Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Sport-related interest activities at chosen schools in the Karst region |
Secondary abstract: |
In thesis Sport-related interest activities at chosen schools in the Karst region we wanted to examine the range of school sport interest activities and competitive extracurricular activities, those running these programs, the involvement of pupils in them and parents' opinion on these activities.
The sample included 414 parents whose children had during the study attended one of the first five grades in one of the four elementary schools or their subsidiaries in the Karst region. The data for the study were obtained from questionnaires and tables which were handed in by the schools and processed in the SPSS statistical program.
Our findings were that the range of school interest activities was varied, the sport interest activities being the most predominant. The same can be said for the extracurricular interest activities, among which 60% is sports-oriented. Half of all school activities are carried out by classroom teachers; however, 65% of sports activities are outsourced.
Most of the students are attending two school interest activities and on average also one extracurricular. 85% of the students are attending at least one organized sports activity. The analysis of differences showed that boys and girls equally often joined sport interest activities, however some turned out to be more attractive for girls and others for boys. Pupils of subsidiary schools on average attend more of school interest activities, non-commuters attend more extracurricular sports activities. We also detected a trend of increasing the number of interest activities in higher classes and at the same time a decreasing of school sport activities.
Three quarters of parents believe that school and extracurricular activities are of the same quality; about 60% think that sports activities should be executed by physical education teachers. They more often perceive the advantages of school interest activities than they do their shortcomings. |
Secondary keywords: |
physical education;extra-curricular activities;primary school;športna vzgoja;interesne dejavnosti;osnovna šola; |
File type: |
application/pdf |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Pages: |
VI, 103 str. |
Type (ePrints): |
thesis |
Title (ePrints): |
Sport-related interest activities at chosen schools in the Karst region |
Keywords (ePrints): |
interesne dejavnosti |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
interest activities |
Abstract (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Športne interesne dejavnosti na izbranih šolah v kraški regiji smo želeli preučiti ponudbo šolskih športnih interesnih dejavnosti in konkurenčnih zunajšolskih dejavnosti, izvajalce teh programov, vključevanje učencev vanje ter mnenje staršev o teh dejavnostih.
V vzorec smo vključili 414 staršev, katerih otroci so v času raziskave obiskovali enega od prvih petih razredov v eni od štirih osnovnih šol oziroma njihovih podružnic na kraškem območju. Podatke za raziskavo smo pridobili iz vprašalnikov in tabel, ki so jih oddale šole, ter jih obdelali v statističnem programu SPSS.
Ugotovili smo, da je ponudba šolskih interesnih dejavnosti pestra, med njimi prevladujejo športne interesne dejavnosti. Raznolike so tudi izvenšolske interesne dejavnosti, med katerimi s 60 % prevladujejo športno usmerjene. Kar polovico vseh šolskih dejavnosti izvajajo razredni učitelji, vendar 65 % športnih dejavnosti izvajajo zunanji sodelavci.
Največ učencev obiskuje dve šolski interesni dejavnosti in v povprečju tudi eno izvenšolsko. 85 odstotkov učencev obiskuje vsaj eno organizirano športno dejavnost. Analiza razlik je pokazala, da se dečki in deklice enako pogosto vključujejo v športne interesne dejavnosti, vendar so se nekatere izkazale za bolj dekliške in druge za bolj deške. Učenci podružničnih šol v povprečju obiskujejo več šolskih interesnih dejavnosti, nevozači obiskujejo več zunajšolskih športnih dejavnosti. Zaznali smo tudi trend povečevanja števila interesnih dejavnosti v višjih razredih in obenem opuščanje športnih dejavnosti.
Tri četrtine staršev meni, da so šolske in izvenšolske dejavnosti enako kvalitetne, najprimernejši izvajalec športnih interesnih dejavnosti se jim zdi s 60 % športni pedagog. Pogosteje zaznavajo tudi prednosti šolskih interesnih dejavnosti kot njihove pomanjkljivosti |
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): |
In thesis Sport-related interest activities at chosen schools in the Karst region we wanted to examine the range of school sport interest activities and competitive extracurricular activities, those running these programs, the involvement of pupils in them and parents' opinion on these activities.
The sample included 414 parents whose children had during the study attended one of the first five grades in one of the four elementary schools or their subsidiaries in the Karst region. The data for the study were obtained from questionnaires and tables which were handed in by the schools and processed in the SPSS statistical program.
Our findings were that the range of school interest activities was varied, the sport interest activities being the most predominant. The same can be said for the extracurricular interest activities, among which 60% is sports-oriented. Half of all school activities are carried out by classroom teachers; however, 65% of sports activities are outsourced.
Most of the students are attending two school interest activities and on average also one extracurricular. 85% of the students are attending at least one organized sports activity. The analysis of differences showed that boys and girls equally often joined sport interest activities, however some turned out to be more attractive for girls and others for boys. Pupils of subsidiary schools on average attend more of school interest activities, non-commuters attend more extracurricular sports activities. We also detected a trend of increasing the number of interest activities in higher classes and at the same time a decreasing of school sport activities.
Three quarters of parents believe that school and extracurricular activities are of the same quality; about 60% think that sports activities should be executed by physical education teachers. They more often perceive the advantages of school interest activities than they do their shortcomings. |
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): |
interest activities |
ID: |
8310467 |