doktorska disertacija
Zlata Tomljenović (Avtor), Tonka Tacol (Mentor), Janez Vogrinc (Komentor)


Interaktivni pristop poučevanja in učenja pri pouku likovne vzgoje

Ključne besede

metodika;učitelji;učenje;ustvarjalnost;učenci;osnovne šole;


Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [Z. Tomljenović]
UDK: 37.091.3:73/76(043.3)
COBISS: 10048329 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1404
Št. prenosov: 229
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

Ostali podatki

Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Interactive approach to teaching and learning in art education
Sekundarni povzetek: Efficient planning and execution of teaching process in art education depends on the teachers’ expertise, their creativity and attitude to teaching. In execution of teaching processes it is necessary to provide the conditions for development of potential students’ abilities, acquisition of art knowledge, skills and positive attitudes. The students’ active participation should also be stressed, as well as the use of modern teaching strategies, i.e. efficient teaching methods, different learning and teaching styles and respect of students’ developmental capacities- individual differences in adaptation, understanding and interpretation of teaching content. Past evaluation studies on adequacy of art education in primary schools have pointed to the fact that the majority of teachers do not sufficiently apply methodical pluralism and creative approach to learning and teaching. Their passive attitude is reflected in the use of set ways of teaching. Art education is still perceived as “non- cognitive” activity in which it is sufficient to direct the students’ activity towards practical work or, towards introduction of and work with art material and accessories, i.e. acquisition of motoric aptitude. The execution of art teaching, particularly in lower grades of primary school, often shows certain passivity and non- critical approach of the teachers, which is seen in use of set teaching methods and procedures and in lack of freedom and openness for use of more efficient ways of learning and teaching (Tacol, Tomšič Čerkez, 2004). The subject of research is modernization of the way of learning and teaching art in schools, i.e. testing of successfulness of interactive approach to learning and teaching with the use of combination of general and specific (art) teaching methods. Interactive style of learning and teaching should ensure quality realization of curriculum and developmental abilities of each individual student, in accordance with his/her individual features. This approach also includes the use of modern teaching strategies such as active, empiric, independent, investigative learning and learning through problem solving. In order to check the artistic abilities and skills of students in managing of art techniques, their level of knowledge and understanding of art terms and artistic creativity of students, two different ways of execution of teaching process were included in the research. The first one used approaches to learning and teaching in line with the modern pedagogical concepts resulting from cognitivist and constructivist theories. The second way of teaching was realized through use of usual, set approaches to teaching and learning. Quantitative and qualitative analysis on the basis of results achieved by the pedagogical experiment was used in the research. In the first part of research a questionnaire for teachers in lower grades of primary school was used, together with the knowledge test for students. In the second part, for testing of development of art ability in managing of art material and techniques, understanding of art terms and determination of the level of artistic creativity, a five- degree evaluation scale of Likert type was used (evaluation was done by three independent evaluators). Creativity of art objects was evaluated in reference to six categories: sensitivity for art problem, elaboration (organization and use of art elements), flexibility (solving art problems in a new way), fluency (abundance of ideas), originality (unusualness of ideas) and redefinition (connection of previous art experiences into a new art content) (Karlavaris, 1991). Characteristics of measuring instruments were checked by factorial analysis and hypotheses by Mann-Whitney’s U-test and Spearman’s correlation test. Results of research confirmed the set hypotheses on the positive impact of the use of interactive approach to learning and teaching and the use of combination of general teaching methods and specific art methods on the artistic abilities and skills of students while using the art techniques within the frame of planned painting tasks, on understanding and knowledge of art terms and on creativity of students in solving art problems. Results of research should help to form models for planning and introduction of art education as well as guidelines for planning of expert training and further professional education of teachers, in order to make the art education and teaching in primary schools efficient.
