije liposomov in enkapsulacija naravnih učinkovin v njih postajajo s hitrim razvojem nanotehnologije vse bolj obsežne in zaželene. V kozmetični industriji se smilj uporablja že vrsto let. Kožo pomlajuje, obnavlja in pomirja ter nanjo deluje antioksidativno in protivnetno. Eterično olje in hidrolat se največkrat pridobita s parno destilacijo. Sta izjemno redka in dragocena produkta, vendar v kakovostni kozmetiki nepogrešljiva.
Diplomsko delo prikazuje sintezo liposomov brez inkorporirane učinkovine in z inkorporirano učinkovino. Za sintezo liposomov smo uporabili metodo hidracije tankega lipidnega filma s 5-mm steklenimi kroglicami, ki je potekala 24 ur pri 20 ºC in 200 rpm. Kot organsko topilo smo uporabili kloroform. Učinkovino smo enkapsulirali v hidrofobni in hidrofilni del.
V hidrofobni del smo poskušali enkapsulirali eterično olje smilja, vendar sinteza ni bila uspešna. Po uparjanju organskega topila je na dnu bučke nastala rumena usedlina, po stresanju na stresalniku ob prisotnosti pufra PBS pa je na stenah ali na dnu bučke nastala rumenkasto-bela snov. Medtem ko smo v hidrofilni del uspešno enkapsulirali hidrolat smilja šestih različnih koncentracij (150 mg/mL, 175 mg/mL, 200 mg/mL, 225 mg/mL, 250 mg/mL in 300 mg/mL).
Za določitev stabilnosti, oblike in velikosti vseh sintetiziranih liposomov smo izmerili njihov zeta potencial, velikosti delcev in indeks polidisperznosti (PDI). Rezultati kažejo, da so bili vsi sintetizirani liposomi stabilni, homogene oblike in primerne velikosti. Njihov zeta potencial je znašal od –45,9 mV do –54,8 mV, velikost delcev od 178,9 nm do 204 nm in PDI od 0,373 do 0,448.
Po sintezi liposomov z enkapsuliranim hidrolatom smilja smo določili njegovo učinkovitost enkapsulacije v liposome in učinkovitost sproščanja iz liposomov. V obeh primerih smo uporabili dializno tehniko. Rezultati so pokazali, da je bila najvišja učinkovitost enkapsulacije hidrolata smilja dosežena pri koncentraciji 200 mg/mL in je znašala 55,6 %. Pri tej koncentraciji je bil dosežen tudi najvišji odstotek sproščanja hidrolata smilja, in sicer 64,1 %. Nazadnje smo proučili ujemanje kinetike sproščanja hidrolata iz liposomov s petimi matematičnimi modeli, ki se uporabljajo za napovedovanje profila sproščanja učinkovin iz liposomov. Izmed vse petih se k našim eksperimentalnim podatkom sproščanja hidrolata smilja iz liposomov s koncentracijo 200 mg/mL najbolje prilega Korsmeyer-Pappasov model.
Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov lahko rečemo, da so sintetizirani liposomi primerni za uporabo v različnih industrijskih panogah, kot so kozmetična, farmacevtska, živilska in kmetijska industrija. Z uspešno enkapsulacijo hidrolata smilja v liposome smo pridobili sodobno transportno obliko za stabilizacijo naravne učinkovine, ki se lahko uporabi v kozmetični industriji za pripravo raznih losijonov in krem.
liposomi;smilj;hidracija;enkapsulacija učinkovine;sproščanje učinkovine;zeta potencial;indeks polidisperznosti;velikost delcev;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
Publisher: |
[N. Savec] |
UDC: |
577.115:665.68(043.2) |
Views: |
65 |
Downloads: |
7 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Formulation of nanolipid vesicles for the cosmetics industry |
Secondary abstract: |
Liposomes are spherical vesicles composed of one or more phospholipid bilayers. They differ in lipid composition, size, surface charge, and method of preparation. They are one of the most studied drug carriers and have many advantages over conventional delivery systems, such as targeted delivery of the drug, biocompatibility, biodegradability, low toxicity, etc. Another major advantage of liposomes is the ability to encapsulate the drug in both the hydrophilic and hydrophobic parts. Studies on liposomes and the encapsulation of natural active ingredients in them are becoming more extensive and desirable with the rapid development of nanotechnology. Immortelle has been used in the cosmetic industry for many years. It has a rejuvenating, regenerating and soothing effect on the skin and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The essential oil and hydrolates are mostly obtained by steam distillation. They are extremely rare and precious products, but indispensable in high quality cosmetics.
The thesis shows the synthesis of liposomes without and with incorporated drug. For the synthesis of liposomes, the method of hydration of a thin lipid film with 5-mm glass beads was used, which was carried out at 20 ºC and 200 rpm for 24 hours. Chloroform was used as the organic solvent. The active ingredient was encapsulated into a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic part.
Attempts were made to encapsulate immortelle essential oil into the hydrophobic part, but the synthesis was unsuccessful. After evaporation of the organic solvent, a yellow precipitate formed at the bottom of the flask, and after shaking on a shaker in the presence of PBS buffer, a yellow-white substance formed on the walls or bottom of the flask. The hydrophilic portion was successfully encapsulated with six different concentrations of immortelle hydrolates (150 mg/mL, 175 mg/mL, 200 mg/mL, 225 mg/mL, 250 mg/mL, and 300 mg/mL).
To determine the stability, shape and size of all synthesised liposomes, their zeta potential, particle size and polydispersity index (PDI) were measured. The results show that all synthesised liposomes were stable, homogeneous in shape and of reasonable size. Their zeta potential ranged from –45.9 mV to –54.8 mV, particle size from 178.9 nm to 204 nm, and PDI from 0.373 to 0.448.
After synthesis of liposomes with encapsulated immortelle hydrolate, the efficiency of encapsulation in liposomes and the efficiency of release from liposomes were determined. In both cases, the dialysis technique was used. The results showed that the highest encapsulation efficiency of immortelle hydrolate was achieved at a concentration of 200 mg/mL, which was 55.6 %. At this concentration, the highest percentage of release of immortelle hydrolate was also achieved, which was 64.1 %. Finally, the fit of the release kinetics of the hydrolate from liposomes was studied with five mathematical models used to predict the release profile of the active ingredients from liposomes. Of the five models, the Korsmeyer-Pappas model best fits our experimental data on the release of immortelle hydrolate from liposomes at a concentration of 200 mg/mL.
Based on the obtained results, it can be said that the synthesised liposomes are suitable for use in various industries such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food and agriculture. The successful encapsulation of immortelle hydrolate in liposomes provides a modern transport formulation for stabilising the natural active ingredient, which can be used in the cosmetics industry for the production of various lotions and creams. |
Secondary keywords: |
liposomes;immortelle;hydration;encapsulation efficiency;comulative release;zeta potential;polydispersity index;particle size.; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (XIV, 49 f.)) |
ID: |
19831225 |