otrok in pomoč otroku ob njegovem doživljanju ločitve staršev
Nina Brglez (Author), Alenka Kobolt (Mentor), Jana Rapuš-Pavel (Co-mentor)


Med dvema ognjema


ločitev ali razveza


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Brglez]
UDC: 173.1(043.2)
COBISS: 8910409 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1104
Downloads: 1142
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Caught in the middle
Secondary abstract: The diploma work represents the process of a divorce or separation through perspective of children, who have experienced the divorce or separation of their parents. In the theoretical part, families and changes in the forms of family life, the child’s experience of his or her parents divorce, the relationship between parents and children in the time of their cohabitation and in the event of a divorce are described. Possible forms of help to children after the divorce of their parents are also described in this part. The empirical part uses the qualitative analysis of four interviews, by which a more integrated insight into the child’s experience of the process of a divorce is represented. Four children of age thirteen to fifteen, whose parents divorced, were interviewed. Results are represented in the following content sections: family life before the divorce, the child’s experience of the process of a divorce, changes or consequences of the divorce, relationships and organization of family life after the divorce, child’s relations with the absent parent, child’s experience with the new partner of his or her parent, child’s elements of support and perspective on the divorce or separation of his or her parents. The survey confirms that a divorce affects and disturbs all family members. Duration of child’s adjustment to the divorce depends on his or her parent’s behaviour in the time of the divorce. Children who witness parent’s hostility and anger adjust much longer to the divorce and they also have emotional and behavioural problems.
Secondary keywords: divorce;family;parent-child relation;ločitev;družina;odnos med starši in otrokom;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: VI, 142 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Caught in the middle
Keywords (ePrints): ločitev ali razveza
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): divorce or separation
Abstract (ePrints): Naloga prikazuje proces ločitve ali razveze zakona skozi perspektivo otrok, ki imajo izkušnjo z razvezo oziroma ločitvijo staršev. V teoretičnem delu opisujem družine in spremembe oblik družinskega življenja, otrokovo doživljanje ločitve staršev, razmerje med starši in otroki v času skupnega bivanja in v primeru razveze. V tem delu predstavim tudi možne oblike pomoči otrokom po ločitvi. V empiričnem delu sem s kvalitativno analizo štirih intervjujev z otroki, starimi od trinajst do petnajst let, katerih starši so se razvezali, poskušala dobiti bolj celosten pogled v otrokovo doživljanje procesa ločitve staršev. Rezultate predstavim v vsebinskih sklopih: družinsko življenje pred ločitvijo, otrokovo doživljanje procesa ločitve, spremembe oziroma posledice ločitve, odnosi in organizacija življenja v družini po ločitvi, stiki otroka z odsotnim staršem, izkušnje z novimi partnerji staršev, otrokovi podporni dejavniki ter pogled na razvezo oziroma ločitev staršev. Raziskava potrjuje, da ločitev vpliva in vznemiri vse družinske člane. Trajanje otrokovega prilagajanja na ločitev je zelo odvisno tudi od obnašanja staršev v času ločitve. Otroci, ki so priča odkriti sovražnosti med staršema, se na ločitev prilagajajo veliko dlje. Zraven tega imajo otroci, katerih starši ohranjajo jezo in medsebojno sovraštvo, večje čustvene in vedenjske težave.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The diploma work represents the process of a divorce or separation through perspective of children, who have experienced the divorce or separation of their parents. In the theoretical part, families and changes in the forms of family life, the child’s experience of his or her parents divorce, the relationship between parents and children in the time of their cohabitation and in the event of a divorce are described. Possible forms of help to children after the divorce of their parents are also described in this part. The empirical part uses the qualitative analysis of four interviews, by which a more integrated insight into the child’s experience of the process of a divorce is represented. Four children of age thirteen to fifteen, whose parents divorced, were interviewed. Results are represented in the following content sections: family life before the divorce, the child’s experience of the process of a divorce, changes or consequences of the divorce, relationships and organization of family life after the divorce, child’s relations with the absent parent, child’s experience with the new partner of his or her parent, child’s elements of support and perspective on the divorce or separation of his or her parents. The survey confirms that a divorce affects and disturbs all family members. Duration of child’s adjustment to the divorce depends on his or her parent’s behaviour in the time of the divorce. Children who witness parent’s hostility and anger adjust much longer to the divorce and they also have emotional and behavioural problems.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): divorce or separation
ID: 8308110
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