Sekundarne ključne besede: Likovna vzgoja;Disertacije;Likovna umetnost;Pouk;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Doktorska disertacija
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak.
Strani: XVI, 301 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Interaktivni pristop poučevanja in učenja pri pouku likovne vzgoje
Ključne besede (ePrints): likovna vzgoja
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): art
Povzetek (ePrints): Učinkovito načrtovanje in izvajanje učnega procesa likovne vzgoje je odvisno od strokovnosti učiteljev, njihove ustvarjalnosti in stališč, ki jih imajo do poučevanja. V učnem procesu je treba zagotoviti pogoje za razvoj potencialnih sposobnosti učencev, njihovega likovnega znanja, veščin in pozitivnih stališč. Poudarek naj bi bil na čim večji dejavnosti učencev, uporabljenih sodobnih učnih strategijah – učinkovite metode dela, različni stili poučevanja in učenja, upoštevanje razvojnih zmožnosti učencev – ter upoštevanju individualnih razlik likovnih tipov pri usvajanju, razumevanju in interpretaciji učnih vsebin. Dosedanje evalvacijske študije o primernosti izvajanja pouka likovne vzgoje kažejo, da večina učiteljev ne sledi metodičnemu pluralizmu in ustvarjalnim pristopom k poučevanju in učenju. Njihovo pasivno stališče do poučevanja se kaže v uporabi ustaljenih načinov izvajanja pouka. Pouk likovne vzgoje se še vedno dojema kot 'nekognitivno' dejavnost, v kateri zadostuje, če se dejavnost učencev usmerja zgolj v praktično likovno izražanje – brez namena, dati temu širši smisel – ali pa v seznanjanje in delo z likovnimi materiali in orodji, kar pomeni učenje ročnih spretnosti. Pri izvajanju pouka likovne vzgoje je – zlasti na razredni stopnji osnovne šole – pogosto opaziti določeno pasivnost učiteljev in nekritično uporabo ustaljenih stilov poučevanja in metod dela ter pomanjkanje večje svobode in odprtosti učitelja za uporabo učinkovitejših načinov poučevanja in učenja (Tacol, Tomšič-Čerkez, 2004). Predmet raziskave je posodobitev način poučevanja in učenja likovne vzgoje v praksi. Zanimala nas je uspešnost interaktivnega/dialognega stila poučevanja z uporabo splošnih in specifičnih (likovnih) metod dela in njihovih kombinacij. Ta stil poučevanja naj bi zagotavljal kakovostno realizacijo učnega programa in razvojnih spretnosti posameznega učenca skladno z njegovimi individualnimi značilnostmi. Ravno tako vključuje uporabo sodobnih učnih strategij, kot je dejavno, izkušenjsko, čim samostojnejše raziskovalno učenje s pomočjo reševanja problemov. Za preverjanje sposobnosti in veščin v ravnanju z likovnimi materiali in pripomočki, dosežkov v poznavanju likovnih pojmov in ustvarjalnosti učencev sta v raziskavo vključena različna načina izvajanja učnega procesa. Pri prvem so bili učenci poučevani z učnimi postopki, ki so v skladu s sodobnimi pedagoškimi koncepti konstruktivistične in kognitivistične teorije. Pri drugem pa je pouk potekal po ustaljenem načinu. Pri raziskovanju smo uporabili kvantitativno in kvalitativno analizo rezultatov, pridobljenih s pomočjo pedagoškega eksperimenta. Uporabljeni sta kavzalna eksperimentalna in kavzalna neeksperimentalna metoda pedagoškega raziskovanja. V prvem delu raziskave smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik za učitelje razrednega pouka in preizkus znanja za učence. Za drugi del raziskave smo za usvojitev likovnih pojmov, obvladovanje ravnanja s slikarskimi materiali in pripomočki ter ugotavljanje likovne ustvarjalnosti uporabili petstopenjsko ocenjevalno lestvico (vsa vrednotenja so izvajali trije neodvisni ocenjevalci). Likovno ustvarjalnost smo ocenjevali z vidika občutljivosti za likovni problem, elaboriranja – organiziranja in raziskovanja likovnih elementov –, fleksibilnosti – reševanja likovnih problemov na nov način –, fluentnosti – bogastva idej –, originalnosti in redefinicije – povezovanja prejšnjih izkušenj v novo likovno vsebino (Karlavaris, 1991). Karakteristike merskega instrumentarija smo preverjali s pomočjo faktorske analize, hipoteze pa s pomočjo Mann-Whitneyevega U testa in Spearmanovega testa korelacije. Rezultati raziskave so potrdili postavljene hipoteze o pozitivnem učinku uporabe kombinacije splošnih učnih metod in specifičnih metod na razumevanje in poznavanje likovnih pojmov, na likovne sposobnosti in veščine učencev pri uporabi likovnih materialov v okviru načrtovanih slikarskih nalog ter na ustvarjalnost pri reševanju likovnih problemov. Izsledki raziskave naj bi pripomogli k oblikovanju modela za načrtovanje in izvajanje pouka likovne vzgoje ter smernic o izobraževanju učiteljev za njegovo učinkovito poučevanje.