Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Participation of children in playroom planning |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
The term 'participation' is defined as an active role that the children have as regards planning and implementation of activities in nursery schools. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was the first to understand a child as an active part of the community. It spells out the children's right to active and democratic participation, which in turn has an effect on the quality of life in nursery schools.
The first part of the thesis deals with theoretical approaches to participation in nursery schools, as well as basic documents which define the activities in nursery schools and the participation. It also provides an insight into participation in Scandinavian countries and the alternative educational methods, such as Montessori and Reggio Emilia. It highlights the importance of democratic participation of children in nursery schools, as well as listening as one way of forming relationships. It summarizes the results of some domestic research done in the aforementioned area. The domestic results are compared to results obtained from foreign research.
The empirical part of the thesis consists of a project about participation of pre-school children in playroom arrangement. In the research I dealt with the ways that the children participate in playroom arrangement, with special emphasis on the age difference between the children. After a few months I conducted an interview with children who participated in the project. The aim was to see how the playroom is perceived by the children who were involved in the project and by the children who were not involved. I also conducted an interview with two nursery school teachers to obtain their views on the subject and hear about their experiences in participation.
The results have shown that pre-school children are capable of participating in playroom arrangement. There was a noticeable difference between children of different ages. The older children were more independent, confident and were able to realize more ideas and interests than the younger children. The information obtained in the interviews has shown that the children who were involved in the arrangement of the playroom felt more comfortable in the playroom and were more aware of certain elements in the room, which was not evident in other children. The nursery school teachers offer the children the chance to participate in nursery school life in different areas, for example in their daily routine (feeding, sleeping) and in the choice of games in their free time. However, their participation is also limited from the point of view of safety and the ability to realize their suggestions.
In my opinion, children in nursery schools are still over protected since the teachers do not offer enough opportunities for them to learn from their own experiences. The children have got wishes, ideas and opinions which should be included in the educational process in nursery schools. |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
pre-school child;participation;curriculum;predšolski otrok;soodločanje;kurikulum; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Višješolska diplomska naloga |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Strani: |
52 str., [4] str. pril. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Participation of children in playroom planning |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
otrok |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
child |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
Participacija pomeni aktivno soudeležbo otrok pri načrtovanju in izvajanju dejavnosti v vrtcu. Nov pogled, ki je opozoril na otroka kot aktivnega člana skupnosti, je prinesla Konvencija o otrokovih pravicah. Ta zagovarja, da ima otrok pravico do aktivnega in demokratičnega soodločanja, kar vpliva na kakovost življenja v vrtcu.
V prvem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča participacije v vrtcih in temeljnih dokumentih, ki določajo delo v vrtcu in participacijo. Predstavljena je participacija v skandinavskih deželah in alternativnih vzgojnih konceptih, kot so Montessori pedagogika in pedagoški pristop Reggio Emilia. Izpostavljen je pomen demokratične soudeležbe otrok v vrtcu in poslušanje kot način vstopanja v odnose. Povzete so ugotovitve domačih raziskav na omenjenem področju in primerjava teh s tujimi ugotovitvami.
V empiričnem delu sem izvedla projekt participacije predšolskih otrok pri ureditvi igralnice. Raziskovala sem, kako otroci pripomorejo k ureditvi igralnice s svojo udeležbo oz. participiranjem, pri čemer sem bila posebej pozorna na starostne razlike med otroki. Po nekaj mesecih sem z otroki iz oddelka, v katerem smo izvajali omenjeni projekt, izvedla intervjuje. Želela sem izvedeti, kako na igralnico gledajo otroci, ki so v projektu sodelovali in kako tisti, ki v projektu niso bili udeleženi. Z intervjujem s strokovnima delavkama oddelka sem dobila vpogled v njuna mnenja in izkušnje na področju participacije.
Rezultati so pokazali, da so predšolski otroci zmožni participirati pri ureditvi igralnice. Med soudeležbo otrok v projektu je bilo zaznati razlike med mlajšimi in starejšimi otroki. Starejši so bili bolj samostojni in so uveljavljali več svojih zamisli in interesov kot mlajši, predvsem pa so stali za svojimi idejami, medtem ko so se mlajši bolj opirali na starejše. Iz intervjujev z otroki sem razbrala, da se otroci, ki so sodelovali pri preurejanju igralnice, počutijo v igralnici bolj »domače« in so pozorni na elemente prostora, katerim ostali otroci ne posvečajo pozornosti. Strokovni delavki otrokom nudita možnost participacije pri nekaterih dejavnostih in sprejemanju odločitev, npr. pri dnevni rutini (hranjenju, spanju) in pri izbiri proste igre.
Participacijo otrok pa omejujeta z vidika varnosti in zmožnosti uresničevanja podanih predlogov.
Menim, da so otroci v vrtcih še vedno preveč vodeni, saj jim strokovni delavci dopuščamo premalo možnosti, da bi se učili na lastnih izkušnjah. Otroci imajo želje, ideje in mnenja, za katere bi morali biti odprti; jih vključevati v pedagoško delo. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
The term 'participation' is defined as an active role that the children have as regards planning and implementation of activities in nursery schools. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was the first to understand a child as an active part of the community. It spells out the children's right to active and democratic participation, which in turn has an effect on the quality of life in nursery schools.
The first part of the thesis deals with theoretical approaches to participation in nursery schools, as well as basic documents which define the activities in nursery schools and the participation. It also provides an insight into participation in Scandinavian countries and the alternative educational methods, such as Montessori and Reggio Emilia. It highlights the importance of democratic participation of children in nursery schools, as well as listening as one way of forming relationships. It summarizes the results of some domestic research done in the aforementioned area. The domestic results are compared to results obtained from foreign research.
The empirical part of the thesis consists of a project about participation of pre-school children in playroom arrangement. In the research I dealt with the ways that the children participate in playroom arrangement, with special emphasis on the age difference between the children. After a few months I conducted an interview with children who participated in the project. The aim was to see how the playroom is perceived by the children who were involved in the project and by the children who were not involved. I also conducted an interview with two nursery school teachers to obtain their views on the subject and hear about their experiences in participation.
The results have shown that pre-school children are capable of participating in playroom arrangement. There was a noticeable difference between children of different ages. The older children were more independent, confident and were able to realize more ideas and interests than the younger children. The information obtained in the interviews has shown that the children who were involved in the arrangement of the playroom felt more comfortable in the playroom and were more aware of certain elements in the room, which was not evident in other children. The nursery school teachers offer the children the chance to participate in nursery school life in different areas, for example in their daily routine (feeding, sleeping) and in the choice of games in their free time. However, their participation is also limited from the point of view of safety and the ability to realize their suggestions.
In my opinion, children in nursery schools are still over protected since the teachers do not offer enough opportunities for them to learn from their own experiences. The children have got wishes, ideas and opinions which should be included in the educational process in nursery schools. |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
child |
ID: |
8310255 |