diplomsko delo


Primerjava učnih načrtov za matematiko v Sloveniji in Belgiji




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Zelenc]
UDC: 37.091.2:51(043.2)
COBISS: 9325129 Link will open in a new window
Views: 802
Downloads: 107
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The comparison between Slovenian and Belgian mathematical curriculum
Secondary abstract: Mathematics is an obligatory school subject in which the content is merely the same whereas the aims, teaching styles and methods according to the students’ age can vary a lot. We have had the chance to observe the Belgian school system very closely, above all the teaching of mathematics during the Comenius assistance in Belgium in school year 2010/11. We have found out significant differences between the two school systems and the organization of the schools. Our interest was mainly mathematics – its curriculum and lessons. Therefore we decided to study and compare the Slovenian and Belgian curriculums more closely and as a result found out some interesting differences and similarities. This diploma work first presents the Slovenian and Belgian school systems and organization and deals with the differences and similarities of both. It analyzes the curriculum according to various topics – geometry, measurement, arithmetics, algebra, Slovenian operative learning aims and Belgian competences on grades and cycles. Finally, it compares the results of Slovenian and Belgian learners in the TIMSS research and adds the description of a personal experience of teaching in primary school Ecole Notre-Dame in Belgium.
Secondary keywords: education system;Belgium;Slovenia;mathematics;curriculum;primary school;sistem vzgoje in izobraževanja;Belgija;Slovenija;matematika;kurikulum;osnovna šola;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 134 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The comparison between Slovenian and Belgian mathematical curriculum
Keywords (ePrints): Slovenija
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Slovenia
Abstract (ePrints): Matematika je obvezen predmet osnovne šole, vsebine so praktično povsod enake, cilji, način poučevanja in obravnavanje posameznih matematičnih pojmov pri določeni starosti učencev pa se v različnih šolskih sistemih lahko zelo razlikujejo. Imeli smo priložnost dobro spoznati belgijski šolski sistem, predvsem poučevanje matematike v času Comenius asistentstva v Belgiji, v letu 2010/11. Opazili smo številne razlike v šolskem sistemu in organizaciji osnovne šole. Posebej nas je zanimal pouk matematike in učni načrt za matematiko. Ker smo ugotovili precej zanimivih razlik, pa tudi nekaj podobnosti, smo se odločili bolj poglobljeno preučiti učna načrta za matematiko v Sloveniji in Belgiji. V diplomskem delu najprej kratko predstavimo obe državi, šolska sistema obeh držav in organizacijo osnovne šole obeh držav. Primerjavo obeh matematičnih učnih načrtov smo oblikovali po posameznih temah – geometrija in merjenje, aritmetika in algebra, druge vsebine ter slovenskih operativnih učnih ciljev in osnovnih kompetencah belgijskega učnega načrta za matematiko po posameznih razredih in ciklih. Ob koncu smo predstavili še primerjavo uvrstitev slovenskih in belgijskih učencev v znanju matematike v raziskavah TIMSS ter zapisali osebne izkušnje s poučevanjem na osnovni šoli Ecole Notre – Dame v Belgiji.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Mathematics is an obligatory school subject in which the content is merely the same whereas the aims, teaching styles and methods according to the students’ age can vary a lot. We have had the chance to observe the Belgian school system very closely, above all the teaching of mathematics during the Comenius assistance in Belgium in school year 2010/11. We have found out significant differences between the two school systems and the organization of the schools. Our interest was mainly mathematics – its curriculum and lessons. Therefore we decided to study and compare the Slovenian and Belgian curriculums more closely and as a result found out some interesting differences and similarities. This diploma work first presents the Slovenian and Belgian school systems and organization and deals with the differences and similarities of both. It analyzes the curriculum according to various topics – geometry, measurement, arithmetics, algebra, Slovenian operative learning aims and Belgian competences on grades and cycles. Finally, it compares the results of Slovenian and Belgian learners in the TIMSS research and adds the description of a personal experience of teaching in primary school Ecole Notre-Dame in Belgium.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): Slovenia
ID: 8310631
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