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Vključevanje otroka z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju v vrtec


inkluzija;zgodnja obravnava;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Malnar Novak]
UDC: 376.1-056.47(043.2)
COBISS: 9275977 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1035
Downloads: 231
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The inclusion of child with mild forms of intellectual disabilities in preschool education
Secondary abstract: „Inclusion of children with special needs amongst their peers allows for the optimal development of their abilities and at the same time allows for them to accept and recognize their difference and disabilities which accompanies them throughout their lifespan. At the same time, children with special needs as well as other children and adults are given the opportunity to understand and respect each person as a unique and worthy individual.“ (Samec, 2010) Recently an increase in enrolment of children with mild forms of intellectual disabilities to regular kindergartens has been noted. According to the law in the Republic of Slovenia regarding children with special needs (2011), children with mild forms of intellectual disabilities in the preschool period are included into a program with the aid of curriculum modification and supportive. People with mild forms of intellectual disabilities often have difficulties which are not expressed entirely. There are however difficulties in a specific area of functioning which alerts us to the diversity of the child’s development. As the children with mild forms of intellectual disabilities form an extremely heterogeneous group, it is understandable that creating a general program for education is not possible. The program should be adjusted to meet the needs of the individual child, rather than facilitate the diagnosis of mild forms intellectual disabilities. In my thesis I have presented the problems associated with the development of a child with mild forms of intellectual disabilities and educational approaches to aid effective teaching strategies as well as methodical basics of working with children with mild intellectual disabilities. I have also stressed the importance of team work, supported intervention of professionals (teachers, special education providers) at the preschool education as well as a supportive working partnership with parents. In the empirical part of my research on the basis of the strong identification of the boy ̓s strengths, learning needs, and deficits were used to plan a training program which would enhance his entire development. This was introduced into the daily routine of the preschool education activities. Activities were planned on the basis of the five areas of the Preschool Curriculum (1999) and the method of implementation was conducted in accordance with the instructions to the Curriculum with adjusted implementation and additional professional help for children with special needs (2003). Training was developed and based on interests and problems associated with some areas of functioning. On completion of training I made a descriptive assessment of the child’s functioning and presented the results in tables and graphs. The training was comprised of 153 operational objectives in the areas of cognitive development, socio-emotional development, speech development and communication as well as in the field of independence. Before beginning with training boy achieved 12 of the set aims, partly achieved 77aims of the set aims and was not successful in 64 of the set aims. The biggest problems were present in the areas of cognitive development, speech development and communication and socio-emotional development. Taking into account the boy ̓s strong and weak areas together with adapting the method of implementation of the planned training, the subject advanced in the area of integrated development. On completion of the training the subject achieved 107 of the set aims/goals, partly achieved 41aims /goals of the set aims and was not successful in 5 of the set aims. Progress was made in the area of cognitive development and in the area of caring for himself as well as in the socio-emotional area. It can be concluded from these findings that we can achieve success or progress in the integrated development of children with mild forms of intellectual disabilities through training.
Secondary keywords: backward child;pre-school child;integration;otrok s posebnimi potrebami;predšolski otrok;integracija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: VII, 99 f., IX f. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The inclusion of child with mild forms of intellectual disabilities in preschool education
Keywords (ePrints): inkluzija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): inclusion
Abstract (ePrints): "Vključevanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami med druge vrstnike omogoča optimalen razvoj zmožnosti otrok s posebnimi potrebami, hkrati pa spremljanje in priznavanje drugačnosti in motenj, ki jih spremljajo vse življenje. Obenem daje tako otrokom s posebnimi potrebami pa tudi drugim otrokom in odraslim možnost za razumevanje in spoštovanje vsakega človeka kot enkratnega in vrednega posameznika.