karnivorstvo vs. vegetarijanstvo
Jelena Aleksić (Author)


Besedilo je poskus pregleda temeljnih teoretskih pristopov pri preučevanju hrane in hranjenja. V jedrnem delu znotraj postrukturalistične paradigme poda interpretacijo povezave med telesnostjo, subjektivnostjo in diskurzom glede na simbolne pomene in kulturne konotacije hrane. S sklepno analizo besedila (uvodnikov v kuharske knjige) je nakazan primer diskurzivno podloženega preučevanja vegetarijanstva in karnivorstva kot temeljnih prehranskih oziroma kulturnih obrazcev. Ta se skozi zgodovino in v praksi ne izključujeta, temveč sta mestoma komplementarna, drugod pa opozicijska, predvsem kadar eden izmed njiju nastopa kot družbeno gibanje.


sociologija prehrane;ideologija;človekovo telo;subjektivnost;Sociologija prehrane;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 316:612.39
COBISS: 20492637 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 1341
Downloads: 249
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Other data

Secondary language: Unknown
Secondary title: Ideology of food
Secondary abstract: The text represents a review of fundamental theoretical approaches within the framework of food studies. In the focal part, in terms of the poststructuralistic paradigm, it presents an interpretation of the interconnection of embodiment, subjectivity and discourse with special attention to symbolic meanings and cultural connotations. The closing text analysis points out an example of discoursively determined examination of vegetarianism and carnivority as two basic food or cultural schemes. Throughout history and in praxis the two do not exclude themselves, but are sometimes complementary and sometimes oppositional, especially when one of them plays the role of a social oppositional movement.
Secondary keywords: sociology of nutrition;ideology;human body;subjectivity;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 307-327
Volume: ǂLet. ǂ38
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ2
Chronology: mar.-apr. 2001
Keywords (UDC): social sciences;družbene vede;sociology;sociologija;applied sciences;medicine;technology;uporabne znanosti;medicina;tehnika;medical sciences;medicina;physiology;human and comparative physiology;fiziologija;fiziologija človeka in primerjalna fiziologija;alimentation;eating;digestion;nutrition;prehranjevanje;hranjenje;prebava;nutracija;
ID: 36535
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