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): Efficient planning and execution of teaching process in art education depends on the teachers’ expertise, their creativity and attitude to teaching. In execution of teaching processes it is necessary to provide the conditions for development of potential students’ abilities, acquisition of art knowledge, skills and positive attitudes. The students’ active participation should also be stressed, as well as the use of modern teaching strategies, i.e. efficient teaching methods, different learning and teaching styles and respect of students’ developmental capacities- individual differences in adaptation, understanding and interpretation of teaching content. Past evaluation studies on adequacy of art education in primary schools have pointed to the fact that the majority of teachers do not sufficiently apply methodical pluralism and creative approach to learning and teaching. Their passive attitude is reflected in the use of set ways of teaching. Art education is still perceived as “non- cognitive” activity in which it is sufficient to direct the students’ activity towards practical work or, towards introduction of and work with art material and accessories, i.e. acquisition of motoric aptitude. The execution of art teaching, particularly in lower grades of primary school, often shows certain passivity and non- critical approach of the teachers, which is seen in use of set teaching methods and procedures and in lack of freedom and openness for use of more efficient ways of learning and teaching (Tacol, Tomšič Čerkez, 2004). The subject of research is modernization of the way of learning and teaching art in schools, i.e. testing of successfulness of interactive approach to learning and teaching with the use of combination of general and specific (art) teaching methods. Interactive style of learning and teaching should ensure quality realization of curriculum and developmental abilities of each individual student, in accordance with his/her individual features. This approach also includes the use of modern teaching strategies such as active, empiric, independent, investigative learning and learning through problem solving. In order to check the artistic abilities and skills of students in managing of art techniques, their level of knowledge and understanding of art terms and artistic creativity of students, two different ways of execution of teaching process were included in the research. The first one used approaches to learning and teaching in line with the modern pedagogical concepts resulting from cognitivist and constructivist theories. The second way of teaching was realized through use of usual, set approaches to teaching and learning. Quantitative and qualitative analysis on the basis of results achieved by the pedagogical experiment was used in the research. In the first part of research a questionnaire for teachers in lower grades of primary school was used, together with the knowledge test for students. In the second part, for testing of development of art ability in managing of art material and techniques, understanding of art terms and determination of the level of artistic creativity, a five- degree evaluation scale of Likert type was used (evaluation was done by three independent evaluators). Creativity of art objects was evaluated in reference to six categories: sensitivity for art problem, elaboration (organization and use of art elements), flexibility (solving art problems in a new way), fluency (abundance of ideas), originality (unusualness of ideas) and redefinition (connection of previous art experiences into a new art content) (Karlavaris, 1991). Characteristics of measuring instruments were checked by factorial analysis and hypotheses by Mann-Whitney’s U-test and Spearman’s correlation test. Results of research confirmed the set hypotheses on the positive impact of the use of interactive approach to learning and teaching and the use of combination of general teaching methods and specific art methods on the artistic abilities and skills of students while using the art techniques within the frame of planned painting tasks, on understanding and knowledge of art terms and on creativity of students in solving art problems. Results of research should help to form models for planning and introduction of art education as well as guidelines for planning of expert training and further professional education of teachers, in order to make the art education and teaching in primary schools efficient.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): art
ID: 8328003