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Rejnikovo odzivanje na čustvene in vedenjske težave otrok


rejništvo;starševske prakse;navezanost;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Poglajen Ručigaj]
UDC: 37.013.42-347.633(043.2)
COBISS: 8962889 Link will open in a new window
Views: 942
Downloads: 284
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Foster parent's responsiveness to the child's emotional and behavioural problems
Secondary abstract: This paper discusses the challenge foster parents face in being able to give their foster children a good parenting experience. Namely, prior to placement foster children are often victims of abuse and neglect, which is why they sometimes develop various psychosocial problems. Therefore, foster parents need to acquire a range of skills to help them meet the child's developmental needs. It is a well known fact that some parents have more parenting qualities than others. The aim of this study is to examine if there is a difference in emotional and behavioural problems of foster children as related to gender and children’s age at the time of foster placement, and also if there is a connection between three specific parenting behaviours (warmth/involvement, monitoring and consistent discipline) and the different groups of emotional and behaviour problems of foster children. The results of the t-test show a statistically significant difference in emotional and behavioural problems of foster children as related to gender, but not in the children’s age at the time of foster placement. The findings also indicate a significant difference in foster parent consistency in discipline (and, to a lesser extent, also in monitoring) as related to the perceived level of emotional and behavioural problems of foster children. The study also confirms that foster parent consistency in discipline is the only parenting practice that predicts, in a statistically significant way, both internalizing and externalizing problems of foster children. Monitoring predicts externalizing problems, whereas warmth/involvement does not predict either of the problems. This study will contribute to a better understanding of the complex relationship between the foster child, who might carry the heavy burden of unpleasant past experiences, and the foster parent, who wants to give his child the best possible parenting experience. The topic is relevant in terms of addressing the issue on raising children, where I see foster parenthood as a very specific and difficult task.
Secondary keywords: parents;emotional disorder;behaviour disorder;starši;čustvene motnje;motnje vedenja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljni pedagoški študij
Pages: 189 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Foster parent's responsiveness to the child's emotional and behavioural problems
Keywords (ePrints): rejništvo
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): fostering
Abstract (ePrints): V magistrski nalogi se ukvarjam z izzivom rejnikov, da otrokom v rejništvu zagotovijo dobro starševsko izkušnjo. Pri tem izhajam iz teoretičnih izhodišč, ki govorijo, da so bili rejniški otroci pred vstopom v rejništvo pogosto žrtve zlorab in zanemarjanja ter da izkazujejo različne psihosocialne težave. Od svojih rejnikov zato v vzgojnem procesu zahtevajo mnogo starševskih kvalitet, pri čemer izkazujejo nekateri rejniki več starševskih veščin od drugih. Namen naloge je preučiti, ali prisotnost čustvenih in vedenjskih težav otrok v rejništvu vpliva na rejnikove starševske prakse (toplino/vpletenost, kontrolo/nadzor in konsistentnost discipliniranja). Rezultati t-testa potrjujejo, da obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike v prisotnosti čustvenih in vedenjskih težav pri rejniških otrocih glede na njihov spol, ne pa tudi glede na starost otrok ob rejniški nastanitvi. Rezultati t-testa še kažejo, da obstajajo glede na rejnikovo zaznavanje stopnje čustvenih in vedenjskih težav otrok v rejništvu statistično pomembne razlike v rejnikovi konsistentnosti discipliniranja, medtem ko se težave pri rejnikovem nadzoru kažejo v manjši meri. Rezultati tudi potrjujejo, da od treh opredeljenih starševskih praks le rejnikova konsistentnost discipliniranja statistično pomembno napoveduje tako internalizirane kot eksternalizirane težave otroka. Rejnikov nadzor statistično pomembno napoveduje eksternalizirane težave otroka, rejnikova toplina in vključenost v otrokovo življenje pa ne napovedujeta ne prve ne druge težave. Uporabna vrednost raziskave je v osvetlitvi kompleksnega odnosa med otrokom v rejništvu, ki morda nosi težka bremena preteklosti, in rejnikom, ki otroku poskuša nuditi čim kvalitetnejšo izkušnjo starševstva. Relevantnost teme vidim v aktualnem vprašanju vzgoje otrok, pri čemer rejniško vzgojo vidim kot specifično in težko nalogo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This paper discusses the challenge foster parents face in being able to give their foster children a good parenting experience. Namely, prior to placement foster children are often victims of abuse and neglect, which is why they sometimes develop various psychosocial problems. Therefore, foster parents need to acquire a range of skills to help them meet the child's developmental needs. It is a well known fact that some parents have more parenting qualities than others. The aim of this study is to examine if there is a difference in emotional and behavioural problems of foster children as related to gender and children’s age at the time of foster placement, and also if there is a connection between three specific parenting behaviours (warmth/involvement, monitoring and consistent discipline) and the different groups of emotional and behaviour problems of foster children. The results of the t-test show a statistically significant difference in emotional and behavioural problems of foster children as related to gender, but not in the children’s age at the time of foster placement. The findings also indicate a significant difference in foster parent consistency in discipline (and, to a lesser extent, also in monitoring) as related to the perceived level of emotional and behavioural problems of foster children. The study also confirms that foster parent consistency in discipline is the only parenting practice that predicts, in a statistically significant way, both internalizing and externalizing problems of foster children. Monitoring predicts externalizing problems, whereas warmth/involvement does not predict either of the problems. This study will contribute to a better understanding of the complex relationship between the foster child, who might carry the heavy burden of unpleasant past experiences, and the foster parent, who wants to give his child the best possible parenting experience. The topic is relevant in terms of addressing the issue on raising children, where I see foster parenthood as a very specific and difficult task.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): fostering
ID: 8308289