diplomska naloga
Matjaž Grabljevec (Author), Marijan Žura (Mentor), Bojan Strah (Co-mentor)


Analiza vpliva prometa na stanje vozišča s programom HDM-4


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;prometna smer;gospodarjenje z vozišči;HDM-4;propadanje vozišč;poškodbe asfaltnih vozišč;MSI;cestno omrežje;Banka cestnih podatkov;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Grabljevec]
UDC: 004.42:625.76.004.6:656.1(043.2)
COBISS: 2914145 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2727
Downloads: 421
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the efect of traffic on road driving surface with HDM-4 software
Secondary abstract: The following Graduation Thesis focuses on analysis of effect of traffic on road condition, while also calculating road agency and road user costs. It is a well known fact, that heavy traffic vehicles cause the greatest damage on roads. Furthermore, road user costs are directly linked to road condition, which has influence on fuel consumption, tyre wear, travel speed etc. First part of Graduation Thesis describes pavement management system, which consists of data management in a first phase and in a second phase methods for assigning financial resources for road maintenance. There is a description of Road Database, which deals with road data of all kinds. HDM-4 software, which optimises financial investment on roads, is described afterwards. Road network, used in the analysis, is situated in Gorenjska region, with a total length of 63 km. The composition of heavy traffic vehicles varies from 0 to 30 %. Road maintenance is composed of 3 different scenarios: periodic maintenance, asphalt overlay and rejuvenation. In the analysis, road agency and road user costs were examined, together with roughness of driving surface after the analysis period of 15 years.
Secondary keywords: pavement management system;HDM-4;road deterioration;bituminous pavement distress modes;MSI;road network;Road databank
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Oddelek za gradbeništvo, Univerzitetni študij, Prometna smer
Pages: XII, 70 str.,
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Analysis of the effect of traffic on road driving surface with HDM-4 software
Keywords (ePrints): gospodarjenje z vozišči;HDM-4;propadanje vozišč;poškodbe asfaltnih vozišč;MSI;cestno omrežje;Banka cestnih podatkov
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): pavement management system;HDM-4;road deterioration;bituminous pavement distress modes;MSI;road network;Road databank
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo obravnava analizo vpliva prometa na stanje voziščne konstrukcije, obenem pa ugotavlja stroške uporabnikov in upravljalcev cest. Dokazano je, da največ škode na voziščih povzročijo tovorna vozila. Stroški uporabnikov cest so neposredno povezani s stanjem vozišča, kar vpliva na porabo goriva, obrabo gum, potovalno hitrost in s tem povezane zamude ter druge stroške. Prvi del diplomske naloge obsega splošen opis gospodarjenja z vozišči, kamor spada zbiranje podatkov o stanju vozišča ter v drugi fazi principe in metode za racionalno razporejanje denarja za vzdrževanje vozišč. Glede zbiranja podatkov je opisano pridobivanje podatkov iz Banke Cestnih Podatkov (BCP) in prilagajanje teh podatkov za uporabo v programu HDM-4. V nadaljevanju je ta program, ki se uporablja za optimizacijo finančnih vlaganj v cestno infrastrukturo tudi podrobneje opisan. V analizi se za analizirano cestno omrežje v okolici Kranja dolžine 63 km predpostavlja struktura tovornega prometa od 0 do 30 %. Analiza upošteva 3 različne scenarije vzdrževalnih ukrepov, ki vključujejo osnovno redno vzdrževanje, preplastitev ter posodobitev vozišča. Na koncu je prikazana tudi napoved stanja vozišča čez 15 let za različne višine finančnih vlaganj.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The following Graduation Thesis focuses on analysis of effect of traffic on road condition, while also calculating road agency and road user costs. It is a well known fact, that heavy traffic vehicles cause the greatest damage on roads. Furthermore, road user costs are directly linked to road condition, which has influence on fuel consumption, tyre wear, travel speed etc. First part of Graduation Thesis describes pavement management system, which consists of data management in a first phase and in a second phase methods for assigning financial resources for road maintenance. There is a description of Road Database, which deals with road data of all kinds. HDM-4 software, which optimises financial investment on roads, is described afterwards. Road network, used in the analysis, is situated in Gorenjska region, with a total length of 63 km. The composition of heavy traffic vehicles varies from 0 to 30 %. Road maintenance is composed of 3 different scenarios: periodic maintenance, asphalt overlay and rejuvenation. In the analysis, road agency and road user costs were examined, together with roughness of driving surface after the analysis period of 15 years.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): pavement management system;HDM-4;road deterioration;bituminous pavement distress modes;MSI;road network;Road databank
ID: 8309597