magistrsko delo
Celotna družba in njeno prebivalstvo se čedalje bolj stara, kar pomeni, da je vse večji delež ljudi starejši od 65 let. Trenutni trend v demografskem razvoju zahteva temeljite družbene spremembe na področju socialnega varstva, vključevanja starostnikov v družbo, zaposlovanja- itd. Centri za socialno delo se dnevno srečujejo s starejšo populacijo ljudi, ki se znajde v finančnih težavah bodisi zaradi nizkih prihodkov, zdravstvenih težav, nepričakovano povečanih mesečnih stroškov- itd. Razkorak med prihodki in nepredvidenimi izdatki vodi v neplačane mesečne položnice, tožbe, izvršbe, čemur velikokrat sledi deložacija. Opažajo, da je več kot polovica takih ljudi starejša od 60 let. Podatki tudi kažejo, da so starejše ženske še posebej izpostavljene revščini in zaradi tega velikokrat iščejo finančno pomoč na Centru za socialno delo. V magistrski nalogi želim izpostaviti problematiko samskih žensk, ki se preživljajo z nizkimi prihodki in zaradi tega potrebujejo izredno denarno socialno pomoč. Raziskati želim, kakšni so razlogi, ki vodijo v revščino, ter kako lahko odobrena vloga za izredno denarno socialno pomoč pomaga pri premagovanju finančnih težav starejših samskih žensk. Poudariti želim, kako lahko izredna socialna pomoč pripomore k lažjemu preživljanju oziroma občutku socialne varnosti. Teoretični del naloge se nanaša na težave in stiske starejših samskih oseb. Raziskovalni del naloge zajema vprašalnik, s katerim sem intervjuvala osebe, ki so podale vlogo za izredno denarno socialno pomoč. S svojo nalogo sem skušala dokazati, da je v materialni in finančni stiski vedno več starejših žensk. Že vsa ta leta dela v referatu za izredno denarno socialno pomoč opažam, da prihaja k nam vedno več starejših samskih žensk. To je bil tudi povod, da sem se odločila za pisanje magistrske naloge s tem naslovom. Za dokaz je velik razpon med številom intervjuvanih žensk in številom intervjuvanih moških, ki pridejo po izredno denarno socialno pomoč na Center za socialno delo Savinjsko-Šaleška, enota Velenje. Razpon med številom intervjuvanih žensk in moških v magistrski nalogi, ki zaprosijo za izredno denarno socialno pomoč na Center za socialno delo, predstavlja zanimiv podatek in pomemben indikator za razumevanje materialne in finančne stiske starejših žensk v družbi. To dejstvo lahko uporabim kot dokaz za trditev, da je v materialni in finančni stiski vedno več starejših samskih žensk. Intervjuvala pa sem tudi strokovne delavke, ki delajo na področju izredne denarne socialne pomoči, s čimer sem želela pridobiti tudi njihov pogled in vidik na stisko starejših samskih oseb.
revščina;izredna denarna socialna pomoč;starejše samske ženske;centri za socialno delo;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2024 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UL FSD - Faculty of Social Work |
Publisher: |
[A. Švenda] |
UDC: |
364.66-053.9-055.2 |
Views: |
353 |
Downloads: |
29 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
The entire society and its population is getting older and older, and consequentially more and more people are older than 65 years. The current trend in demographic development demands thorough societal changes in the field of the social security, inclusion of the elderly in the society, employment etc. Centers for Social Work encounter elderly people on the daily basis that either find themselves in financial trouble due to low income, medical problems, unexpected increases of monthly costs etc. The gap between income and unexpected expenses leads to unpaid monthly payment slips, lawsuits, executions by court order, often followed by eviction. They find that more than half of such people are over 60 years old. The data also show that older women are particularly exposed to poverty and as a result, they often seek financial aid at the Center for Social Work. In the master’s thesis, I want to highlight the issue of single women that make a living with low income and need extraordinary social assistance benefit in cash. I want to investigate what are the reasons that lead to poverty and how an approved application for extraordinary social assistance benefit in cash can help older single women overcome financial problems. I want to emphasize how extraordinary social assistance can help make living easier or to feel a sense of social security. The theoretical part of the thesis refers to the problems and distress of single elderly people. The research part of the thesis includes a questionnaire that was used to interview people who applied for extraordinary monetary social assistance. With my thesis, I tried to prove that there are more and more elderly women in material and financial distress. All these years I have been working in the department for extraordinary monetary social assistance, and I have noticed that more and more elderly single women are coming to us for help. This was also the reason why I decided to use this title for my master’s thesis. The proof is the large gap between the number of interviewed women and men who come to the Center for Social Work for extraordinary monetary social assistance in Savinjsko-Šaleška region, branch office Velenje. The gap between the number of interviewed women and men in the master’s thesis who apply for extraordinary monetary social assistance at the Center for Social Work is an interesting piece of information and an important indicator for understanding the material and financial distress of older women in society. I can use this fact as evidence for the claim that there are more and more elderly single women in material and financial distress. I also interviewed professional workers who work in the field of extraordinary monetary social assistance, as I also wanted to obtain their view and perspective on the distress of elderly single people. |
Secondary keywords: |
poverty;extraordinary monetary social assistance;elderly single women;centers for social work; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Study programme: |
0 |
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): |
1970-01-01 |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za socialno delo |
Pages: |
83 str. |
ID: |
23394074 |