diplomsko delo


Glasbene interesne dejavnosti na osnovnih šolah v občini Črnomelj




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [K. Banovec]
UDC: 78:373.3(043.2)
COBISS: 9298761 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1343
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Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Extracurricular music activities at primary schools in the municipality of Črnomelj
Secondary abstract: Extracurricular music activities are present at almost every primary school. They provide possibility for relaxation, socialization with friends, appearance at different events and offer unconscious growth of music knowledge. The diploma paper captures all the possibilities with focus on music development of preschool and school child where we become aware of the importance the music has on child's development. We get to know the position of extracurricular activities at school, their history, purpose and principles according to which these activities take place. For the attendance at extracurricular activities motivation is needed. The motivation can be internal or external. The diploma paper describes external and internal motivational stimulations and also social factors that affect the attendance of extraordinary activities. The theoretical part describes the municipality of Črnomelj, its history and the history of educational system with the description o f central primary schools with their branches. The detailed description of all extracurricular music activities in municipality of Črnomelj is provided. Empirical part describes the position of extracurricular music activities at primary schools in the municipality of Črnomelj in more detail. The survey included two questionnaires: a questionnaire for the learners who attend extracurricular music activities and a questionnaire for the teachers who manage the activities. The results were processed with the descriptive statistic and presented in tables, graphs and the interpretation of results. The research found that choir is the most popular extracurricular music activity. Many learners are motivated not only externally but also internally. The datum is surprising according to the teacher's opinion. Although extraordinary music activities are usually thought by music pedagogues, they can also be thought by other teachers. For motivation the teachers usually reach for songs that are close to the students but still appropriate and challenging.
Secondary keywords: extra-curricular activities;motivation;music;interesne dejavnosti;motivacija;glasba;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: 82 str., V str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Extracurricular music activities at primary schools in the municipality of Črnomelj
Keywords (ePrints): glasba
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): music
Abstract (ePrints): Glasbene interesne dejavnosti so danes prisotne skorajda na vsaki osnovni šoli. Učencem dajejo možnost sproščanja ob glasbi, druženja s prijatelji in izkušnjo javnega nastopanja na prireditvah, hkrati pa ponujajo tudi nezavedno in zavedno rast glasbenega znanja. O vsem tem govori diplomsko delo, kjer srečamo podroben opis glasbenega razvoja predšolskega in šolskega otroka ter se spoznamo s pomenom, ki ga ima glasba za njihov razvoj. Seznanimo se s položajem interesnih dejavnosti na šoli, spoznamo njihovo zgodovino in namen ter načela, po katerih naj bi te dejavnosti potekale. Ker je za obiskovanje interesnih dejavnosti potrebna motivacija, ji je v diplomskem delu namenjeno celotno poglavje. Opisani sta dve obliki motivacije (zunanja ter notranja) in dejavniki, ki vplivajo na njiju. V zaključku teoretičnega dela spoznamo občino Črnomelj, njeno zgodovino in zgodovino šolstva. Prav tako so podrobno opisane vse matične osnovne šole v tej občini skupaj s podružnicama. Za konec je opisana še vsaka glasbena interesna dejavnost, ki je zastopana na osnovnih šolah v občini Črnomelj. V empiričnem delu pobliže spoznamo položaj glasbenih interesnih dejavnosti na osnovnih šolah v občini Črnomelj. Raziskava je vsebovala dva anketna vprašalnika za učence, ki obiskujejo glasbene interesne dejavnosti, in za učitelje, ki te dejavnosti vodijo. Dobljeni rezultati so bili obdelani z opisno statistiko in predstavljeni v razpredelnicah, z grafi in s pisano interpretacijo rezultatov. V raziskavi je bilo ugotovljeno, da je najbolj obiskana glasbena interesna dejavnost pevski zbor, bodisi mladinski ali otroški. Veliko učencev, ki so vključeni v te interesne dejavnosti, poleg zunanje motivacije motivira tudi notranja motivacija, kar je zelo presenetljivo, saj učitelji niso takšnega mnenja. Glasbene interesne dejavnosti poučujejo tako glasbeni pedagogi kot tudi razredni učitelji in drugi. Učitelji za motiviranje učencev najpogosteje posegajo po skladbah, ki so učencem blizu, kljub temu pa so še vedno dovolj zahtevne.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Extracurricular music activities are present at almost every primary school. They provide possibility for relaxation, socialization with friends, appearance at different events and offer unconscious growth of music knowledge. The diploma paper captures all the possibilities with focus on music development of preschool and school child where we become aware of the importance the music has on child's development. We get to know the position of extracurricular activities at school, their history, purpose and principles according to which these activities take place. For the attendance at extracurricular activities motivation is needed. The motivation can be internal or external. The diploma paper describes external and internal motivational stimulations and also social factors that affect the attendance of extraordinary activities. The theoretical part describes the municipality of Črnomelj, its history and the history of educational system with the description o f central primary schools with their branches. The detailed description of all extracurricular music activities in municipality of Črnomelj is provided. Empirical part describes the position of extracurricular music activities at primary schools in the municipality of Črnomelj in more detail. The survey included two questionnaires: a questionnaire for the learners who attend extracurricular music activities and a questionnaire for the teachers who manage the activities. The results were processed with the descriptive statistic and presented in tables, graphs and the interpretation of results. The research found that choir is the most popular extracurricular music activity. Many learners are motivated not only externally but also internally. The datum is surprising according to the teacher's opinion. Although extraordinary music activities are usually thought by music pedagogues, they can also be thought by other teachers. For motivation the teachers usually reach for songs that are close to the students but still appropriate and challenging.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): music
ID: 8310642