magistrska naloga
Ksenija Starič (Author), Janez Kolar (Mentor)


Digitalna transformacija predstavlja pomemben dejavnik za vsako sodobno podjetje, ki želi uspeti v hitro spreminjajočem se digitalnem okolju. V magistrskem delu se osredotočamo na proces digitalne transformacije v družinskem podjetju Pan-Jan d. o. o. Cilj raziskave je bil raziskati kritično literaturo s področja digitalne transformacije in uporabniške izkušnje, nato pa v empiričnem delu analizirati obstoječe stanje v podjetju, in sicer na področjih upravljanja odnosov s strankami (CRM sistem), kibernetske varnosti in digitalne prisotnosti na spletu. Posebna pozornost je bila namenjena prenovi spletne strani in uporabniški izkušnji. Raziskava je potrdila izboljšano uporabniško izkušnjo obiskovalcev spletne strani ter povišano stopnjo informacijske varnosti v podjetju.


digitalna transformacija;kibernetska varnost;sistem CRM;spletna stran;prenova spletne strani;Pan-Jan;uporabniška izkušnja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: FIŠ - Faculty of Information Studies
Publisher: [K. Starič]
UDC: 004:005
COBISS: 205650435 Link will open in a new window
Views: 63
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Digital transformation is an important factor for every modern company that wants to succeed in a rapidly changing digital environment. This master's thesis brings into focus the process of digital transformation in the family-owned business Pan-Jan d. o. o. The goal of the research was to first evaluate the critical literature in the field of digital transformation and user experience, then follow with the empirical part of the research, where the goal was to analyse an existing situation in the company, namely the areas of customer relationship management (CRM system), cyber security and digital presence. Special attention was dedicated to the company website’s redesign and the incorporated user experience. The research confirmed the improved user experience of website visitors and the increased level of information security in the company.
Secondary keywords: digital transformation;cyber security;CRM system;website;website redesign;Pan-Jan;user experience;Univerzitetna in visokošolska dela;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Fakulteta za informacijske študije v Novem mestu
Source comment: Na ov.: Magistrska naloga : študijskega programa druge stopnje;
Pages: XVII, 115 str.
ID: 24862697