diplomsko delo
Anja Pančur (Author), Majda Končar (Mentor)


Sodelovanje staršev učencev z učnimi težavami pri uresničevanju individualiziranega programa


individualizirani program


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Pančur]
UDC: 376.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9313609 Link will open in a new window
Views: 652
Downloads: 227
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The participation of parents of pupils with learning difficulties in achieving individualized program
Secondary abstract: The diploma paper presents the topic of parental involvement of pupils with learning difficulties in the realization of an individualized programme in a regular elementary school. The theoretical part of this thesis includes the definition of the individualized programme and presents opinions and comparisons of different experts on the relations between parents and school professionals. I also focus on the importance of the communication for successful cooperation with parents and describe the most common forms and obstacles of such cooperation, and expectations of both parents and school professionals towards each other. The empirical part of the thesis contains the interpretation of results and analysis of research on how much are the parents of pupils, who are oriented in the adapted programme and receive additional professional support, included in a realization of the individualized programme and how their involvement affects the achievement of the objectives of the individualized programme. The analysis of the survey shows that parents are generally satisfied with their child's individualized programme and their own participation in the realization of it. Furthermore, the children of parents who actively participate in the implementation of the individualized programme more effectively meet their objectives and successfully overcome their problems. The survey also indicates that the parents' level of education does not affect their willingness to participate in the implementation of the individualized programme. In the conclusion of the thesis I summarize the findings, based on literature and research on parental involvement in the realization of the individualized programme.
Secondary keywords: learning difficulty;individualized teaching;parent-teacher relation;učne težave;individualiziran pouk;odnos med starši in učiteljem;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: 94 str., [6] f. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The participation of parents of pupils with learning difficulties in achieving individualized program
Keywords (ePrints): individualizirani program
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): individualized programme
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu je predstavljena tematika sodelovanja staršev učencev z učnimi težavami pri uresničevanju individualiziranega programa v redni osnovni šoli. Teoretični del diplomskega dela zajema opredelitev individualiziranega programa, mnenja in primerjave različnih strokovnjakov o odnosih med starši in šolskimi strokovnimi delavci. Osredotočila sem se tudi na pomen komunikacije za sodelovanje s starši in opisala najpogostejše oblike sodelovanja, ovire za sodelovanje in pričakovanja, tako staršev kot šolskih strokovnih delavcev, drug do drugega. Empirični del diplomskega dela vsebuje rezultate in analizo raziskave o tem, v kolikšni meri so starši učencev z učnimi težavami, ki so usmerjeni v program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo, vključeni v uresničevanje individualiziranega programa in kako njihovo sodelovanje vpliva na doseganje ciljev individualiziranega programa. Analiza raziskave je pokazala, da so starši v splošnem zadovoljni z individualiziranim programom svojega otroka in s svojim sodelovanjem pri uresničevanju le tega. Rezultati kažejo tudi, da otroci staršev, ki aktivneje sodelujejo pri uresničevanju individualiziranega programa, učinkoviteje dosegajo zastavljene cilje in uspešneje premagujejo svoje težave. Raziskava je pokazala tudi, da stopnja izobrazbe staršev ne vpliva na njihovo pripravljenost za sodelovanje pri uresničevanju individualiziranega programa. V sklepu so predstavljene ugotovitve, ki so nastale na podlagi strokovne literature, v povezavi z ugotovitvami raziskave o sodelovanju staršev pri uresničevanju individualiziranega programa.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The diploma paper presents the topic of parental involvement of pupils with learning difficulties in the realization of an individualized programme in a regular elementary school. The theoretical part of this thesis includes the definition of the individualized programme and presents opinions and comparisons of different experts on the relations between parents and school professionals. I also focus on the importance of the communication for successful cooperation with parents and describe the most common forms and obstacles of such cooperation, and expectations of both parents and school professionals towards each other. The empirical part of the thesis contains the interpretation of results and analysis of research on how much are the parents of pupils, who are oriented in the adapted programme and receive additional professional support, included in a realization of the individualized programme and how their involvement affects the achievement of the objectives of the individualized programme. The analysis of the survey shows that parents are generally satisfied with their child's individualized programme and their own participation in the realization of it. Furthermore, the children of parents who actively participate in the implementation of the individualized programme more effectively meet their objectives and successfully overcome their problems. The survey also indicates that the parents' level of education does not affect their willingness to participate in the implementation of the individualized programme. In the conclusion of the thesis I summarize the findings, based on literature and research on parental involvement in the realization of the individualized programme.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): individualized programme
ID: 8310502