diplomsko delo
Sodobna podjetja morajo danes, če želijo uspeti, poleg objektivnih in funkcionalnih prednosti izdelka ali storitev ponuditi tudi ustrezno tržno komuniciranje, ki učinkovito diferencira izdelke ali storitve. Učinkovita in uspešna osebna prodaja je eno izmed ključnih instrumentov tržnega komuniciranja za doseganje konkurenčnih prednosti na trgu; zato je nujno, da podjetje sledi na tem področju novim trendom. Preučili smo osebno prodajo kot instrument tržnega komuniciranja podjetja Novoles d.d., ki želi z dobrim komuniciranjem, predvsem z osebno prodajo, uspešno nastopati na trgu in si s tem zagotoviti nadaljnjo rast in razvoj, ustvariti zadovoljstvo pri odjemalcih in vzpostaviti dolgoročne odnose z njimi. S pomočjo intervjujev z direktorjem in sodelavci prodajnega sektorja ter anketiranjem kupcev smo ugotovili, da je osebna prodaja najpomembnejši instrument tržnega komuniciranja, in da bi lahko z uporabo sodobnih pripomočkov pri prodajnih razgovorih podjetje doseglo še boljše poslovne rezultate.
komunikacijski splet;tržno komuniciranje;osebna prodaja;prodajni razgovor;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2008 |
Source: |
Ljubljana |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty |
Publisher: |
[F. Vovko] |
UDC: |
674:339.1 |
Views: |
1247 |
Downloads: |
371 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Personal sale as an instrument of market-communication web in a wood company |
Secondary abstract: |
To succeed nowadays companies have to offer, beside objective and functional advantages of products or services, also market communication, efficiently distributing products or services. To achieve competitive advantages on the market, efficient and successful personal selling is one of the most important instruments of market communication. Therefore, the company should follow new trends on this field. Personal selling, as an instrument of market communication, was researched in literature and on concrete cases. To achieve further growth and development, Novoles wants to perform on market successfully with good communication, above all with personal selling. We want users to be satisfied, and to establish long-term attitudes with them. In the sales sector, the manager and his collaborators were interviewed, and questionnaires sent to our buyers. Personal sale was found out to be the most important instrument of market communication. Using contemporary accessories at sales our company could achieve even better business results. |
Secondary keywords: |
communication web;marketing communication;personal sale;sales talk; |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Diplomsko delo, Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za lesarstvo |
Pages: |
VII, 53 f., [6 f. pril.] |
Keywords (UDC): |
applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;various industries;trades and crafts;razne industrije;obrti in rokodelstva;timber and woodworking industry;lesna industrija;social sciences;družbene vede;economics;economic science;ekonomija;ekonomske vede;trade;commerce;international economic relations;world economy;trgovina;tržišče;marketing;general questions of trade and commerce;market;splošna vprašanja o trgovanju in trgovini; |
ID: |
21368 |