diplomsko delo
Saraja Hribernik (Author), Alenka Kobolt (Mentor), Tomaž Vec (Co-mentor)


Model sodelovanja s starši - "Tagesgruppe" (nemški primer in pomen za prakso v Sloveniji)


družinska pomoč;sodelovanje s starši;partnerstvo;Tagesgruppe;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [S. Hribernik]
UDC: 37.064.1(043.2)
COBISS: 9316681 Link will open in a new window
Views: 930
Downloads: 208
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Model of cooperation with parents – »Tagesgruppe« (German case the significance for the Slovenian practice)
Secondary abstract: In my degree I present the cooperation model with parents in the German programme Tagesgruppe, where I did my half-year practice. In the end I try to figure out how these concepts can be useful in Slovenia. In the theoretical part I present important points of view connected to the cooperation with parents and family help. Therefore, I first do an overview through different definitions of family, what are family needs and when, why and in which cases there is family help happening. I present different concepts of family help. The well-being of a child and cooperation with parents are the main parts of family help. That is why I present how these two concepts are connected. I am interested in different ways of the cooperation with parents or partnership, why and for whom this is good and what the obstacles in the work with parents are. In the end I present the programme Tagesgruppe, which is an important starting-point for qualitative research. I also mention the themes connected to the cooperation with parents in Tagesgruppe. In an empirical part, containing qualitative research, I try to figure out which cooperation model with parents is used in Tagesgruppe and what teachers and parents think about it. I also try to link the model to my own practical experience in Tagesgruppe. I examine satisfaction of the participants in relationships, how they see help, relationships and cooperation and what kind of expectations they have in relationships. Considering conversation with the Slovenian expert who is working in the Slovenian programme Cona Fužine, which is in some ways similar to Tagesgruppe, I try to think about reasonableness and ways of using the concept of Tagesgruppe in the Slovenian professional and social field.
Secondary keywords: family;social service;adult-child relation;družina;socialna služba;odnos med odraslim in otrokom;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Socialna pedagogika
Pages: 134 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Model of cooperation with parents – »Tagesgruppe« (German case the significance for the Slovenian practice)
Keywords (ePrints): sodelovanje s starši
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): cooperation with parents
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu predstavljam model sodelovanja s starši v nemškem programu Tagesgruppe, v katerem sem bila na polletni praksi. Na koncu skušam ugotoviti, kako so ti koncepti uporabni za slovenski prostor. V teoretičnem delu predstavljam pomembne vidike, ki so povezani s sodelovanjem s starši in družinsko pomočjo. Zato najprej naredim pregled skozi različne definicije družin, kaj so njihove potrebe, ter kdaj, zakaj, in v kakšnih primerih prihaja do pomoči družinam. Predstavljam različne poglede na družinsko pomoč. Ker je v praksi glavna nit družinske pomoči dobro otroka in sodelovanje s starši, predstavljam, kako sta ta dva koncepta povezana med seboj. Zanima me, na kakšen način prihaja do sodelovanja s starši oz. partnerstva, zakaj ter za koga je to dobro, in kakšne ovire se pojavljajo pri delu s starši. Na koncu predstavim program Tagesgruppe, ki je pomembno izhodišče za kvalitativno raziskovanje, ter izpostavim teme, ki se tičejo sodelovanja s starši v Tagesgruppe. V empiričnem delu skušam skozi kvalitativno raziskavo ugotoviti, kakšen je pravzaprav model sodelovanja s starši v Tagesgruppe, kako ga vidijo vzgojitelji in starši, povezujem ga tudi z lastnimi izkušnjami s prakse. Preverjam zadovoljstvo udeleženih v odnosih, kako gledajo na pomoč, na odnose in na sodelovanje, ter s kakšnimi pričakovanji prihajajo v odnose. Prav tako skušam s pomočjo pogovora s slovensko strokovno delavko, ki dela v slovenskem programu Cona Fužine, ki je v določenih pogledih podoben Tagesgruppe, razmišljati o smiselnosti in načinih prenašanja konceptov Tagesgruppe v slovenski strokovni in družbeni prostor.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): In my degree I present the cooperation model with parents in the German programme Tagesgruppe, where I did my half-year practice. In the end I try to figure out how these concepts can be useful in Slovenia. In the theoretical part I present important points of view connected to the cooperation with parents and family help. Therefore, I first do an overview through different definitions of family, what are family needs and when, why and in which cases there is family help happening. I present different concepts of family help. The well-being of a child and cooperation with parents are the main parts of family help. That is why I present how these two concepts are connected. I am interested in different ways of the cooperation with parents or partnership, why and for whom this is good and what the obstacles in the work with parents are. In the end I present the programme Tagesgruppe, which is an important starting-point for qualitative research. I also mention the themes connected to the cooperation with parents in Tagesgruppe. In an empirical part, containing qualitative research, I try to figure out which cooperation model with parents is used in Tagesgruppe and what teachers and parents think about it. I also try to link the model to my own practical experience in Tagesgruppe. I examine satisfaction of the participants in relationships, how they see help, relationships and cooperation and what kind of expectations they have in relationships. Considering conversation with the Slovenian expert who is working in the Slovenian programme Cona Fužine, which is in some ways similar to Tagesgruppe, I try to think about reasonableness and ways of using the concept of Tagesgruppe in the Slovenian professional and social field.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): cooperation with parents
ID: 8310601