diplomsko delo
Sara Debenec (Author), Damjan Maletič (Mentor)


Management kakovosti je aktivnost nadzora nad vsemi nalogami, ki jih je potrebno izvesti, da se obdrži določena raven kakovosti. To vključuje izboljšanje, zagotavljanje in nadzor kakovosti, kot tudi politiko, oblikovanje in načrtno izvajanje kakovosti. Najpogostejši način za izboljšanje kakovosti organizacij je zagotavljanje skladnosti s standardi kakovosti s strani Mednarodne organizacije za standardizacijo (ISO). Integriran sistem vodenja je sistem v katerega je vključenih več ISO standardov v en celovit sistem vodenja. Namen diplomskega dela je raziskava in analiza integriranega sistema vodenja v proizvodnem podjetju. Podjetje ima v svoj integriran sistem vodenja vpeljane štiri mednarodne standarde: SIST EN ISO 9001, SIST EN ISO 14001, SIST EN ISO/IEC 27001 IN SIST EN ISO 45001. Na podlagi pregleda literature, raziskave in analize integriranega sistema vodenja smo podali pohvale in morebitne predloge za izboljšave. Ugotovili smo, da je proizvodno podjetje, pri katerem smo analizirali integracijo sistemov managementa v celoti integrirano. To pomeni, da se aktivnosti, kot so notranje in zunanje presoje izvajajo hkrati. Zmanjšano je število dokumentov in stroškov. Povečana je učinkovitost in celosten pogled na organizacijo. Z rednimi notranjimi in zunanjimi pregledi skrbijo za svoj sistem vodenja in strmijo k nenehnim izboljšavam. Zaradi rasti in nenehnih sprememb prihaja do pomanjkljivosti in tveganj. Kot pomanjkljivost izpostavimo komunikacijo v podjetju in pomanjkljivo dokumentirane informacije.


kakovost;proces;integriran sistem vodenja;standardi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [S. Debenec]
UDC: 658.5
COBISS: 169280003 Link will open in a new window
Views: 33
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of integrated managment systems in production company
Secondary abstract: Quality management is the activity of controlling all the tasks that need to be performed in order to maintain certain level of quality. This includes quality improvement, assurance and control, as well as quality policy, design and planned implementation. The most common way to improve the quality of organizations is to ensure compliance with the quality standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). An integrated management system is a system in which several ISO standards are included in one comprehensive management system. The purpose of the thesis are research and analysis of an integrated management system in a manufacturing company. The company has introduced four international standards into its integrated management system: SIST EN ISO 9001, SIST EN ISO 14001, SIST EN ISO/IEC 27001 AND SIST EN ISO 45001. Based on the literature review, research and analysis of the integrated management system, we noticed advantages and suggestions for improvement.ad We found out that the manufacturing company is fully integrated. This means that activities such as internal and external audits are carried out simultaneously. The number of documents and costs have been reduced. Efficiency and a holistic view of the organization have increased. With regular internal and external inspections, they take care of their management system and aim for continuous improvement. Due to growth and constant change, there are shortcomings and risks. We point out communication in the company and insufficiently documented information as a disadvantage.
Secondary keywords: Upravljanje proizvodnje;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: VI, 54 f.
ID: 19859828