diplomsko delo
Tjaša Spruk (Avtor), Helena Smrtnik Vitulić (Mentor), Simona Prosen (Komentor)


Razumevanje in uravnavanje čustev pri razrednih učiteljih osnovnih šol glede na delovne izkušnje

Ključne besede



Jezik: Slovenski jezik
Leto izida:
Izvor: Ljubljana
Tipologija: 2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija: UL PEF - Pedagoška fakulteta
Založnik: [T. Spruk]
UDK: 37:159.942(043.2)
COBISS: 9227081 Povezava se bo odprla v novem oknu
Št. ogledov: 774
Št. prenosov: 294
Ocena: 0 (0 glasov)

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Sekundarni jezik: Angleški jezik
Sekundarni naslov: Understanding and regulation of emotions in primary school teachers regarding their work experience
Sekundarni povzetek: The diploma thesis deals with emotions and involves a detailed study of the understanding, awareness and regulation of emotions in classroom teachers. The theoretical part explains that emotions are complex and compound processes that include various cognitive, physiological, expressive and behaviour-related reactions (Smrtnik Vitulić, 2007). The thesis highlights the important role of emotions in teachers who in their work are in contact with a variety of people every day and are expected to understand their emotions and how to regulate them. A detailed presentation of emotion regulation strategies classified into four large groups is given, namely cognitive or thinking-related, physical-physiological, expression-behaviour-related and social strategies. The empirical part presents the results of a study in which 108 classroom teachers from thirteen Slovene primary schools and their five subsidiaries participated. Thirteen teachers were novices with a teaching experience ranging from one to three years and the remaining 95 experienced teachers who have been teaching for more than three years. A questionnaire prepared by S. Prosen and H. Smrtnik Vitulić (2011) was used in the study. The study addressed three research topics, namely the types of emotions classroom teachers most often thought about, how they comprehended their emotions and to what extent they were aware of them, and which groups of emotion regulation strategies they used when working with pupils. The author was also interested in establishing whether any statistically significant differences between novice and experienced teachers existed with regard to comprehension and awareness of emotions and the use of groups of emotion regulation strategies when working with pupils. The results showed that their emotions predominantly comprised joy, followed by anger, love, sadness and fear. The majority of the teachers were aware of their emotions, paid attention to them, knew how to describe them and often attributed the reasons for experiencing unpleasant emotions to themselves rather than to other people or factors from the environment. The teachers also utilised all four of the groups of emotion regulation strategies quite often, that is cognitive, physical-physiological, expression-behaviour-related and social strategies. No statistically significant differences were found between novice and experienced teachers regarding the understanding and awareness of their emotions or the use of any of the four groups of emotion regulation strategies. Emotions are extremely important in the teaching profession since only those teachers who can express and regulate positive as well as negative emotions in their work in an appropriate manner will be able to encourage a variegated expression of emotions in their pupils and provide them with an opportunity to obtain social and emotional knowledge and skills.
Sekundarne ključne besede: affection;emotional adjustment;teacher;čustvo;čustvena prilagojenost;učitelj;
Vrsta datoteke: application/pdf
Vrsta dela (COBISS): Diplomsko delo
Komentar na gradivo: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Razredni pouk
Strani: 64 str.
Vrsta dela (ePrints): thesis
Naslov (ePrints): Understanding and regulation of emotions in primary school teachers regarding their work experience
Ključne besede (ePrints): čustva
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): emotions
Povzetek (ePrints): V diplomskem delu obravnavam čustva, pri čemer podrobneje raziskujem področja razumevanja, zavedanja in uravnavanja čustev pri učiteljih razrednega pouka. V teoretičnem delu pojasnjujem, da so čustva zapleteni in sestavljeni procesi, ki vključujejo vrsto kognitivnih, fizioloških, izraznih in vedenjskih odzivov (Smrtnik Vitulić, 2007). Poudarim pomembno vlogo čustev pri učiteljih, ki so pri svojem delu vsakodnevno v stiku z različnimi ljudmi in od katerih se pričakuje, da razumejo svoja čustva ter jih znajo uravnavati. Podrobneje predstavim strategije uravnavanja čustev, katere razporedim v štiri večje skupine, in sicer v kognitivne ali miselne, telesno-fiziološke, izrazno-vedenjske in socialne. V empiričnem delu predstavim rezultate raziskave, v