magistrsko delo
Maša Zorc (Author), Andreja Kvas (Reviewer), Jožica Zajc (Mentor), Marija Milavec Kapun (Co-mentor)


Uvod: Poporodno obdobje je zahtevno življenjsko obdobje, pri čemer medicinske sestre v patronažnem varstvu odigrajo pomembno vlogo. V času pandemije covida-19 so bili zdravstveni sistemi po različnih državah potisnjeni ob rob delovanja z namenom omogočanja zdravljenja pacientov s covidom-19; prav tako je pandemija vplivala na delovanje patronažnega varstva mladih družin. Namen: Namen raziskave v okviru magistrskega dela je proučiti področje patronažnega varstva žensk in otrok v času nosečnosti in po porodu v Sloveniji pred in med epidemijo covida-19 ter zbrati informacije o izkušnjah mladih družin o načinu delovanja patronažne službe. Metode dela: Uporabili smo kvantitativni in kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop. Podatke smo pridobili s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom. Sodelovali so moški in ženske, ki so postali starši pred in med epidemijo covida-19. Vprašalnik je v celoti izpolnilo 1076 anketirancev. Pri kvantitativnem delu analize podatkov smo uporabili neparametrični Mann Whitneyev test in Hi-kvadrat test. Kvalitativni del analize smo izvedli po metodi kvalitativne analize vsebine. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da so mlade družine z enim otrokom potrebovale več patronažnih obiskov kot družine, ki imajo več otrok, in da med številom članov v gospodinjstvu in potrebo po večjem številu patronažnih obiskov ni statistično značilne povezave. V Sloveniji je v času epidemije covida-19 patronažna služba opravljala obiske mladih družin po porodu kot pred epidemijo. Med mladimi družinami, ki so dobile otroka pred in med epidemijo covida-19, ni bilo razlik pri iskanju informacij o poporodnem obdobju na spletu. Možnost stika po telefonu s patronažno medicinskimi sestrami so bolje ocenili tisti, ki so imeli izkušnje s patronažo v času epidemije covida-19. Nekateri mladi straši si želijo patronažne obiske že pred porodom; priporočajo specializacijo s področja patronažnega varstva, od medicinskih sester pričakujejo več strokovnosti, poučevanja in sočuten odnos. Razprava in zaključek: Pri izvajanju patronažnih obiskov pred in med epidemijo covida-19 v Sloveniji ni bilo velikih razlik; delo v patronažni dejavnosti se je v času epidemije covida-19 razmeram prilagodilo z upoštevanjem ukrepov za preprečevanje širjenja okužb z virusom in večjo dosegljivostjo prek telefona. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno spremljati prilagoditev izvajanja patronažne dejavnosti in izvesti dodatne raziskave o možnostih izvajanja zdravstvenovzgojnih in drugih storitev zdravstvene nege na daljavo.


magistrska dela;zdravstvena nega;mladi starši;patronažno varstvo;poporodno obdobje;SARS-CoV-2;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [M. Zorc]
UDC: 616-083
COBISS: 167751683 Link will open in a new window
Views: 15
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Experiences of young families with community health nursing during the covid-19 epidemic
Secondary abstract: Introduction: The postpartum period is a difficult stage of life in which community health nurses play an important role. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many healthcare systems in different countries were at the edge of their ability to function to care for patients with COVID-19, and the pandemic also impacted the functioning of postpartum community health nursing for young families. Purpose: The master thesis study aims to explore the field of community health nursing of young families during pregnancy and postpartum in Slovenia during the COVID-19 epidemic and to collect suggestions from young families about the functioning of home care services. Methods: We used a quantitative and qualitative research approach. Data were collected using an online questionnaire. Participants in our survey were men and women who became parents during the COVID-19 epidemic. The questionnaire was completed by 1076 respondents. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney tests and chi-square tests were used for quantitative analysis whereas qualitative analysis of open-ended questions was performed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The findings of study highlight that young families who had their first child wanted more postpartum visits of community health nurses than families who already had children and that there is no statistically significant correlation between the number of household members and the need for visits of community health nurses. There were no differences between young families who searched the internet for information about the postpartum period during and before the epidemic COVID-19. Young parents who had a child during the epidemic COVID-19 rated the ability to contact the community health nurses by telephone more positively than parents who had a child before the epidemic. Some young parents wanted to have visits of community health nurses before childbirth. They recommended the specialization for community care nurses. They also expect nurses to be more professional and have a compassionate attitude. Discussion and conclusion: No significant differences were found in community health nursing visits implementation in Slovenia before and during the epidemic COVID-19. Community health nursing practices were adapted to the epidemic circumstances taking into account measures to prevent the spread of the virus and better accessibility through telephone communication. Prospects include monitoring community health nursing practices and investigating distance nursing outreach options.
Secondary keywords: master theses;nursing care;young parents;community health nursing;postpartum period;SARS-CoV-2;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za zdravstveno nego
Pages: 60 str., [13] str. pril.
ID: 20154387