diplomska naloga
Liliana Poropath (Author), Franc Saje (Mentor), Bojan Majes (Thesis defence commission member), Jože Lopatič (Thesis defence commission member)


Primerjava analize in dimenzioniranja obstoječega poslovnega objekta po standardih JUS in EVROCODE


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;standard Evrokod 2;standard Evrokod 8;plošče;okviri;prostorski model;protipotresno projektiranje;armirani beton;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [L. Poropath]
UDC: 006(4):624.012.45(043.2)
COBISS: 5065569 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2863
Downloads: 758
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Compering analiysis and calculation of existing structure by JUS-standards and EUROCODES
Secondary abstract: This thesis presents designing of the milk plant in Ljubljana, called "Ljubljanske mlekarne", according to the current standards for designing building structures by Eurocode. Reinforced-concrete construction is designed of tree parts that are joining together as a whole. Ceiling constructions are constructed as monolith plates with build in cardboard tubes. A vertical supporting element of construction represents wall cores and columns which form spatial frames together with beams. Among all the impacts, that affect the construction, we considered within the analysis permanent impacts, impacts of imposed loads, snow and wind loads and also seismic effects. In this thesis we presented designing of characteristic ceiling construction of the existing building. Complete analysis was made by SAFE software. Because of the pretentiousness of Eurocode standard’s regulations for objects on the seismic zones we restricted the analysis at the designing of vertical load-bearing elements to one of reinforced-concrete walls and the part of reinforced-concrete frame we didn′t take in context of analysis... Considered part of load-bearing constructions were designed by the method of load planning (capacity design), while load structure, we determined on the spatial computation model, made by ETABS software. The primary objective of the work is a comparison between the required reinforcement by current standards Eurocode, and the actual build in reinforcement, established in accordance with the requirements of the JUS regulations. The comparison indicated that the amount of built-in reinforcement in the analyzed ceiling construction is less than required reinforcement by Eurocode standards. Wall construction analysis indicated that the existing wall dimensions do not suffice the requirements of the very strict standards Eurocode. We determined that the existing longitudinal reinforcement in the columns is sufficient although shear reinforcement is not sufficient enough according to the requirements of current standards Eurocode, also beam longitudinal and shear reinforcement don’t satisfy demands.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;graduation thesis;standard EC8;standard EC2;plates;wals;frames;3D model;seismic loading;reinforced concrete;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 171 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Compering analysis and calculation of existing structure by JUS-standards and EUROCODES
Keywords (ePrints): standard Evrokod 2;standard Evrokod 8;plošče;stene;okviri;prostorski model;;protipotresno projektiranje;armirani beton
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): standard EC8;standard EC 2;plates;walls;frames;3D model;seismic loading;reinforced concrete
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomski nalogi obravnavamo projektiranje objekta Ljubljanskih mlekaren- KID po trenutno veljavnih standardih za projektiranje gradbenih konstrukcij EVROKODE. Armiranobetonska konstrukcija je sestavljena iz treh delov, ki so medsebojno povezani v celoto. V diplomski nalogi analiziramo medetažno stropno AB konstrukcijo, ki je izvedena kot monolitna plošča s kartonskimi cevmi. Navpične nosilne elemente konstrukcije pa predstavljajo stene jeder ter stebri, ki skupaj z nosilci tvorijo prostorske okvire. Izmed vplivov, ki delujejo na konstrukcijo, smo v analizi upoštevali stalne vplive, vplive koristne obtežbe, vplive obtežbe snega in vetra ter potresne vplive. V diplomski nalogi smo prikazali projektiranje značilne medetažne stropne konstrukcije obravnavanega objekta. Analizo smo v celoti izdelali s programom SAFE. Zaradi zahtevnosti določb Evrocode standardov smo pri projektiranju navpičnih nosilnih elementov, ki se nahajajo na potresnih območjih, analizo omejili le na eno izmed armiranobetonskih sten, analizo AB okvira pa nisem zajela v podrobno tematiko. Obravnavani del nosilne konstrukcije smo projektirali po metodi načrtovanja nosilnosti (capacity design), obremenitve konstrukcije pa smo določili na prostorskem računskem modelu, izdelanem v programu ETABS. Poglavitni cilj diplomske naloge je primerjava med vgrajeno armaturo objekta določeno še po Jus predpisih in računsko potrebno, ki jo zahtevajo sedanji standardi Evrokode.Primerjava je pokazala, da je količina vgrajene armature manjša v medetažni stropni konstukciji v primerjavi z zahtevami standarda Evrokod. Analiza konstukcije sten je pokazala, da že obstoječe dimenzije stene ne zadoščajo zelo strogim zahtevam Evrokode standardov. Pri okvirih smo ugotovili, da obstoječa vertikalna armatura v stebrih zadošča, ne zadošča pa stremenska armatura; ravno tako pri gredah vzdolžna in stremenska armatura ne zadošča zahtevam Evrokode standardov.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): This thesis presents designing of the milk plant in Ljubljana, called "Ljubljanske mlekarne", according to the current standards for designing building structures by Eurocode. Reinforced-concrete construction is designed of tree parts that are joining together as a whole. Ceiling constructions are constructed as monolith plates with build in cardboard tubes. A vertical supporting element of construction represents wall cores and columns which form spatial frames together with beams. Among all the impacts, that affect the construction, we considered within the analysis permanent impacts, impacts of imposed loads, snow and wind loads and also seismic effects. In this thesis we presented designing of characteristic ceiling construction of the existing building. Complete analysis was made by SAFE software. Because of the pretentiousness of Eurocode standard’s regulations for objects on the seismic zones we restricted the analysis at the designing of vertical load-bearing elements to one of reinforced-concrete walls and the part of reinforced-concrete frame we didn′t take in context of analysis... Considered part of load-bearing constructions were designed by the method of load planning (capacity design), while load structure, we determined on the spatial computation model, made by ETABS software. The primary objective of the work is a comparison between the required reinforcement by current standards Eurocode, and the actual build in reinforcement, established in accordance with the requirements of the JUS regulations. The comparison indicated that the amount of built-in reinforcement in the analyzed ceiling construction is less than required reinforcement by Eurocode standards. Wall construction analysis indicated that the existing wall dimensions do not suffice the requirements of the very strict standards Eurocode. We determined that the existing longitudinal reinforcement in the columns is sufficient although shear reinforcement is not sufficient enough according to the requirements of current standards Eurocode, also beam longitudinal and shear reinforcement don’t satisfy demands.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): standard EC8;standard EC 2;plates;walls;frames;3D model;seismic loading;reinforced concrete
ID: 8308983