diplomska naloga


Lutke in mediji v vrtcu




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Vrečko Zaplotnik]
UDC: 373.2.016(043.2)
COBISS: 9083465 Link will open in a new window
Views: 947
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Puppets and media in the kindergarden
Secondary abstract: In my thesis, I explore how adults can influence TV watching by children in order to avoid negative consequences, and how puppets can be used in educational work. I also highlight the impact of education and family patterns, because often not television, but rather parents are to be mostly blamed for particular characteristics their children acquire. Parents frequently explain with great fervor that their children’s undesirable behavior is precisely the result of watching TV. Up to now, any positive influence of TV watching has been more or less unknown to me; I have mainly followed negative stereotypical beliefs: that TV is bad, usually having a negative impact on children, that watching TV can only result in learning bad patterns of behavior, etc. I have never realized that educators and parents may also be guilty for bad impacts, and it has never occurred to me that we may be the ones to direct a child to become a critical viewer, and avoid bad influence, or, if such bad influence happens anyway, that it does not occur as a result of watching TV. Thus, I mainly focus on determining how adults should be involved in children’s watching television in order to minimize its bad or negative influence and help them to become critical viewers, watching TV in order to learn something new. I have been fully aware of the fact that puppets have a positive impact on children, without knowing the exact extent of this impact, the areas which can actually be influenced by the use of puppets, and different options and ways of introducing puppets in the educational process. In my research, I try to determine on what basis teachers select certain plays or TV shows, if they watch them in advance, and how many shows or cartoons are included in the annual work plan. I establish that in nursery schools not much television is watched, but sometimes children go to the theater, or the theater comes to the nursery school. At home, according to kids, the situation is quite opposite: there is almost no parental guidance, kids watch TV mainly alone, opting autonomously for a particular show and viewing time.
Secondary keywords: puppetry;mass media;pre-school child;lutke;sredstva množičnega obveščanja;predšolski otrok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 48 f.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Puppets and media in the kindergarden
Keywords (ePrints): televizija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): television
Abstract (ePrints): V svoji diplomski nalogi želim predstaviti, kako lahko odrasli vplivamo na gledanje televizije pri otrocih, da ne pride do negativnih posledic, hkrati pa izkoristimo uporabo lutk pri vzgojnem delu. Ravno tako sem izpostavila vpliv vzgoje in domačih vzorcev, saj za določene otrokove lastnosti ni kriva televizija, ampak v veliki meri pravzaprav starši, ki pa z veliko vnemo razlagajo, da otroci do tako imenovanih neželenih oblik v obnašanju prihajajo ravno zaradi televizije. Zame je bil pozitiven vpliv televizije bolj ali manj neznanka, v veliki meri sem brezglavo sledila negativnim stereotipnim prepričanjem. Torej, da je televizija slaba, da slabo vpliva na otroke, da se od tam lahko naučijo le slabih vedenjskih vzorcev in podobno. Nisem se zavedala, koliko smo za take slabe vplive krivi vzgojitelji in starši. In kako ravno mi lahko vplivamo na to, da bo otrok postal kritičen gledalec in do slabih vplivov ne bo prihajalo, če že, pa za to ne bo »kriv« televizijski sprejemnik. Zato sem se posvetila predvsem ugotavljanju, kako naj bi odrasli sodelovali pri gledanju televizije, da njen vpliv ne bi bil slab oziroma negativen, pač pa bi otroci postali kritični gledalci in bi se z gledanjem televizije kaj novega naučili. Dobro pa sem se zavedala dejstva, da lutke na otroke vplivajo pozitivno, a nisem točno poznala razsežnosti teh vplivov, na katera področja pravzaprav lahko vplivamo z uporabo lutk, kot tudi ne različnih možnosti načina vpeljave lutk v vzgojni proces. Z raziskavo pa sem poskušala ugotoviti, kako se vzgojiteljice odločajo za ogled določenih predstav ali televizijskih oddaj, če si jih vnaprej ogledajo in koliko predstav ali risank je vključenih v letni delovni načrt. Ugotovila sem, da v vrtcu televizijo gledajo zelo malo, v gledališče pa se odpravijo, ali pa kar gledališče pride v vrtec, doma pa je, kot so povedali otroci, ravno obratno. Torej, predvsem sami, brez staršev, gledajo televizijo ter se samostojno odločajo za posamezne oddaje in čas gledanja.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my thesis, I explore how adults can influence TV watching by children in order to avoid negative consequences, and how puppets can be used in educational work. I also highlight the impact of education and family patterns, because often not television, but rather parents are to be mostly blamed for particular characteristics their children acquire. Parents frequently explain with great fervor that their children’s undesirable behavior is precisely the result of watching TV. Up to now, any positive influence of TV watching has been more or less unknown to me; I have mainly followed negative stereotypical beliefs: that TV is bad, usually having a negative impact on children, that watching TV can only result in learning bad patterns of behavior, etc. I have never realized that educators and parents may also be guilty for bad impacts, and it has never occurred to me that we may be the ones to direct a child to become a critical viewer, and avoid bad influence, or, if such bad influence happens anyway, that it does not occur as a result of watching TV. Thus, I mainly focus on determining how adults should be involved in children’s watching television in order to minimize its bad or negative influence and help them to become critical viewers, watching TV in order to learn something new. I have been fully aware of the fact that puppets have a positive impact on children, without knowing the exact extent of this impact, the areas which can actually be influenced by the use of puppets, and different options and ways of introducing puppets in the educational process. In my research, I try to determine on what basis teachers select certain plays or TV shows, if they watch them in advance, and how many shows or cartoons are included in the annual work plan. I establish that in nursery schools not much television is watched, but sometimes children go to the theater, or the theater comes to the nursery school. At home, according to kids, the situation is quite opposite: there is almost no parental guidance, kids watch TV mainly alone, opting autonomously for a particular show and viewing time.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): television
ID: 8308731
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