Sekundarni jezik: |
Angleški jezik |
Sekundarni naslov: |
Integrating students of selected schools in the region Gorenjska in sports extracurricular activities |
Sekundarni povzetek: |
In my thesis entitled Integrating students of selected schools in the region Gorenjska in sports extracurricular activities, I wanted to research the range of extracurricular activities internal and external providers of that activities in selected Gorenjska schools and determine the extent, to which students are participating in these extracurricular activities.
In the sample, I have included 6 primary schools and 2 branch schools, which as a result included 1296 students from 1st till 5th Class. I collected data using tables, which were then given to principals of selected schools. I processed the data using the computer program Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and then displayed results using graphs.
I found out that the offer of extracurricular activities in selected schools in Gorenjska region is wide and varied. Internal operators in schools are offering 39 different extra-curricular activities, of which 38 per cent are of sports activities. Wide variety of extracurricular activities for students are also offered by external operators. Their offer is mainly focused in sports extracurricular activities, because they are offering 21 different extracurricular activities, among these, 76 per cent of them are in sports. 15 per cent of such extra-curricular activities are offered by both, internal as well as external operators.
The result shows us, that in average, each student from the first triade of the selected schools is attending 1.6 of school extracurricular activities, more students are choosing unsportsmanlike activities. 38 per cent of students are deciding on outdoor activities and are mainly interested in sports activities. Comparison of participation in extracurricular activities showed, that interest in sports extracurricular activities constantly grows till 4th class, but drops a little in the 5th class. More students are deciding for sporting activity led by internal operators.
Comparison between boys and girls has shown, that there are no major differences in the integration of extracurricular activities, as boys and girls are deciding similar, for an individual or team sports |
Sekundarne ključne besede: |
sport;šport; |
Vrsta datoteke: |
application/pdf |
Vrsta dela (COBISS): |
Diplomsko delo |
Komentar na gradivo: |
Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk |
Strani: |
VIII f., 82 str. |
Vrsta dela (ePrints): |
thesis |
Naslov (ePrints): |
Integrating students of selected schools in the region Gorenjska in sports extracurricular activities |
Ključne besede (ePrints): |
interesne dejavnosti |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
extracurricular activities |
Povzetek (ePrints): |
V diplomskem delu z naslovom Vključevanje učencev izbranih šol gorenjske regije v športne interesne dejavnosti sem želela preveriti ponudbo interesnih dejavnosti notranjih in zunanjih izvajalcev na izbranih gorenjskih šolah ter ugotoviti, v kakšni meri se učenci vključujejo v te interesne dejavnosti.
V vzorec sem vključila 6 osnovnih in 2 podružnični šoli, in sicer 1281 učencev od 1. do 5. razreda. Podatke sem zbirala s pomočjo tabel, ki so bile namenjene ravnateljem izbranih šol. Pridobljene podatke sem obdelala v računalniškem programu Microsoft Office Excel 2007 in jih nato prikazala z grafi.
Ugotovila sem, da je ponudba interesnih dejavnosti na izbranih šolah gorenjske regije pestra in raznolika. Notranji izvajalci na šolah ponujajo 39 različnih interesnih dejavnosti, od tega 38 % športnih dejavnosti. Pestro izbiro interesnih dejavnosti učencem na šolah ponujajo tudi zunanji izvajalci. Njihova ponudba je osredotočena predvsem na športne interesne dejavnosti, saj ponujajo 21 različnih interesnih dejavnosti, od tega pa je kar 76 % športnih. 15 % je takih interesnih dejavnosti, ki jih ponujajo tako notranji izvajalci kot tudi zunanji.
V povprečju vsak učenec nižje stopnje na izbranih šolah obiskuje 1,6 šolske interesne dejavnosti, več učencev pa se odloča za nešportno interesno dejavnost. 38 % učencev se odloča za zunanjo interesno dejavnost, vključujejo pa se pretežno v športne interesne dejavnosti. Primerjava vključenosti v športne interesne dejavnosti med razredi je pokazala, da zanimanje zanje do 4. razreda konstanto raste, v 5. razredu pa nekoliko pade. Več učencev se odloča za športno interesno dejavnost, ki jo vodijo notranji izvajalci.
Primerjava med spoloma je pokazala, da ne obstajajo večje razlike pri vključevanju v športne interesne dejavnosti, saj se dečki in deklice podobno odločajo za individualne oziroma ekipne športe. |
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
In my thesis entitled Integrating students of selected schools in the region Gorenjska in sports extracurricular activities, I wanted to research the range of extracurricular activities internal and external providers of that activities in selected Gorenjska schools and determine the extent, to which students are participating in these extracurricular activities.
In the sample, I have included 6 primary schools and 2 branch schools, which as a result included 1296 students from 1st till 5th Class. I collected data using tables, which were then given to principals of selected schools. I processed the data using the computer program Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and then displayed results using graphs.
I found out that the offer of extracurricular activities in selected schools in Gorenjska region is wide and varied. Internal operators in schools are offering 39 different extra-curricular activities, of which 38 per cent are of sports activities. Wide variety of extracurricular activities for students are also offered by external operators. Their offer is mainly focused in sports extracurricular activities, because they are offering 21 different extracurricular activities, among these, 76 per cent of them are in sports. 15 per cent of such extra-curricular activities are offered by both, internal as well as external operators.
The result shows us, that in average, each student from the first triade of the selected schools is attending 1.6 of school extracurricular activities, more students are choosing unsportsmanlike activities. 38 per cent of students are deciding on outdoor activities and are mainly interested in sports activities. Comparison of participation in extracurricular activities showed, that interest in sports extracurricular activities constantly grows till 4th class, but drops a little in the 5th class. More students are deciding for sporting activity led by internal operators.
Comparison between boys and girls has shown, that there are no major differences in the integration of extracurricular activities, as boys and girls are deciding similar, for an individual or team sports |
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): |
extracurricular activities |
ID: |
8311273 |