magistrsko diplomsko delo
V magistrski diplomski nalogi obravnavam kaznivo dejanje zanemarjanja mladoletne osebe in surovo ravnanje iz 192. člena Kazenskega zakonika (KZ-1). Pravno varovana dobrina omenjene inkriminacije je mladoletna oseba oziroma njen psihični in telesni razvoj, kar je med drugim posledica tega, da danes otroku pripisujemo status posebnega subjekta sui generis, ki potrebuje posebno zaščito in varstvo tudi s strani države. Različnim pojmovanjem otroštva skozi zgodovino posvetim posebno poglavje z namenom prikaza, da temu ni bilo vedno tako in da tudi omenjena inkriminacija odraža družbene spremembe, ki so prispevale k varovanju otrokovega položaja znotraj družine. Slednjo posebej obravnavam z namenom utemeljitve, zakaj je otrok lahko ogrožen ravno znotraj nje, prikažem pa tudi temeljne značilnosti nasilja v družini, saj le to vpliva na otrokov razvoj in njegovo obnašanje v odrasli dobi. Starši imajo primarno pravico (in dolžnost) vzgajati otroka, pri čemer nastane problem pri opredelitvi dopustnih vzgojnih ukrepov, zlasti telesnega kaznovanja. Slednje je prepovedano, skladno s 3.a. členom Zakona o preprečevanju nasilja v družini (ZPND), lahko pa predstavlja tudi izvršitveno ravnanje po 192. členu KZ-1. Z namenom razmejitve med kaznivim in nekaznivimi ravnanji analiziram sodno prakso, ki se nanaša omenjeno kaznivo dejanje. Navedem tudi splošne značilnosti inkriminacije, saj le ta povzroča dileme tako na ravni zakonodajnega urejanja kot interpretacije s strani sodišč. Razjasniti poskušam ali inkriminacija spoštuje pravico do družinskega življenja, načelo legitimnosti in omejenosti represije in načelo zakonitosti. Zaključim, da zakonodajalec in sodna praksa omenjeno pravico in načela večinoma spoštujejo, kljub temu pa navedem tudi primere kršitev in odstopanj.
družina;otrok;telesno kaznovanje;zanemarjanje;surovo ravnanje;načelo zakonitosti;načelo legitimnosti;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2023 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL PF - Faculty of Law |
Publisher: |
[A. Smrkolj] |
UDC: |
343(043.2) |
Views: |
87 |
Downloads: |
40 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Criminal offence of neglecting a minor and cruel treatment |
Secondary abstract: |
In my master's thesis, I address the criminal offence of neglecting a minor and cruel treatment as defined in Article 192 of the Criminal Code. The legally protected interest of this offence is the minor person and their mental and physical development. This stems from the fact that we now attribute a special status to the child, recognizing them as a sui generis subject who requires special protection and care from the state. I dedicate a specific chapter to the various conceptions of childhood throughout history to demonstrate that it hasn't always been this way and that this incrimination reflects social changes that have contributed to the protection of a child's position within the family. I particularly focus on the family to justify why a child can be at risk within it. I also describe the fundamental characteristics of domestic violence since it affects a child's development and their behavior in adulthood. Parents have the primary right (and duty) to raise their child, but defining acceptable disciplinary measures, especially physical punishment, can be problematic. Physical punishment is prohibited according to Article 3.a of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA) and can also constitute a criminal offence under Article 192 of the Criminal Code. To distinguish between criminal and non-criminal actions, I analyze the case law related to this criminal offence. I also mention the general characteristics of the incrimination, as it raises dilemmas, both in terms of legislative regulation and interpretation by the courts. I attempt to clarify whether the incrimination respects the right to family life, the principle of legitimacy and limitation of repression, and the principle of legality. In conclusion, I find that, for the most part, the legislator and the judicial practice respect these rights and principles, but I also point out examples of violations and deviations. |
Secondary keywords: |
family;child;corporal punishment;neglecting;cruel treatment;principle of legality;principle of legitimacy; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak. |
Pages: |
52 f. |
ID: |
20202184 |