diplomsko delo
Eva Prosen (Author), Robert Veberič (Reviewer), Helena Šircelj (Mentor)


Med najpogostejše povzročitelje bolezni sodijo bakterije, virusi in glive. Proti bakterijam se najpogosteje spopadamo z antibiotiki. Zaradi preobsežne in neprimerne uporabe, pa so se začele bakterije prilagajati in razvijati odpornost. Proti nekaterim okužbam, ki jih povzročajo mikroorganizmi sploh še ni razvitih zdravil ali preventivnih sredstev za preprečevanje okužb. Zaradi teh težav se vedno bolj povečuje povpraševanje po alternativnih protimikrobnih sredstvih, ki so bolj učinkovita in hkrati manj strupena za ljudi. Pri tem imajo velik potencial naravne bioaktivne spojine, ki jih sintetizirajo različni organizmi, med drugimi tudi rastline. Na vsebnost kemijskih spojin s protimikrobni učinki v rastlinah vplivajo biotski in abiotski dejavniki. Najpogostejše spojine, ki imajo potencialne protimikrobne učinke v rastlinah so polifenolne spojine, alkaloidi, terpeni in nekatere žveplo vsebujoče spojine. Te spojine lahko proti mikrobom delujejo same, lahko delujejo sinergistično v kombinaciji z drugimi rastlinskimi spojinami ali pa z že obstoječimi antibiotiki. Mikroorganizmi povzročajo tudi kvarjenje hrane, zato so učinki bioaktivnih rastlinskih spojin pomembni tudi v živilstvu. Rastlinske bioaktivne snovi so uporabne tudi kot konzervansi v hrani ali kot užitni filmi. Pri tem imajo največji potencial predvsem nekatere začimbe in zelišča.


užitne rastline;protimikrobno delovanje;polifenoli;terpeni;alkaloidi;konzervansi;užitni filmi;antibiotiki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher: [E. Prosen]
UDC: 633.88(043.2)
COBISS: 208803331 Link will open in a new window
Views: 26
Downloads: 4
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Edible plants with antimicrobial effects
Secondary abstract: The most common causes of infections include bacteria, viruses, and fungi. We most often combat bacteria with antibiotics. However, due to excessive and improper use, bacteria have begun to adapt and develop resistance. For some infections caused by microorganisms, there are still no developed treatments or preventive measures to prevent infections. Because of these challenges, there is a growing demand for alternative antimicrobial agents that are more effective and at the same time less toxic to humans. In this regard, natural bioactive compounds synthesized by various organisms, including plants, have great potential. The content of chemical compounds with antimicrobial effects in plants is influenced by biotic and abiotic factors. The most common compounds with potential antimicrobial effects in plants are polyphenolic compounds, alkaloids, terpenes, and some sulfur-containing compounds. These compounds can act against microbes on their own, synergistically in combination with other plant compounds, or with existing antibiotics. Microorganisms also cause food spoilage, so the effects of bioactive plant compounds are also important in the food industry. Plant bioactive compounds are also useful as preservatives in food or as edible films. Spices and herbs, in particular, have the greatest potential in this regard.
Secondary keywords: edible plants;antimicrobial activity;polyphenols;terpenes;alkaloids;preservatives;edible films;antibiotics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak., Oddelek za agronomijo
Pages: 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (VI,17 str., [3] str. pril.))
ID: 25124184
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