diplomsko delo
Lučka Drganc (Author), Mitja Krajnčan (Mentor)


Socialni pedagog v planinski skupini


doživljajska pedagogika;planinska skupina;socialni pedagogi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [L. Drganc]
UDC: 37.091.3(043.2)
COBISS: 8896585 Link will open in a new window
Views: 865
Downloads: 854
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Social pedagogy and the mountain group
Secondary abstract: In my diploma work I present one of the possibilities to work as the social pedagogue in the school. In the introduction I write about the issue of social pedagogy and about the work of social pedagogues, about their competences and their qualifications to work with pupils. I mention the postmodern society and young people. The product of modern style of life is the separation between people and nature. Similarly the children are less and less connected with outside environment, because they spend most of their free time inside. Then I present the mountain group. The mountain group is the school course and is part of the activities school offers and because of this fact I discuss also the modern school and ways to spend free time. School courses present important part of lifelong learning. The basic part discusses mountaineering and work with mountain group. I present the plan of work and all the activities we carried out in this school year. I took into account the aspects of empirical pedagogy and mountain goals and knowledge. Children and the youth in the group and through experiences in nature get new dimensions of place and time, they satisfied their need for moving, being successful. The need to beat the effort, the need to experience adventures, the need to play, the need to positive emotional experiences, the need to associate are also satisfied. They improve their self-confidence and improve their knowledge about mountains and nature. The children and youth that are satisfied with themselves and admire themselves have less difficulties in solving conflicts. They are also better prepared to avoid negative influence from outside and these are precious experiences for life. They are better prepared for future challenges.
Secondary keywords: open air activities;extra-curricular activities;dejavnosti na prostem;interesne dejavnosti;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 75 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Social pedagogy and the mountain group
Keywords (ePrints): socialna pedagogika
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): social pedagogy
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu predstavljam eno od možnosti delovanja socialnega pedagoga v šoli. V uvodu pišem o usmerjenosti socialne pedagogike ter o delovanju socialnega pedagoga, o njegovih kompetencah in njegovih kvalifikacijah za delovanje v šoli. Dotaknem se postmoderne družbe in mladih. Način življenja v sodobni družbi je prinesel tudi večjo ločenost človeka od narave in okolja. Podobno so tudi otroci vedno bolj odtujeni od zunanjega okolja, saj je njihovo preživljanje prostega časa vedno bolj povezano z dejavnostmi v zaprtih prostorih. V nadaljevanju predstavljam planinsko skupino. Ker je planinska skupina organizirana kot interesna dejavnost in je del šolskega mozaika, je nekaj besed namenjenih tudi današnji šoli in preživljanju prostega časa. Interesne dejavnosti so pomemben del vseživljenjskega učenja. Osrednji del je namenjen planinstvu in delu s planinsko skupino. Predstavljam program dela s planinsko skupino, ki sem ga izvedla v tem šolskem letu. V njega sem vključila načela in cilje doživljajske pedagogike in planinske vsebine ter cilje. Otroci in mladostniki znotraj skupine ter doživetij v naravi pridobivajo nove prostorske in časovne dimenzije, zadovoljijo potrebo po gibanju, po doseganju uspeha, po premagovanju napora, po doživljanju dogodivščin, potrebo po igri, po ugodnem čustvenem doživljanju, potrebo po druženju. Dejavnost pa jim omogoča tudi razvijanje socialnih spretnosti, izboljša zmožnosti samozavedanja in samovrednotenja, hkrati pa pozitivne izkušnje omogočijo pozitivno samopodobo. Ob vsem tem pa mladi pridobivajo tudi planinsko znanje… Otroci in mladostniki, ki so zadovoljni s seboj in se cenijo, velikokrat lažje in bolj uspešno rešujejo različne konflikte in se upirajo negativnim pritiskom okolja, s tem pa pridobivajo ključne izkušnje za življenje. Bolje so opremljeni za prihodnje izzive.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my diploma work I present one of the possibilities to work as the social pedagogue in the school. In the introduction I write about the issue of social pedagogy and about the work of social pedagogues, about their competences and their qualifications to work with pupils. I mention the postmodern society and young people. The product of modern style of life is the separation between people and nature. Similarly the children are less and less connected with outside environment, because they spend most of their free time inside. Then I present the mountain group. The mountain group is the school course and is part of the activities school offers and because of this fact I discuss also the modern school and ways to spend free time. School courses present important part of lifelong learning. The basic part discusses mountaineering and work with mountain group. I present the plan of work and all the activities we carried out in this school year. I took into account the aspects of empirical pedagogy and mountain goals and knowledge. Children and the youth in the group and through experiences in nature get new dimensions of place and time, they satisfied their need for moving, being successful. The need to beat the effort, the need to experience adventures, the need to play, the need to positive emotional experiences, the need to associate are also satisfied. They improve their self-confidence and improve their knowledge about mountains and nature. The children and youth that are satisfied with themselves and admire themselves have less difficulties in solving conflicts. They are also better prepared to avoid negative influence from outside and these are precious experiences for life. They are better prepared for future challenges.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): social pedagogy
ID: 8308000