Pilonov portret Marija Kogoja v Moderni galeriji
Saša Žust (Author), Metoda Kemperl (Mentor)


Interdisciplinarni pristop k interpretaciji likovnega dela v muzeju


medpredmetno učenje in poučevanje


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Žust]
UDC: 069:7.01(043.2)
COBISS: 9021769 Link will open in a new window
Views: 703
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: An interdisciplinary approach to interpreting an artwork in a museum: Pilon's portrait of Marij Kogoj at the Moderna galerija( Museum of Modern Art)
Secondary abstract: Contemporary art education is conceptualized amongst other on lifelong learning and cross-curricular work. An art museum or gallery as an alternative learning space offers many opportunities for both: it is an informal learning environment which enables interdisciplinarity, multiple interpretation and deep meaning-making process when encountering artworks. Interdisciplinary learning links together different areas of knowledge with the purpose of a holistic approach towards learning. Artworks are complex, multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary. The material, content and formal aspects of an artwork reflect when and where it was made as well as the broader cultural, technological and social context. Experiencing original artwork is of key importance for understanding visual art, as well as developing artistic sensibility and values about art heritage. One of the main places for having authentic art experience is an art museum or an art gallery. Learning in a museum differs from learning in a school, and using an interdisciplinary approach has long been a fundamental and established practice in museums. Museum education is based on its collection with an object-based approach towards teaching and learning (in our case the object is an artwork). In order to understand a work of art we need to be able to interpret it. Artworks can be exhibited and interpreted in various and different ways. Interpretation depends on the context of the exhibition as well as attitudes, previous knowledge and the meaning-making process of the visitor. Interpretation is always culturally and historically determined. Interpretation of historic art differs from interpreting contemporary art. Teaching support (resources) can help teachers with describing and interpreting artworks. By using theories about learning in museums, interpretation and interdisciplinary learning and teaching I made a thematic educational resource about Pilon's portrait of Marij Kogoj at the Museum of Modern Art/Moderna galerija, aimed at third-level primary school teachers.
Secondary keywords: art education;interdisciplinary approach;museum;likovna vzgoja;medpredmetni pristop;muzej;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 95 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): An interdisciplinary approach to interpreting an artwork in a museum: Pilon's portrait of Marij Kogoj at the Moderna galerija( Museum of Modern Art)
Keywords (ePrints): medpredmetno učenje in poučevanje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): cross-curricular learning and teaching
Abstract (ePrints): Sodobno pojmovani koncept likovne vzgoje med drugim temelji na vseživljenjskem učenju in medpredmetnosti. Umetnostni muzej oziroma galerija kot alternativni učni prostor ponuja veliko možnosti za oboje: je neformalno učno okolje, za katerega so značilni interdisciplinarnost, večpomenska interpretacija in poglobljeno spoznavanje likovnih del. Interdisciplinarnost pomeni povezovanje različnih področij znanja z namenom celovitega pristopa k obravnavanju znanja. Likovno delo je kompleksno, večplastno in v svoji naravi interdisciplinarno; njegove likovno-formalne, materialne in vsebinske plati odražajo prostor in čas, v katerem je nastalo, ter posledično zajemajo tudi širše kulturne, tehnološke in družbene vidike. Stik z originalnimi umetniškimi deli je ključnega pomena za spoznavanje umetnosti, razvijanje likovne občutljivosti in odnosa do umetnostne dediščine. Eden glavnih prostorov, kjer se neposredno srečujemo z avtentičnimi likovnimi deli, je (umetnostni) muzej. Učenje v muzeju je drugačno od učenja v šoli in interdisciplinarni pristop je v muzejih temeljna in že dalj časa uveljavljena praksa. Izobraževanje v muzejih je osnovano na muzejski zbirki; izobraževalna izkušnja temelji na uporabi avtentičnega muzejskega predmeta – v našem primeru likovnega dela. Da lahko likovno delo razumemo, ga moramo znati interpretirati. Umetniška dela so lahko razstavljena in interpretirana na številne različne načine. Interpretacija je odvisna od konteksta postavitve, predhodnega vedenja, stališč in načina spoznavanja obiskovalca ter je vedno kulturno in zgodovinsko pogojena. Pristop k interpretaciji starejše umetnosti se razlikuje od interpretacije sodobne umetnosti. Ustrezna podpora (gradivo) lahko učitelju pomaga pri opisovanju in razlaganju umetniških del. Na podlagi teorij s področij učenja v muzeju, interpretacije muzejskih predmetov in interdisciplinarnega učenja in poučevanja sem za učitelje v tretjem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole zasnovala tematsko gradivo na temo Pilonovega portreta Marija Kogoja iz leta 1923, ki se nahaja v Moderni galeriji.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Contemporary art education is conceptualized amongst other on lifelong learning and cross-curricular work. An art museum or gallery as an alternative learning space offers many opportunities for both: it is an informal learning environment which enables interdisciplinarity, multiple interpretation and deep meaning-making process when encountering artworks. Interdisciplinary learning links together different areas of knowledge with the purpose of a holistic approach towards learning. Artworks are complex, multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary. The material, content and formal aspects of an artwork reflect when and where it was made as well as the broader cultural, technological and social context. Experiencing original artwork is of key importance for understanding visual art, as well as developing artistic sensibility and values about art heritage. One of the main places for having authentic art experience is an art museum or an art gallery. Learning in a museum differs from learning in a school, and using an interdisciplinary approach has long been a fundamental and established practice in museums. Museum education is based on its collection with an object-based approach towards teaching and learning (in our case the object is an artwork). In order to understand a work of art we need to be able to interpret it. Artworks can be exhibited and interpreted in various and different ways. Interpretation depends on the context of the exhibition as well as attitudes, previous knowledge and the meaning-making process of the visitor. Interpretation is always culturally and historically determined. Interpretation of historic art differs from interpreting contemporary art. Teaching support (resources) can help teachers with describing and interpreting artworks. By using theories about learning in museums, interpretation and interdisciplinary learning and teaching I made a thematic educational resource about Pilon's portrait of Marij Kogoj at the Museum of Modern Art/Moderna galerija, aimed at third-level primary school teachers.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): cross-curricular learning and teaching
ID: 8308587