diplomsko delo
Mojca Mahkovic (Author), Milena Blažič (Mentor)


Obravnava proze in poezije Lile Prap v prvem triletju


Praprotnik Zupančič;Lilijana;1955-;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Mahkovic]
UDC: 373.3:821.163.6(043.2)
COBISS: 8905801 Link will open in a new window
Views: 870
Downloads: 767
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Interpretation of Lila Prap´s fiction and poems in the first triad
Secondary abstract: The presented thesis is divided into two main parts. The first one, which is mainly theoretical, presents the biography and the bibliography of the famous Slovene writer and illustrator Lilijana Praprotnik Zupančič, also known as Lila Prap. She has graduated from a school for architecture and has always wanted to be creative. She has been a free lance artist since 1989. She is a room decorator, a graphic designer, she creates caricatures, she writes and illustrates books for children. She is known for her fiction as well as for her artistic creations. She has started her own artistic expression which is abstract and widely recognised at the same time; there is nothing too much or too little in it. She is an important creator of the authorial picture books. She has received several awards in Slovenia and abroad. The bibliography, shown in the thesis, presents shortly the book collections that were discussed with my school pupils. The second part of the thesis, which is mainly empirical, describes the project that was carried out cross-curricularly in the literature classes, child custody, art, music, craft and environmental classes. The project was organised at Ivan Cankar Primary School in Trbovlje. It was carried out during the additional literature classes in the first cycle of the compulsory 9-year-long elementary school education. The general as well as the functional and the educational aims of the literature class were intertwined with the aims of some other classes. The students listened to the stories, read them, they analyzed the prose texts and poems and they were involved in different after-reading and after-listening activities. The final part of the thesis presents the outcome of the project, the conclusions; the initial hypotheses, presented at the beginning of the empiric part, have been either confirmed or reversed. The students were familiar with the poet, writer and illustrator Lila Prap because of her cartoon characters and the picture stories that are available in the school library. On the other hand, the students were not aware that Lilijana Praprotnik Zupančič is her real name, neither they were familiar with those works that had been published under her original name. They were not familiar with her collections Zgodbe in nezgodbe (Stories and Not-stories), Resnične pravljice in pripovedke (The Real Fairy Tales and Narratives) nor Jezične zgodbe (Tattling Stories).
Secondary keywords: picture book;slikanica;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 61 str., [20] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Interpretation of Lila Prap´s fiction and poems in the first triad
Keywords (ePrints): Lilijana Praprotnik Zupančič
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Lilijana Praprotnik Zupančič
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na dva dela. V prvem, teoretičnem delu, sem predstavila biografijo in bibliografijo pesnice, pisateljice in ilustratorke Lilijane Praprotnik Zupančič, znane tudi pod umetniškim imenom Lila Prap. Lila Prap je po poklicu arhitektka, vendar jo je želja po odkrivanju novega in ustvarjalnega že leta 1989 pripeljala v poklic svobodne umetnice. Kot svobodna umetnica se preživlja z opremljanjem prostorov, grafičnim oblikovanjem, karikaturo in pisanjem ter risanjem za otroke. Umetnica je znana in cenjena tako na literarnem, še bolj pa na likovnem področju. Ustvarila je svoj likovni izraz, ki je abstrakten in prepoznaven hkrati pa v tem izrazu ni ničesar preveč niti premalo. Je pomembna ustvarjalka avtorskih slikanic. Za svoja dela je prejela številne domače in tuje nagrade in priznanja. V bibliografiji bom na kratko predstavila njene zbirke, ki smo jih obravnavali pri pouku. V drugem, empiričnem delu, sem prikazala »projekt«, ki sem ga izvedla pri urah književne vzgoje, v jutranjem in popoldanskem varstvu z medpredmetnim povezovanjem z likovno, glasbeno, tehnično vzgojo in spoznavanjem okolja. Delo je potekalo na osnovni šoli Ivana Cankarja v Trbovljah pri dodatnih urah književne vzgoje v prvem triletju devetletne osnovne šole. Pri tem sem upoštevala splošne, funkcionalne in izobraževalne cilje književne vzgoje, ki sem jih povezala s cilji drugih predmetnih področij. Pri urah književne vzgoje so učenci poslušali, brali, analizirali prozna besedila in pesmi ter poustvarjali z različnimi nalogami. V zaključku diplomskega dela sem analizirala opravljeno delo, zapisala ugotovitve ter ovrgla ali potrdila hipoteze, ki sem jih predvidevala na začetku empiričnega dela. Učenci so poznali pesnico, pisateljico in ilustratorko Lilo Prap preko njenih likov iz risank ter po slikanicah, ki jih imamo v naši knjižnici. Niso pa je poznali pod njenim pravim imenom Lilijana Praprotnik Zupančič, niti niso poznali njenih književnih del, pod katere se je podpisala s pravim imenom. Tako niso poznali zbirk: Zgodbe in nezgodbe, Resnične pravljice in pripovedke ter Jezične zgodbe.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The presented thesis is divided into two main parts. The first one, which is mainly theoretical, presents the biography and the bibliography of the famous Slovene writer and illustrator Lilijana Praprotnik Zupančič, also known as Lila Prap. She has graduated from a school for architecture and has always wanted to be creative. She has been a free lance artist since 1989. She is a room decorator, a graphic designer, she creates caricatures, she writes and illustrates books for children. She is known for her fiction as well as for her artistic creations. She has started her own artistic expression which is abstract and widely recognised at the same time; there is nothing too much or too little in it. She is an important creator of the authorial picture books. She has received several awards in Slovenia and abroad. The bibliography, shown in the thesis, presents shortly the book collections that were discussed with my school pupils. The second part of the thesis, which is mainly empirical, describes the project that was carried out cross-curricularly in the literature classes, child custody, art, music, craft and environmental classes. The project was organised at Ivan Cankar Primary School in Trbovlje. It was carried out during the additional literature classes in the first cycle of the compulsory 9-year-long elementary school education. The general as well as the functional and the educational aims of the literature class were intertwined with the aims of some other classes. The students listened to the stories, read them, they analyzed the prose texts and poems and they were involved in different after-reading and after-listening activities. The final part of the thesis presents the outcome of the project, the conclusions; the initial hypotheses, presented at the beginning of the empiric part, have been either confirmed or reversed. The students were familiar with the poet, writer and illustrator Lila Prap because of her cartoon characters and the picture stories that are available in the school library. On the other hand, the students were not aware that Lilijana Praprotnik Zupančič is her real name, neither they were familiar with those works that had been published under her original name. They were not familiar with her collections Zgodbe in nezgodbe (Stories and Not-stories), Resnične pravljice in pripovedke (The Real Fairy Tales and Narratives) nor Jezične zgodbe (Tattling Stories).
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Lilijana Praprotnik Zupančič
ID: 8308188