diplomsko delo
Suzana Berlak (Author), Tone Ravnikar (Mentor)


Slovenska Bistrica se je razvila iz vaškega jedra, imenovanega Gradišče, okrog leta 1147. Pri vasi je leta 1227 nastal trg in nato leta 1310 mesto. Pridevek ''Slovenska'' je dobila Bistrica šele v drugi polovici 16. stoletja z namenom, da bi se ločila od ''Nemške'' Bistrice (''Deutsche Freistritz'') pri Gradcu. Slednja je šele konec 16. stoletja postala trg. V srednjem veku se ''naša'' - Slovenska Bistrica imenuje vedno le Bistrica. V diplomskem delu je poimenovana s polnim imenom - Slovenska Bistrica. Prednost Slovenske Bistrice je v legi, in s tem povezano trgovino. Leži namreč na vozlišču pomembnih cest proti Mariboru in Ptuju. Prvi znani zgodovinski viri povezani z mesti Ptuj, Maribor in Slovenska Bistrica so ohranjeni kot vinske pravice oziroma pravica do skladiščenja vina, ki jih je vojvoda Albert II., leta 1339, izdal kot pravico meščanom Slovenske Bistrice. Z mestoma Maribor in Ptuj so sklepali raznovrstne sporazume povezane z vinskim trgovanjem. Zaradi nenehnih sporov okrog prevoza vina so Bistričani z obema mestoma prišli do prave ''vinske vojne''. Slednja se je začela v 14. stoletju in ob koncu srednjega veka še vedno ni bila končana. Pravice, ki so si jih vsa tri mesta lastila, so bile ravno tako stoletja sporne. S transportom vina je povezana tudi bistriška trgovina. Trgovali so predvsem z vinom, lodnom, usnjem, kožami, voskom, oljem, suknom, oblačili in drugo robo. Vzporedno z razvojem trgovine se je razvijala tudi obrt. Najpomembnejše obrti v srednjeveški Slovenski Bistrici so bile usnjarstvo in predelovanje lodna in tudi čevljarstvo, mesarstvo, peka kruha, kovinarstvo, vlivanje zvonov, tekstilstvo, steklarstvo in zidarstvo.


zgodovina;srednji vek;Slovenska Bistrica;obrt;obrtniki;trgovina;trgovci;vinska vojna;skladiščna pravica;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Maribor
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [S. Berlak]
UDC: 93/94(043.2)
COBISS: 19933448 Link will open in a new window
Views: 3300
Downloads: 376
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Slovenska Bistrica developed around the year 1147 from a centre of a village called Gradišče. In 1227 a square formed next to the village and in 1310 a town developed. A title "Slovenska" Bistrica got in the second half of the 16th century to be separated from "Nemške (German)" Bistrica (''Deutsche Freistritz'') near Graz. The latter became a square at the end of the 16th century. In the Middle Ages "our - Slovenska" Bistrica was always called only Bistrica. In my diploma thesis I have used the full name - Slovenska Bistrica. The significance of Slovenska Bistrica laid in the situation of important roads to Maribor and Ptuj and the trade connected to it. The first known historical sources, which connect Ptuj, Maribor and Slovenska Bistrica, are kept as wine rights or as a right to storage wine issued by the duke Albert II in the 1339 as a right of townspeople of Slovenska Bistrica. Different agreements for wine trade were made with Maribor and Ptuj. A "wine war" broke out between the towns, because of the constant disagreements about wine transportation. The latter started in 14th century and was still not over at the end of the Middle Ages. The rights owned by all three towns were disputable for centuries. Bistrica trade was connected to the wine transportation. They were mostly trading wine, loden fabric, leather, hide, wax, oil, cloth, clothes and other goods. Next to the trade development craft was developing as well. The most important craft in the middle-aged Slovenska Bistrica was leather trade and loden fabric making, but also shoemaking, butchery, bread baking, metallurgy, bell casting, textile industry, glazier's trade and bricklaying.
Secondary keywords: history;the Middle Ages;Slovenska Bistrica;craft;craftsmen;trade;merchants;wine war;a storage right.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za zgodovino
Pages: 89 f.
Keywords (UDC): geography;biography;history;geografija;biografija;zgodovina;history;zgodovina;
ID: 81797
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