diplomsko delo
Aleksandra Korelec (Author), Nina Mešl (Mentor)


Otroci in mladostniki se lahko znajdejo v različnih stiskah, medvrstniškem nasilju, zlorabah v domačem okolju, eksperimentiranju z drogami itd. Včasih je potreben umik iz njihovega domačega okolja in v tovrstnih primerih se otroka ali mladostnika lahko namesti v krizni center za otroka in mladostnike. Krizni center je namenjen reševanju akutne krize in bivanje je okvirno omejeno na 21 dni. Po poteku bivanja pa naj bi se za otroka ali mladostnika iskala rešitev oziroma namestitev dolgotrajne oblike. Kar pa krizni center ni. Namen krizne intervencije je izboljšanje uporabnikovega delovanja, se pa od ostalih oblik pomoči razlikuje predvsem v časovnem okviru, omejenih ciljih, hitrosti in v sami aktivnosti udeleženih oseb. V diplomski nalogi sem raziskovanje namenila pristopu, ki temelji na razumevanju travme, vzgoji otrok, otrokovem navezovanju in kako poteka, različnim vrstam nasilja, ki se lahko vršijo znotraj družinskega kroga, in podpori otroku kot žrtvi nasilja. Po uvodni teoriji sem predstavila kvalitativno raziskavo, v kateri sem raziskovala, koliko je v kriznih centri časovno omejena krizna intervencija in kako je s časom bivanja v krizni centrih po sprejetju Družinskega zakonika leta 2019. Sogovornike sem povprašala tudi, kako deluje krizni center, na katerih teoretskih konceptih temelji delo strokovnih delavcev in teme izobraževanj, ki se jih udeležujejo. Moje ugotovitve so, da se bivanje otrok in mladostnikov v kriznih centrih podaljšuje, od sprejetja Družinskega zakonika, leta 2019 dalje. Krizni centri se tako ali drugače trudijo prilagajati na dolgotrajne namestitve, čeprav so vsi mnenja, da za to niso ustanovljeni, niti prilagojeni in jim je težko pri samem delu z otroki, ki so pri njih dalj časa.


krizni centri za otroke in mladostnike;travma;družina;vzgoja;mladostniki;nasilje v družini;krizne intervencije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Publisher: [A. Korelec]
UDC: 364.63-053.2/.6
COBISS: 201567747 Link will open in a new window
Views: 646
Downloads: 44
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: How much time-limited crisis intervention is still available in crisis centers?
Secondary abstract: Children and adolescents can find themselves in various hardships, peer violence, abuse in the home environment, experimentation with drugs, etc. Sometimes it is necessary to withdraw from their home environment and in such cases the child or adolescent may be placed in a crisis center for children and adolescents. The crisis center is intended to solve an acute crisis and the stay is tentatively limited to 21 days. After the stay, a solution or long-term accommodation should be sought for the child or young person. But the crisis center is not. The purpose of crisis intervention is to improve the user's functioning, but it differs from other forms of assistance mainly in terms of time frame, limited goals, speed and the actual activity of the persons involved. In my diploma thesis, I focused my research on an approach based on understanding trauma, raising children, the child's attachment and how it goes, different types of violence that can be perpetrated within the family circle, and support for the child as a victim of violence. After the introductory theory, I presented a qualitative research in which I investigated how much time-limited crisis intervention there is in crisis centers and how it is with the time of stay in crisis centers after the adoption of the Family Code in 2019. I also asked the interlocutors how the crisis center works, at which theoretical concepts are the basis of the work of professionals and the topics of the trainings they attend. My findings are that the stay of children and adolescents in crisis centers is getting longer, since the adoption of the Family Code in 2019. In one way or another, crisis centers try to adapt to long-term placements, although everyone is of the opinion that they are not set up or adapted for this, and it is difficult for them to work with children who stay with them for a long time.
Secondary keywords: crisis centers for children and adolescents;family;raising children;adolescents;domestic violence;crisis interventions;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo
Pages: 162 str.
ID: 19872182