diplomsko delo
Matic Ličer (Author), Boštjan Blažič (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga obravnava različne vidike polnjenja različnega števila električnih avtomobilov na električnem omrežju. Glavna tema diplomske naloge je prikazati razliko med polnjenjem v enem terminu in v treh terminih. Poleg tega preučuje različne možnosti polnjenja, in sicer polnjenje doma s polnilnicami manjših moči ali na javnih polnilnicah. Raziskava se osredotoča na prednosti in slabosti vsakega načina polnjenja, ob upoštevanju dejavnikov, kot so hitrost polnjenja, energetska učinkovitost in polnilna infrastruktura. Enofazno polnjenje je primerno za osnovne potrebe po polnjenju in je zlasti uporabno v stanovanjskih okoljih, kjer so nižje moči zadostne. Po drugi strani pa je trifazno polnjenje bolj primerno za hitrejše in učinkovitejše polnjenje, kar je pogosto na voljo na javnih polnilnih postajah in v komercialnih objektih. Omogoča polnjenje visoko zmogljivih električnih vozil in znatno skrajšuje čas polnjenja. Diplomska naloga se prav tako ukvarja s izzivi in možnostmi v zvezi z vključevanjem električnih vozil v obstoječe električno omrežje. Preučuje potencialne vplive na stabilnost omrežja in predlaga strategije za učinkovito upravljanje z večjimi obremenitvami zaradi polnjenja električnih vozil. Cilj naloge je prikazati vpliv polnjenja električnih vozil na omrežje, pri čemer bodo glavni indikatorji delovna moč transformatorja in napetosti na posameznih delih omrežja.


električna vozila;polnjenje;distribucijska omrežja;visokošolski strokovni študij;Aplikativna elektrotehnika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Publisher: [M. Ličer]
UDC: 629.331-83:621.316.1(043.2)
COBISS: 163512067 Link will open in a new window
Views: 25
Downloads: 10
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Impact of electric vehicles on the operation of a low-voltage distribution grid
Secondary abstract: The research deals with various aspects of charging different numbers of electric vehicles on the electric grid. The main theme of the research is to demonstrate the difference between charging in one session and charging in three sessions. Additionally, it explores different charging options, namely home charging with lower power charging stations or using public charging stations. The research focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of each charging method, considering factors such as charging speed, energy efficiency, and charging infrastructure. Single phase charging is suitable for basic charging needs and is particularly useful in residential environments where lower power levels are sufficient. On the other hand, three phase charging is more suitable for faster and more efficient charging, often available at public charging stations and commercial facilities. It allows charging high performance electric vehicles and significantly reduces charging time. The research also addresses the challenges and possibilities related to integrating electric vehicles into the existing electric grid. It examines potential impacts on the grid's stability and proposes strategies for effectively managing higher loads due to electric vehicle charging. The goal of the research is to demonstrate the impact of electric vehicle charging on the grid, with main indicators being the transformer's operating power and voltages at different parts of the grid.
Secondary keywords: electric vehicles;charging;distribution network;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 1000315
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za elektrotehniko
Pages: XIV, 51 str.
ID: 19896665