Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Paper and what you can do with it |
Secondary abstract: |
The kindergarten is still dominated by organized learning activities and transmission understanding of the learning process, which means that learning is considered a transfer of knowledge from a teacher to a child. Various studies have shown that the process of research as compared to traditional learning activities has a number of advantages. The research approach is focused on developing children's skills of independent research, with appropriate encouragement and assistance of educators in the construction and acquisition of knowledge through their own experiences, thereby developing the child's personality, good self-esteem and potential. Therefore the modern curricula for preschool children suggests constant activities where learning becomes an active process.
The paper is based on a project entitled Paper and what you can do with it, which was followed by evaluation.
The theoretical part presents the answers to some key questions about active learning: What exactly active learning is, type, meaning and purpose of research, steps in a closed research, a description of the instructor’s guidance in the research process ... I designed the project on the principles of the closed-ended survey, during the implementation I was open to children’s suggestions and ideas. We were trying to find the answers to the questions about paper, its origin, type of paper, characteristics, use ... Children had been given the opportunity to express their assumptions before the activity. Their assumptions were then compared to the verified data and the derived solutions. During the process we kept writing our conclusions on a poster, which we found very useful. Despite the ongoing evaluation, a reflection on all activities completed the project. |
Secondary keywords: |
pre-school education;activity method;project method;predšolska vzgoja;aktivna metoda;projektna metoda; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja |
Pages: |
113 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Paper and what you can do with it |
Keywords (ePrints): |
aktivno učenje |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
active learning |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V vrtcih še vedno prevladujejo organizirane učne dejavnosti ter transmisijsko razumevanje procesa učenja, kar pomeni, da se učenje pojmuje kot prenos znanja z vzgojitelja na otroka. Različne študije dokazujejo, da ima proces raziskovanja v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi učnimi aktivnostmi kar nekaj prednosti. Raziskovalni pristop se usmerja v razvoj otrokovih sposobnosti, samostojnega raziskovanja, ob ustrezni spodbudi in pomoči vzgojitelja, v konstruiranje in pridobivanje znanja preko lastnih izkušenj ter s tem razvoj otrokove osebnosti, dobre samopodobe ter potencialov. Sodobni kurikulumi za vrtčevske otroke zato predlagajo čim pogostejše dejavnosti, kjer bo učenje otrok aktiven proces.
Diplomska naloga temelji na projektu z naslovom Papir in kaj vse lahko naredimo z njim, kateremu je sledila evalvacija.
V teoretičnem delu so predstavljeni odgovori na nekatera ključna vprašanja o aktivnem učenju: Kaj aktivno učenje sploh je, vrste, pomen in cilj raziskovanja, koraki v zaprtem tipu raziskovanja, opis vloge vzgojitelja v procesu raziskovanja … Projekt sem zasnovala po načelih zaprtega tipa raziskovanja, med izvajanjem pa sem bila odprta za predloge in ideje otrok. Z otroki smo iskali odgovore na vprašanja o papirju, njegovem nastanku, vrstah, lastnostih, uporabi … Pred dejavnostmi so otroci imeli možnost izraziti svoje domneve, ki smo jih po opravljeni dejavnosti primerjali z preverjenimi informacijami in dobljenimi rešitvami. Ob tem nam je bil v pomoč tudi plakat, na katerega smo sproti zapisovali nove ugotovitve. Kljub sprotni evalvaciji je ob koncu projekta sledila še refleksija vseh dejavnosti. |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
The kindergarten is still dominated by organized learning activities and transmission understanding of the learning process, which means that learning is considered a transfer of knowledge from a teacher to a child. Various studies have shown that the process of research as compared to traditional learning activities has a number of advantages. The research approach is focused on developing children's skills of independent research, with appropriate encouragement and assistance of educators in the construction and acquisition of knowledge through their own experiences, thereby developing the child's personality, good self-esteem and potential. Therefore the modern curricula for preschool children suggests constant activities where learning becomes an active process.
The paper is based on a project entitled Paper and what you can do with it, which was followed by evaluation.
The theoretical part presents the answers to some key questions about active learning: What exactly active learning is, type, meaning and purpose of research, steps in a closed research, a description of the instructor’s guidance in the research process ... I designed the project on the principles of the closed-ended survey, during the implementation I was open to children’s suggestions and ideas. We were trying to find the answers to the questions about paper, its origin, type of paper, characteristics, use ... Children had been given the opportunity to express their assumptions before the activity. Their assumptions were then compared to the verified data and the derived solutions. During the process we kept writing our conclusions on a poster, which we found very useful. Despite the ongoing evaluation, a reflection on all activities completed the project. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
active learning |
ID: |
8310271 |