Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Preschool children's opinions and experience with their participation |
Secondary abstract: |
Participation in a kindergarten stands for active involvement of children in planning and implementing activities, as well as in participating in co-creating the kindergarten life. The participation is the children’s right and also a necessity in terms of developing democracy within the kindergarten.
The first part of the Thesis introduces the theoretical basics of children’s participation in a kindergarten and presents the founding documents in which the participation is mentioned. In the following chapters I have presented the process of active learning, which is one of the manners in which children participate in a kindergarten. The thesis also in detail introduces the pedagogic concept ‘Reggio Emilia’, the basic principle of the latter being namely the participation of children in the educational process.
Throughout the empirical part of the Thesis I have presented the results of the interview I have conducted with children from the second age groups in the kindergarten. The aim of the interview was to determine how involved the children are within the process of planning and implementing the unguided and guided activities, and to establish whether their ideas, wishes and suggestions are taken into account, as well as to determine to what extent and in which manners the children participate within planning and implementing the daily routine. I have also compared the results to the results of the research, conducted on the sample of professional workers employed in kindergartens, the latter research being conducted as part of the Reggio Emilia project at the 'Faculty of Education at the University of Ljubljana'.
The results of the research have shown that children have the greatest possibility to participate primarily with unguided activities, whilst they should participate more in both the process of planning the activities and organizing kindergarten life. They should also have a greater possibility of making choices in connection to resting and feeding. |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school child;participation;hidden curriculum;predšolski otrok;soodločanje;kurikulum z vzgojnimi vsebinami; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
High school thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
53 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Preschool children's opinions and experience with their participation |
Keywords (ePrints): |
participacija otrok |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
participation of children |
Abstract (ePrints): |
Participacija v vrtcu pomeni udeležbo in aktivno sodelovanje otrok tako pri načrtovanju in izvajanju dejavnosti kot pri soustvarjanju življenja v vrtcu. Participirati je njihova pravica in je tudi nujna za razvoj demokratičnosti vrtca.
V prvem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljene teoretične osnove participacije otrok v vrtcu ter temeljni dokumenti, v katerih je participacija omenjena. V nadaljevanju je predstavljen proces aktivnega učenja, ki je eden izmed načinov participiranja otrok v vrtcu. Podrobneje je predstavljen tudi pedagoški koncept Reggio Emilia, katerega osnovno načelo je prav participacija otrok v vzgojnem procesu.
V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni rezultati intervjuja, ki sem ga opravila z otroki oddelkov druge starostne stopnje v vrtcu. Cilj je bil izvedeti, v kolikšni meri so otroci v vrtcu vključeni v proces načrtovanja in izvedbe prostih in vodenih dejavnosti, ali so upoštevane njihove ideje, želje in predlogi ter v kolikšni meri in kako otroci sodelujejo pri načrtovanju in izvedbi dnevne rutine. Rezultate sem primerjala z rezultati raziskave, opravljene na vzorcu strokovnih delavcev v vrtcih in izvedene v okviru projekta Reggio Emilia na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani.
Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da imajo otroci največ možnosti participiranja predvsem pri prosti igri, medtem ko bi morali več participirati pri procesu načrtovanja dejavnosti in organizaciji življenja v vrtcu. Več možnosti izbire bi morali imeti tudi pri počitku in hranjenju. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
Participation in a kindergarten stands for active involvement of children in planning and implementing activities, as well as in participating in co-creating the kindergarten life. The participation is the children’s right and also a necessity in terms of developing democracy within the kindergarten.
The first part of the Thesis introduces the theoretical basics of children’s participation in a kindergarten and presents the founding documents in which the participation is mentioned. In the following chapters I have presented the process of active learning, which is one of the manners in which children participate in a kindergarten. The thesis also in detail introduces the pedagogic concept ‘Reggio Emilia’, the basic principle of the latter being namely the participation of children in the educational process.
Throughout the empirical part of the Thesis I have presented the results of the interview I have conducted with children from the second age groups in the kindergarten. The aim of the interview was to determine how involved the children are within the process of planning and implementing the unguided and guided activities, and to establish whether their ideas, wishes and suggestions are taken into account, as well as to determine to what extent and in which manners the children participate within planning and implementing the daily routine. I have also compared the results to the results of the research, conducted on the sample of professional workers employed in kindergartens, the latter research being conducted as part of the Reggio Emilia project at the 'Faculty of Education at the University of Ljubljana'.
The results of the research have shown that children have the greatest possibility to participate primarily with unguided activities, whilst they should participate more in both the process of planning the activities and organizing kindergarten life. They should also have a greater possibility of making choices in connection to resting and feeding. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
participation of children |
ID: |
8308568 |