kateri je sodelovalo 108 učiteljev razrednega pouka iz trinajstih slovenskih osnovnih šol in njihovih petih podružnic. Med učitelji je bilo 13 učiteljev začetnikov, ki poučujejo od enega do treh let in 95 ostalih (t. i. izurjenih učiteljev), ki poučujejo več kot tri leta. V raziskavi sem uporabila anketni vprašalnik, katerega sta sestavili S. Prosen in H. Smrtnik Vitulić (2011). Na osnovi rezultatov raziskave sem odgovorila na tri raziskovalna vprašanja, in sicer o katerih čustvih razredni učitelji največ razmišljajo, kako razumejo svoja čustva in v kolikšni meri se jih zavedajo ter katere od skupin strategij uravnavanja čustev uporabljajo pri svojem delu z učenci. Poleg tega me je zanimalo, če med učitelji začetniki in izurjenimi učitelji obstajajo statistično pomembne razlike glede razumevanja in zavedanja čustev ter uporabe skupin strategij uravnavanja čustev pri delu z učenci. Rezultati so pokazali, da razredni učitelji v svojem življenju največ razmišljajo o veselju, temu čustvu sledijo jeza, ljubezen, žalost in strah. Razredni učitelji svoja čustva večinoma prepoznavajo, so nanje pozorni, jih znajo opisati, vzroke za doživljanje neprijetnih čustev pa večkrat pripišejo sebi kot drugim ljudem ali dejavnikom iz okolja. Obenem se razredni učitelji v precejšnji meri poslužujejo prav vseh štirih skupin uravnavanja čustev, tj. kognitivnih, telesno-fizioloških, vedenjsko-izraznih in socialnih. Med učitelji začetniki in izurjenimi učitelji nismo ugotovili statistično pomembnih razlik niti pri razumevanju in prepoznavanju lastnih čustev niti pri uporabi katere izmed štirih skupin uravnavanja čustev. Čustva so pri učiteljskem poklicu zelo pomembna, saj le učitelj, ki pri svojem delu ustrezno izraža in uravnava tako pozitivna kot negativna čustva, lahko spodbuja tudi raznoliko izražanje čustev učencev in jim daje možnost pridobivanja socialnih in čustvenih znanj ter veščin.
Povzetek (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): The diploma thesis deals with emotions and involves a detailed study of the understanding, awareness and regulation of emotions in classroom teachers. The theoretical part explains that emotions are complex and compound processes that include various cognitive, physiological, expressive and behaviour-related reactions (Smrtnik Vitulić, 2007). The thesis highlights the important role of emotions in teachers who in their work are in contact with a variety of people every day and are expected to understand their emotions and how to regulate them. A detailed presentation of emotion regulation strategies classified into four large groups is given, namely cognitive or thinking-related, physical-physiological, expression-behaviour-related and social strategies. The empirical part presents the results of a study in which 108 classroom teachers from thirteen Slovene primary schools and their five subsidiaries participated. Thirteen teachers were novices with a teaching experience ranging from one to three years and the remaining 95 experienced teachers who have been teaching for more than three years. A questionnaire prepared by S. Prosen and H. Smrtnik Vitulić (2011) was used in the study. The study addressed three research topics, namely the types of emotions classroom teachers most often thought about, how they comprehended their emotions and to what extent they were aware of them, and which groups of emotion regulation strategies they used when working with pupils. The author was also interested in establishing whether any statistically significant differences between novice and experienced teachers existed with regard to comprehension and awareness of emotions and the use of groups of emotion regulation strategies when working with pupils. The results showed that their emotions predominantly comprised joy, followed by anger, love, sadness and fear. The majority of the teachers were aware of their emotions, paid attention to them, knew how to describe them and often attributed the reasons for experiencing unpleasant emotions to themselves rather than to other people or factors from the environment. The teachers also utilised all four of the groups of emotion regulation strategies quite often, that is cognitive, physical-physiological, expression-behaviour-related and social strategies. No statistically significant differences were found between novice and experienced teachers regarding the understanding and awareness of their emotions or the use of any of the four groups of emotion regulation strategies. Emotions are extremely important in the teaching profession since only those teachers who can express and regulate positive as well as negative emotions in their work in an appropriate manner will be able to encourage a variegated expression of emotions in their pupils and provide them with an opportunity to obtain social and emotional knowledge and skills.
Ključne besede (ePrints, sekundarni jezik): emotions
ID: 8310160