diplomska naloga
Saša Dular (Avtor), Helena Korošec (Mentor)


Vpliv interakcije z lutko na čustveno-socialni razvoj predšolskih otrok

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [S. Dular]
UDK: 792.97:373.2(043.2)
COBISS: 9244233 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 1365
Št. prenosov: 159
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: The influence of a puppet on the emotional and social development of preschool children
Sekundarni povzetek: One of the important jobs of a preschool teacher is taking care of proper emotional development of children. A sensitive teacher recognizes the children's emotions, relates to their distress and provides a safe place for them with words of encouragement and kindness. In the theoretical part, I define the meaning of emotions, children’s play and puppets. In their early childhood, children’s emotions are inconsistent and change rather quickly. The type of emotion and its expression depends greatly on the children’s environment and on the way they are being treated. Adults need to develop and promote nice, pleasing and appropriate emotions, such as contentment, joy, love, trust and safety. On that basis, new and nobler social emotions gradually evolve (e.g. goodness, optimism, kindness). At the same time, the causes for the increase of unpleasant and inappropriate emotions (e.g. anger, fear, rage, despair) need to be inhibited and removed. Playing with a puppet helps children overcome, express and understand numerous distresses better. It is known that children have a fear of adults on a certain energy level so a puppet presents an easier way of communication. In the empirical part, I research the role of a puppet in expressing children’s emotions, in integrating children with different cultural background as well as the role of a group favourite in forming interpersonal relationships. I have come to the conclusion that expressing emotions through the puppet is easier for children. They confide in the puppet and talk to it openly. Performing stories with puppets allows the children to enter the world of art and language in a playful and pleasant way and discover the world they live in with different topics. I have realized that a puppet presents a useful tool not only for the children but for the teachers as well as it can prove to be very helpful with their job, too. In their hands, it becomes a magical means for getting close to children and for understanding them better. It helps the children create a genuine contact with the teacher and with the peers. We not only have to show the puppet to the children but also make them play with it. Thus, we enable the children an insight to the workings of the world while offering a safe place for them where they can return to whenever they wish.
Sekundarne ključne besede: puppetry;affective development;pre-school child;lutke;čustveni razvoj;predšolski otrok;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Strani: 73 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): The influence of a puppet on the emotional and social development of preschool children
Ključne besede (ePrints): vzgojitelj
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): teacher
Povzetek (ePrints): Ena od pomembnih nalog vzgojitelja v vrtcu je skrb za pravilen čustven razvoj otrok. Senzibilen vzgojitelj pri otroku prepozna njegova čustva, se vživi v njegovo stisko in mu nudi varno zavetje, prijazno ter spodbudno besedo. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelila pomen čustev, otrokove igre in lutk. V zgodnjem otroštvu so otrokova čustva nestalna, se hitro menjajo in so glede na svojo vsebino in v izrazih zelo odvisna od okolja, v katerem otrok živi, in od ravnanja z otrokom. Odrasli moramo razvijati in pospeševati otrokova lepa, prijetna in primerna čustva, kot so: zadovoljstvo, veselje, ljubezen, čustvo zaupanja in varnosti. Na tej osnovi se bodo postopoma razvijala nova in bolj plemenita socialna čustva (dobrota, optimizem, prijaznost). Istočasno pa je potrebno zavirati in odstranjevati vzroke za razmah neprijetnih in neprimernih čustev (jeza, strah, bes, obup …). Otrok lahko ravno v igri z lutko premaga številne stiske, jih lažje izrazi in razume. Znano je, da otroci na energetski ravni čutijo nek strah pred odraslimi, zato lahko odrasli naredimo zelo veliko, da otroku ponudimo lutko, preko katere lahko komunicira. V empiričnem delu sem raziskala vlogo lutke pri izražanju otrokovih čustev in vključevanju otrok z različnim kulturnim ozadjem ter vlogo ljubljenca skupine pri oblikovanju medsebojnih odnosov. Ugotovila sem, da otroci svoja čustva lažje izražajo preko lutke, ji zaupajo mnogo stvari, se veliko bolj odprto in brez zadržkov pogovarjajo z njo. Z igranjem zgodb z lutkami so otroci na igriv in prijeten način vstopili v svet umetnosti in jezika ter preko različnih vsebin spoznavali svet. Ugotovila sem, da je lutka tudi za vzgojitelja zelo koristen pripomoček, saj mu pri njegovem delu lahko pomembno pomaga. V njegovih rokah postane magično sredstvo, s katerim se približa otroku, ga lažje razume in preko katerega otrok naveže pristen stik z vzgojiteljem in vrstniki. Ni dovolj lutko samo pokazati otrokom, ampak jim jo je potrebno dati v roke, kajti z njo v roki otroku odpiramo vrata v širni svet ter mu obenem nudimo varno zavetje, da se vrne, kadar tako začuti ali si zaželi.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): One of the important jobs of a preschool teacher is taking care of proper emotional development of children. A sensitive teacher recognizes the children's emotions, relates to their distress and provides a safe place for them with words of encouragement and kindness. In the theoretical part, I define the meaning of emotions, children’s play and puppets. In their early childhood, children’s emotions are inconsistent and change rather quickly. The type of emotion and its expression depends greatly on the children’s environment and on the way they are being treated. Adults need to develop and promote nice, pleasing and appropriate emotions, such as contentment, joy, love, trust and safety. On that basis, new and nobler social emotions gradually evolve (e.g. goodness, optimism, kindness). At the same time, the causes for the increase of unpleasant and inappropriate emotions (e.g. anger, fear, rage, despair) need to be inhibited and removed. Playing with a puppet helps children overcome, express and understand numerous distresses better. It is known that children have a fear of adults on a certain energy level so a puppet presents an easier way of communication. In the empirical part, I research the role of a puppet in expressing children’s emotions, in integrating children with different cultural background as well as the role of a group favourite in forming interpersonal relationships. I have come to the conclusion that expressing emotions through the puppet is easier for children. They confide in the puppet and talk to it openly. Performing stories with puppets allows the children to enter the world of art and language in a playful and pleasant way and discover the world they live in with different topics. I have realized that a puppet presents a useful tool not only for the children but for the teachers as well as it can prove to be very helpful with their job, too. In their hands, it becomes a magical means for getting close to children and for understanding them better. It helps the children create a genuine contact with the teacher and with the peers. We not only have to show the puppet to the children but also make them play with it. Thus, we enable the children an insight to the workings of the world while offering a safe place for them where they can return to whenever they wish.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): teacher
ID: 8310252