diplomsko delo
Simona Ažman (Author), Martina Ozbič (Mentor)


Fonološko zavedanje in branje pred otrokovim vstopom v šolo ter v prvem in drugem razredu


fonološko zavedanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Gorje
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Ažman]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9082697 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1304
Downloads: 333
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Phonological awareness and reading ability of pre-school children and children in the first and second grade in school
Secondary abstract: Past research confirms the importance of a properly developed phonological awareness for reading and writing. Many of the causes of reading difficulties stem from problems in the phonological domain. The aim of this diploma project was to test phonological awareness, including several domains of phonological awareness, to find the connection between phonological awareness and reading ability, to ascertain whether gender has a significant effect on phonological awareness and in which elements of phonological awareness statistically significant differences appear between preschool children, children in the first year of primary school and children in the second year. The first part of this thesis includes theoretical foundations connected with the subject of this diploma project. There follows research carried out in the primary school Anton Tomaž Linhart in Radovljica and the nurseries in Gorje and Radovljica. The study focussed on sixty children: twenty preschool children, twenty children from the first year and twenty children from the second year. Ten girls and ten boys from each department cooperated in the study. Data was gathered with the help of a test of phonological awareness and a one-minute reading test. The results confirm what is already known about phonological awareness and reading ability. Younger children have more poorly developed phonological awareness than older children; i.e. children in the first year of primary school have more poorly developed phonological awareness than children in the second year and better developed phonological awareness than preschool children. Children with well developed phonological awareness also have well developed reading abilities. The research confirms gradual development in keeping with certain laws and in a certain order, in line with the child’s age and the development of his cognitive abilities.
Secondary keywords: reading;reading difficulty;branje;težave pri branju;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: V f., 115 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Phonological awareness and reading ability of pre-school children and children in the first and second grade in school
Keywords (ePrints): branje
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): reading
Abstract (ePrints): Različne raziskave potrjujejo pomembnost razvitega fonološkega zavedanja za branje in pisanje. Veliko vzrokov za težave pri branju izhaja iz problemov na fonološkem področju. Namen diplomskega dela je bil izdelati preizkus fonološkega zavedanja, ki zajema več področij, ugotoviti, kakšna je povezava med spretnostjo fonološkega zavedanja in spretnostjo branja, ali spol pomembno vpliva na spretnosti fonološkega zavedanja ter v katerih spretnostih fonološkega zavedanja se pojavljajo statistično pomembne razlike pri predšolskih otrocih (pred vstopom v prvi razred), otrocih v prvem razredu in otrocih v drugem razredu. V prvem delu so navedene teoretične osnove, ki se nanašajo na predmet diplomske naloge. Sledi raziskava, ki je bila izvedena v OŠ Antona Tomaža Linharta Radovljica in v Vrtcu Gorje ter Vrtcu Radovljica. Vzorec je zajel šestdeset otrok: dvajset predšolski otrok, dvajset otrok prvega razreda ter dvajset otrok drugega razreda. Iz vsakega oddelka je pri raziskavi sodelovalo deset deklic in deset dečkov. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo preizkusa fonološkega zavedanja in enominutnega testa branja. Rezultati potrjujejo dosedanja spoznanja o spretnostih fonološkega zavedanja in branja. Mlajši otroci imajo slabše razvite sposobnosti fonološkega zavedanja kot starejši otroci oz. predšolski otroci imajo slabše razvite spretnosti fonološkega zavedanja kot otroci prvega razreda in otroci drugega razreda, otroci prvega razreda pa imajo slabše razvite spretnosti fonološkega zavedanja kot otroci drugega razreda in bolj razvite spretnosti fonološkega zavedanja kot predšolski otroci. Otroci, ki imajo dobro razvite spretnosti fonološkega zavedanja, imajo prav tako dobro razvite tudi spretnosti branja. Raziskava potrjuje postopni razvoj po določenih zakonitostih in v določenem zaporedju skladno z otrokovo starostjo in njegovim spoznavnim razvojem.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Past research confirms the importance of a properly developed phonological awareness for reading and writing. Many of the causes of reading difficulties stem from problems in the phonological domain. The aim of this diploma project was to test phonological awareness, including several domains of phonological awareness, to find the connection between phonological awareness and reading ability, to ascertain whether gender has a significant effect on phonological awareness and in which elements of phonological awareness statistically significant differences appear between preschool children, children in the first year of primary school and children in the second year. The first part of this thesis includes theoretical foundations connected with the subject of this diploma project. There follows research carried out in the primary school Anton Tomaž Linhart in Radovljica and the nurseries in Gorje and Radovljica. The study focussed on sixty children: twenty preschool children, twenty children from the first year and twenty children from the second year. Ten girls and ten boys from each department cooperated in the study. Data was gathered with the help of a test of phonological awareness and a one-minute reading test. The results confirm what is already known about phonological awareness and reading ability. Younger children have more poorly developed phonological awareness than older children; i.e. children in the first year of primary school have more poorly developed phonological awareness than children in the second year and better developed phonological awareness than preschool children. Children with well developed phonological awareness also have well developed reading abilities. The research confirms gradual development in keeping with certain laws and in a certain order, in line with the child’s age and the development of his cognitive abilities.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): reading
ID: 8308759