diplomska naloga
Nina Popović (Author), Darija Skubic (Mentor)


Vloga televizije in knjige kot medijev v govornem razvoju predšolskih otrok


govorni razvoj;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Popović]
UDC: 373.2.016:316.774(043.2)
COBISS: 9038153 Link will open in a new window
Views: 859
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The roll of television and book as media in language development of preschool children
Secondary abstract: Creation of speech starts after the first year of life and represents the process of adopting the terms associated with the most basic needs of the child. The first word he speaks at the end of the first year or in the beginning of another. During this time child hears many words, but adopts only those which are interesting to him. After that he uses these words in his speech. Language development includes alternating periods of rapid development and periods of congestion (Žnidarič, 1993). The development of speech is influenced by various factors, which are divided into two broad categories, internal and external factors. A child can achieve a high degree of development of thought and speech, if all the factors that influence the development of speech and thought, are mutually compatible. If not, the level of development is correspondingly lower. (Kranjc, 1999). The external factors which affect language development, also include media. These are, in all its forms, present in the child's everyday life. Because of its attractiveness and popularity have a significant impact on child development in early childhood. Children begin watching television at a very early childhood, from poor hour with only two years, the time spent in front of the television enhances up to four hours a day. Such a lifestyle may affect your child develops positive and negative characteristics caused by watching television. Also, pre-school children are faced with written texts in different forms and they attend activities related to literacy. Reading books greatly influence the development of the child's vocabulary. Language of the books is richer than the language normally used by adults. Reading lets you discover new living environments, relationships, objects that children don’t have opportunitie to meet in everyday life and it riches the child's vocabulary with words that otherwise he wouldn’t hear.
Secondary keywords: pre-school child;speech;television;predšolski otrok;govor;televizija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 49 str., [5] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The roll of television and book as media in language development of preschool children
Keywords (ePrints): govorni razvoj predšolskega otroka
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): language development of preschool child
Abstract (ePrints): Oblikovanje govora se začne po prvem letu starosti in predstavlja proces usvajanja izrazov, ki so povezani z najosnovnejšimi potrebami otroka. Otrok prvo besedo spregovori ob koncu prvega leta ali v začetku drugega. V tem času sliši mnogo besed, usvoji pa le tiste, ki ga zanimajo. Šele nato te besede začne uporabljati v govoru. V govornem razvoju se izmenjujejo obdobja hitrega razvoja in obdobja zastojev (Žnidarič, 1993). Na razvoj govora vplivajo različni dejavniki, ki jih delimo v dve večji skupini, in sicer na notranje ter zunanje dejavnike. Otrok lahko doseže visoko stopnjo v razvoju mišljenja in govora, če so vsi dejavniki, ki vplivajo na razvoj govora in mišljenja, med seboj usklajeni. Če tega ni, je stopnja razvoja temu ustrezno nižja (Kranjc, 1999). K zunanjim dejavnikom, ki vplivajo na govorni razvoj predšolskega otroka, štejemo tudi medije. Ti so v vseh svojih oblikah vsakodnevno prisotni v otrokovem življenju. Zaradi svoje privlačnosti in priljubljenosti imajo pomemben vpliv na otrokov razvoj že v zgodnjem otroštvu. Z gledanjem televizije otroci začnejo že zelo zgodaj. Čas, preživet pred televizijskim zaslonom, se od slabe ure pri komaj dveh letih stopnjuje tudi do štirih ur dnevno. S takšnim življenjskim slogom se lahko pri otroku razvijejo pozitivne in tudi negativne lastnosti, ki jih povzroča gledanje televizije. Prav tako se v predšolskem obdobju otrok srečuje s pisnimi besedili v različnih oblikah in se vključuje v dejavnosti, ki so povezane s pismenostjo. Branje knjig močno vpliva na razvoj otrokovega besednjaka. Jezik v knjigah je bogatejši od običajno uporabljenega jezika odraslih. Branje omogoča spoznavanje novih življenjskih okolij, odnosov, predmetov, ki jih otroci v vsakdanjem življenju nimajo priložnosti spoznati, in bogati otrokovo besedišče z besedami, ki jih sicer ne bi slišal.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Creation of speech starts after the first year of life and represents the process of adopting the terms associated with the most basic needs of the child. The first word he speaks at the end of the first year or in the beginning of another. During this time child hears many words, but adopts only those which are interesting to him. After that he uses these words in his speech. Language development includes alternating periods of rapid development and periods of congestion (Žnidarič, 1993). The development of speech is influenced by various factors, which are divided into two broad categories, internal and external factors. A child can achieve a high degree of development of thought and speech, if all the factors that influence the development of speech and thought, are mutually compatible. If not, the level of development is correspondingly lower. (Kranjc, 1999). The external factors which affect language development, also include media. These are, in all its forms, present in the child's everyday life. Because of its attractiveness and popularity have a significant impact on child development in early childhood. Children begin watching television at a very early childhood, from poor hour with only two years, the time spent in front of the television enhances up to four hours a day. Such a lifestyle may affect your child develops positive and negative characteristics caused by watching television. Also, pre-school children are faced with written texts in different forms and they attend activities related to literacy. Reading books greatly influence the development of the child's vocabulary. Language of the books is richer than the language normally used by adults. Reading lets you discover new living environments, relationships, objects that children don’t have opportunitie to meet in everyday life and it riches the child's vocabulary with words that otherwise he wouldn’t hear.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): language development of preschool child
ID: 8308651