diplomsko delo
V diplomskem delu smo raziskali, kako lahko cilje kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje uresničujemo z izvedbo plesnih dejavnosti v skupini predšolskih otrok. Diplomsko delo sestavljata dva dela, in sicer teoretični in praktični del. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojem kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje, se seznanili s cilji in načeli kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje ter predstavili vlogo kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje v izobraževanju. Osredotočili smo se na eno izmed področij kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje, in sicer na področje plesne umetnosti, ki smo ga samostojno opredelili. Izpostavili smo pomen plesa za otrokov razvoj, plesne dejavnosti in vlogo odraslega pri načrtovanju in izvedbi le-teh. V praktičnem delu smo pripravili in izvedli osem plesnih dejavnosti, pri katerih smo izhajali iz ciljev kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje. Na podlagi evalvacij izvedenih dejavnosti v skupini otrok smo ugotovili, da so se otroci seznanili s pomenom kulturno-umetnostne vzgoje, saj so spoznavali različne kulture, lastno kulturno dediščino in razvijali kritičen odnos do kulture in umetnosti.
diplomska dela;kulturno-umetnostna vzgoja;plesna umetnost;plesne dejavnosti;predšolski otrok;načrtovanje dejavnosti v vrtcu;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM PEF - Faculty of Education |
Publisher: |
[T. Fijavž] |
UDC: |
373.2.015.31:793.3(043.2) |
Views: |
17 |
Downloads: |
1 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Arts and cultural education and dance activities in kindergarten |
Secondary abstract: |
The diploma thesis explored how we could realize the objectives of arts and cultural education by implementing dance activities in a group of preschool children. The diploma thesis is made up of two sections, namely a theoretical and a practical one. The theoretical section defines the concept of arts and cultural education, discusses the objectives and principles of arts and cultural education, and presents the role of arts and cultural education in the education system. We focused on a field within arts and cultural education, namely the art of dance, and defined it. We highlighted the importance of dance for a child's development, dance activities, and the role of adults in the planning and implementation of such activities. For the practical section we prepared and carried out eight dance activities, stemming from the objectives of arts and cultural education. Based on the evaluations of activities implemented in the group of children, we have determined that the children have realized the importance of arts and cultural education through learning about various cultures, their own cultural heritage, and developing a critical attitude towards culture and art. |
Secondary keywords: |
theses;arts and cultural education;art of dance;dance activities;preschool child;planning activities in kindergarten;Predšolska vzgoja;Ples;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela; |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za predšolsko vzgojo |
Pages: |
1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (IX, 51 str.)) |
ID: |
19898731 |