“ (Samec, 2010) V zadnjem času se je v rednih vrtcih povečalo število otrok z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Po Zakonu o usmerjanju (2011) se otroci z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju v predšolskem obdobju usmerjajo v program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo. Osebe z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju imajo pogosto težave in motnje, ki v predšolskem obdobju še niso izražene v vsem svojem obsegu, nakazujejo pa se težave na posameznih področjih funkcioniranja, ki opozarjajo na drugačnost otrokovega razvoja. Ker so otroci z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju izjemno heterogena skupina, je razumljivo, da zanje ni mogoče oblikovati enotnega programa vzgoje in izobraževanja. Program je potrebno prilagoditi vsakemu posameznemu otroku in njegovim posebnim potrebam, ne pa diagnozi lažje motnje v duševnem razvoju. V diplomskem delu sem predstavila težave na področju razvoja otroka z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju ter vzgojno-izobraževalne pristope pomoči, učinkovite strategije dela ter didaktično-metodične osnove dela z otrokom z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju. Poudarila sem tudi pomembnost timskega dela strokovnih delavcev v vrtcu ter partnerskega sodelovanja s starši. V empiričnem delu sem na podlagi ocene močnih področij, posebnih potreb in primanjkljajev dečka z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju oblikovala trening spodbujanja celostnega razvoja, ki je bil vpeljan v dnevno rutino vrtca. Dejavnosti so bile načrtovane na podlagi petih področij Kurikuluma za vrtce (1999), način izvajanja je potekal v skladu z Navodili h kurikulumu za vrtce s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo za otroke s posebnimi potrebami (2003). Trening sem oblikovala glede na zanimanja in težave, ki jih je imel na posameznih področjih funkcioniranja. Po zaključenem treningu sem podala opisno oceno otrokovega funkcioniranja ter rezultate predstavila tudi v tabeli in grafih. V okviru treninga je bilo načrtovanih in zastavljenih 153 operativnih ciljev s področij spoznavnega razvoja, razvoja govora in komunikacije, kognitivnega razvoja, socio-emocionalnega razvoja ter področja samostojnosti. Deček je pred izvedbo treninga dosegel 12 zastavljenih ciljev, delno je dosegel 77 zastavljenih ciljev, 64 zastavljenih ciljev ni dosegel. Največje težave so bile prisotne na področjih spoznavnega razvoja, razvoja govora in komunikacije ter socio-emocionalnega razvoja. Ob upoštevanju dečkovih močnih in šibkih področij ter s prilagojenim načinom izvajanja načrtovanega treninga je deček napredoval na področju celostnega razvoja. Po zaključenem treningu je dosegel 107 ciljev, delno je dosegel 41 ciljev, le 5 zastavljenih ciljev ni dosegel. Napredek je opazen na področju spoznavnega razvoja, na kognitivnem področju, področju skrbi za samega sebe ter socio-emocionalnem področju. S treningom lahko dosežemo napredek na področju celostnega razvoja otroka z lažjimi motnjami v duševnem razvoju.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): „Inclusion of children with special needs amongst their peers allows for the optimal development of their abilities and at the same time allows for them to accept and recognize their difference and disabilities which accompanies them throughout their lifespan. At the same time, children with special needs as well as other children and adults are given the opportunity to understand and respect each person as a unique and worthy individual.“ (Samec, 2010) Recently an increase in enrolment of children with mild forms of intellectual disabilities to regular kindergartens has been noted. According to the law in the Republic of Slovenia regarding children with special needs (2011), children with mild forms of intellectual disabilities in the preschool period are included into a program with the aid of curriculum modification and supportive. People with mild forms of intellectual disabilities often have difficulties which are not expressed entirely. There are however difficulties in a specific area of functioning which alerts us to the diversity of the child’s development. As the children with mild forms of intellectual disabilities form an extremely heterogeneous group, it is understandable that creating a general program for education is not possible. The program should be adjusted to meet the needs of the individual child, rather than facilitate the diagnosis of mild forms intellectual disabilities. In my thesis I have presented the problems associated with the development of a child with mild forms of intellectual disabilities and educational approaches to aid effective teaching strategies as well as methodical basics of working with children with mild intellectual disabilities. I have also stressed the importance of team work, supported intervention of professionals (teachers, special education providers) at the preschool education as well as a supportive working partnership with parents. In the empirical part of my research on the basis of the strong identification of the boy ̓s strengths, learning needs, and deficits were used to plan a training program which would enhance his entire development. This was introduced into the daily routine of the preschool education activities. Activities were planned on the basis of the five areas of the Preschool Curriculum (1999) and the method of implementation was conducted in accordance with the instructions to the Curriculum with adjusted implementation and additional professional help for children with special needs (2003). Training was developed and based on interests and problems associated with some areas of functioning. On completion of training I made a descriptive assessment of the child’s functioning and presented the results in tables and graphs. The training was comprised of 153 operational objectives in the areas of cognitive development, socio-emotional development, speech development and communication as well as in the field of independence. Before beginning with training boy achieved 12 of the set aims, partly achieved 77aims of the set aims and was not successful in 64 of the set aims. The biggest problems were present in the areas of cognitive development, speech development and communication and socio-emotional development. Taking into account the boy ̓s strong and weak areas together with adapting the method of implementation of the planned training, the subject advanced in the area of integrated development. On completion of the training the subject achieved 107 of the set aims/goals, partly achieved 41aims /goals of the set aims and was not successful in 5 of the set aims. Progress was made in the area of cognitive development and in the area of caring for himself as well as in the socio-emotional area. It can be concluded from these findings that we can achieve success or progress in the integrated development of children with mild forms of intellectual disabilities through training.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): inclusion
ID: 8310425