
Slovnično izrazje slovenskega knjižnega jezika odraža razvoj svetovnega jezikoslovja, moje izrazje pa upošteva stanje od tridesetih let 20. stoletja. Kjer se le da, dajem prednost izrazom iz domačih besed in morfemov pred t. i. mednarodnimi grško-latinskimi (sedaj pa še zlasti pred angleškimi). Obravnavano in utemeljevano je izrazje vseh slovničnih ravnin jezikovnega ustroja (uvodoma tudi zvrstnostno): glasoslovno, pisno, besednovrstno (9 enot), skladenjsko, besedotvorno, deloma tudi besedoslovno. Moje izrazje torej nadaljuje izročilo M. Pohlina in njemu sledečega jezikoslovja v slovnicah, pozneje (v 20. stoletju) pa tudi v drugih jezikoslovnih vejah. Delni recidivi zadnjega časa, zlasti pri neslavistih, so zavračani.


slovenščina;jezikoslovje;terminologija;20. st.;slovenski jezikoslovci;Toporišič;Jože;1926-2014;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 0 - Not set
Organization: UL FF - Faculty of Arts
UDC: 811.163.6'373.46:81'1:929Toporišič J.
COBISS: 71972450 Link will open in a new window
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The grammatical nomenclature in the Slovene standard language reflects developments in world linguistics, while the terminology that I use takes account of the state of affairs since the 1930s. Wherever possible, I give preference to expressions derived from domestic words and morphemes rather than international Greek-Latin derivations (or, more recently, English ones). My contribution contains a discussion of and justification of the nomenclature used at every grammatical level of the language system (and in an introductory way, also its functional varieties): phonological, written, part-of-speech (9 units), syntactical, word-formational and, to some extent, word-grammatical. My nomenclature continues Pohlin's tradition and that of the grammars that followed it - as well as, later (in the 20th century), other branches of linguistics. Recent partial relapses, in particular among those from outside Slovene studies, are rejected.
Secondary keywords: Slovene language;linguistics;therminology;20th century;Slovene linguists;
Pages: Str. 401-413
ID: 23384843
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