diplomsko delo
Anja Cmrekar (Author), Klemen Bohinc (Reviewer), Čedomir Oblak (Mentor), Franc Rojko (Co-mentor)


Uvod: V zadnjih desetletjih se je v implantologiji pojavila želja po nadomestitvi kovine. Na podlagi do zdaj raziskanih mehanskih, optičnih, bioloških in estetskih lastnosti so strokovnjaki cirkonijevo oksidno keramiko ocenili kot obetavno alternativo. Keramični implantati so bili sprva enodelni, kasneje pa so se na trgu pojavili dvodelni keramični implantati. Sestavljeni so iz vsadka, v katerega lahko privijačimo ali cementiramo implantni opornik in nanj pritrdimo prevleko. Ta je lahko izdelana iz cirkonijeve oksidne keramike ali litijeve disilikatne keramike. Današnja tehnologija računalniško podprtega oblikovanja in izdelave omogoča izdelavo estetskih keramičnih restavracij z ustreznimi mehanskimi, optičnimi in biološkimi lastnostmi. Namen: V diplomskem delu predstavljamo uporabo in lastnosti dvodelnih keramičnih implantatov. Opisani in predstavljeni so vsi laboratorijski postopki izdelave polnokeramičnih prevlek na vijačenih cirkonijevih implantnih opornikih, na keramičnih implantatih. Predstavljamo materiale in njihove lastnosti ter načine uporabe. Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela smo si pomagali s strokovno literaturo, pridobljeno v spletnih bazah PubMed, Google Učenjak in Science Direct. Iskanje smo omejili na literaturo, izdano po letu 2012. V laboratoriju smo izdelali prevleko za dvodelni keramični implantat v predelu manjkajočega desnega prvega zgornjega ličnika. Rezultati: Manjkajoči zgornji ličnik je bil nadomeščen s keramičnim implantatom Z-Systems (Z- Systems, Oensingen, Švica). Stanje iz ust je bilo v zobni laboratorij preneseno z elastomernim odtisom. S programom 3Shape dental designer (3Shape, Kobenhavn, Danska) smo optično prebrali modele in izbrani konfekcijski implantni opornik. V programu Exocad (Exocad, Darmstadt, Nemčija) smo načrtovali brezkovinsko keramično prevleko in jo izrezkali iz litijevega disilikata IPS e.max CAD LT (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenštajn). Po kristalizaciji prevleke smo na reducirano bukalno ploskev slojili keramiko e.max Ceram (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenštajn). Sledila je individualizacija prevleke z barvnimi odtenki IPS Ivocolor Shade in peko glazure IPS Ivocolor Glaze Paste (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Lihtenštajn). Razprava in zaključek: Cirkonijeva oksidna keramika je zaradi dobrih mehanskih lastnosti in biokompatibilnosti danes v izbranih kliničnih indikacijah material, ki v dentalni implantologiji vse pogosteje nadomešča titan. Posledica hitrega tehnološkega razvoja so nove generacije cirkonijevih keramičnih materialov z izboljšanim videzom, funkcionalnostjo in večjo zanesljivostjo v klinični uporabi.


diplomska dela;laboratorijska zobna protetika;dvodelni keramični vsadki;cirkonijeva oksidna keramika;polnokeramična prevleka;tehnologija CAD/CAM v implantologiji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL ZF - University College of Health Studies
Publisher: [A. Cmrekar]
UDC: 616.31
COBISS: 195449859 Link will open in a new window
Views: 38
Downloads: 2
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Laboratory procedures of coping manufacturing on two-piece ceramic implants
Secondary abstract: Introduction: Over the past few decades, there has been a desire for the use of an alternative to metal. The mechanical, optical, biological and aesthetic properties studied so far have presented zirconia ceramics as a promising replacement. Ceramic implants were initially one-piece. Two-piece ceramic implants were later presented to the market. They consist of an implant body into which the implant abutment can be screwed or cemented and a coping attached to it. The coping can be made of zirconium oxide ceramics or lithium disilicate ceramics. Today's computer-aided design and manufacturing technology has made it possible to produce aesthetic ceramic restorations with appropriate mechanical, optical and biological properties. Purpose: In this diploma work, we will present the use and properties of two-part ceramic implants. All laboratory procedures for the production of a full-ceramic coping on a screwed zirconium implant will be described and presented. The materials, their properties and methods of use will also be presented. Methods: The writing of this diploma work was carried out with the use of literature found in web databases such as PubMed, Google Scholar and Science Direct. The search has been limited from the year 2012 onward. A coping was made in the lab on a two-piece ceramic implant, placed in the area of the right upper first premolar. Results: The missing premolar was replaced with a ceramic implant from Z-Systems (Z-Systems, Oensingen, Switzerland). The condition was transferred to a dental laboratory with an elastomeric impression. Using the 3Shape dental designer software (3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark), we optically read the models and the implant abutment. With the use of Exocad (Exocad, Darmstadt, Germany), we designed and milled the coping from lithium disilicate IPS e.max CAD LT (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein). After crystallization of the coping, e.max Ceram (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) was applied to the reduced buccal surface. This was followed by the individualization of the coping using IPS Ivocolor Shade and baking glaze IPS Ivocolor Glaze Paste (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein). Discussion and conclusion: Due to its good mechanical properties and biocompatibility, zirconium oxide ceramics is a material that is increasingly replacing titanium in dental implantology in selected clinical indications. Rapid technological development has led to new generations of zirconium ceramic materials with improved aesthetics, functionality and greater reliability in clinical use.
Secondary keywords: diploma theses;laboratory dental prosthetics;two-piece ceramic implants;zirconium oxide ceramic;full ceramic coping;CAD/CAM technology in implantology;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fak., Oddelek za protetiko
Pages: 44 str.
ID: 23674461