diplomsko delo
Daša Svetlič (Author), Helena Smrtnik Vitulić (Mentor), Simona Prosen (Co-mentor)


Razumevanje in uravnavanje čustev pri razrednih učiteljih glede na starost učencev




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Svetlič]
UDC: 159.942:372.32(043.2)
COBISS: 9367881 Link will open in a new window
Views: 867
Downloads: 168
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The comprehension and regulation of primary teachers' emotions with pupils of different ages
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with primary teachers' emotions and the comprehension, awareness and regulation of them. The main aim of the paper is to realize how teachers understand and to what extend they are aware of their emotions in everyday life, as well as which strategies of emotional regulation teachers apply to children (emotion-related cognition, emotion-related physiological process, emotion-related behavior, and social strategy). The definitions of emotion as a complicated and combined process which includes a series of cognitive, physiological, expressive and behavior responses (Smrtnik Vitulić, 2007) are included in the literature review, where the most significant characteristics of emotions are also presented. The role of teachers and their skills in a quality pedagogic work are defined next, as well as the most important factors in the relationship between teachers and pupils. The last part of the review is dedicated to the experience, expression and the regulation of teachers' emotions in interaction with pupils. The findings chapter includes the research on the comprehension and regulation of primary teachers' emotions as well as the analysis of the results of the research. Differences between teachers of the first three primary school grades and teacher of the forth and fifth grade are also presented in this part. The research included 108 teachers, 75 of which were teachers of the first three primary grades and the other 33 were teachers of the fourth and fifth grade. The questionnaire was composed by Prosen and Smrtnik Vitulić. The research showed that teachers are very good in identifying their emotions in everyday life, they are focused on their emotions and show no difficulties in describing them, and that they understand that the cause for unpleasant emotional experiences are mainly within themselves. In their work with pupils, teachers apply all four strategies of emotional regulation. Nevertheless, some strategies are used more frequently then others. Teachers of the first three grades use cognitive strategies more often whereas teacher of the forth and fifth grade use mainly social strategies. The essential part of a teachers' work is how they understand, realize and regulate their emotions since teachers are one of the most important factors of a quality education.
Secondary keywords: affection;emotional adjustment;teacher role;čustvo;čustvena prilagojenost;vloga učitelja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Pages: VII, 56 str.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): The comprehension and regulation of primary teachers' emotions with pupils of different ages
Keywords (ePrints): čustva
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): emotions
Abstract (ePrints): V diplomskem delu so obravnavana področja razumevanja, zavedanja in uravnavanja čustev razrednih učiteljev. Osrednji namen diplomskega dela je raziska-ti, kako razredni učitelji razumejo in se zavedajo svojih čustev v vsakodnevnem živ-ljenju ter katere skupine strategij uravnavanja čustev (kognitivne, telesno-fiziološke, izrazno-vedenjske in socialne) uporabljajo pri delu z otroki. V prvem delu teoretične-ga uvoda diplomskega dela so čustva opredeljena kot zapleteni in sestavljeni proce-si, ki vključujejo vrsto kognitivnih, fizioloških, izraznih in vedenjskih odzivov (Smrtnik Vitulić, 2007), izpostavljene pa so tudi najpomembnejše značilnosti čustev. Nato je predstavljena vloga učitelja, njegove kompetence za kvalitetno pedagoško delo in razmišljanja o pomembnih dejavnikih medosebnega odnosa med učiteljem in učen-cem. Teoretični uvod zaključuje doživljanje, izražanje in uravnavanje čustev razred-nih učiteljev v interakciji z otroki. V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela so predstav-ljeni potek in rezultati raziskave o razumevanju in zavedanju čustev pri učiteljih ter razlike med učitelji prvih treh razredov in učitelji četrtih in petih razredov v uporabi strategij uravnavanja čustev. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 108 razrednih učiteljev, od tega 75 učiteljev, ki so poučevali v prvih treh razredih, ter 33 učiteljev, ki so poučevali v četrtem in petem razredu. Podatki so bili pridobljeni na podlagi anketnega vprašal-nika, katerega sta sestavili S. Prosen in H. Smrtnik Vitulić (2011). Rezultati so poka-zali, da učitelji v vsakodnevnem življenju zelo dobro prepoznavajo svoja čustva, so večinoma pozorni nanje in nimajo težav pri opisovanju le teh ter da so razloge za doživljanje neprijetnih čustev večinoma pripisovali sebi. Pri delu z učenci uporabljajo učitelji vse štiri skupine strategij uravnavanja čustev (kognitivne, telesno-fiziološke, izrazno-vedenjske in socialne), le da je uporaba nekaterih pogostejša oz. redkejša. Učitelji prvih treh razredov najpogosteje uporabljajo skupino kognitivnih strategij ura-vnavanja čustev, za razliko od učiteljev četrtega in petega razreda, ki kot najpogoste-je uporabljeno skupino strategij uravnavanja čustev navajajo socialno. Pomembno je, kako učitelj razume svoja čustva, se jih zaveda in uravnava, kajti prav on je eden od najpomembnejših dejavnikov kvalitetnega vzgojno-izobraževalnega dela.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The thesis deals with primary teachers' emotions and the comprehension, awareness and regulation of them. The main aim of the paper is to realize how teachers understand and to what extend they are aware of their emotions in everyday life, as well as which strategies of emotional regulation teachers apply to children (emotion-related cognition, emotion-related physiological process, emotion-related behavior, and social strategy). The definitions of emotion as a complicated and combined process which includes a series of cognitive, physiological, expressive and behavior responses (Smrtnik Vitulić, 2007) are included in the literature review, where the most significant characteristics of emotions are also presented. The role of teachers and their skills in a quality pedagogic work are defined next, as well as the most important factors in the relationship between teachers and pupils. The last part of the review is dedicated to the experience, expression and the regulation of teachers' emotions in interaction with pupils. The findings chapter includes the research on the comprehension and regulation of primary teachers' emotions as well as the analysis of the results of the research. Differences between teachers of the first three primary school grades and teacher of the forth and fifth grade are also presented in this part. The research included 108 teachers, 75 of which were teachers of the first three primary grades and the other 33 were teachers of the fourth and fifth grade. The questionnaire was composed by Prosen and Smrtnik Vitulić. The research showed that teachers are very good in identifying their emotions in everyday life, they are focused on their emotions and show no difficulties in describing them, and that they understand that the cause for unpleasant emotional experiences are mainly within themselves. In their work with pupils, teachers apply all four strategies of emotional regulation. Nevertheless, some strategies are used more frequently then others. Teachers of the first three grades use cognitive strategies more often whereas teacher of the forth and fifth grade use mainly social strategies. The essential part of a teachers' work is how they understand, realize and regulate their emotions since teachers are one of the most important factors of a quality education.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): emotions
ID: 8310719