diplomsko delo
Monika Lužnik (Author), Stanislav Košir (Mentor), Damjana Kogovšek (Co-mentor)


Stališča vzgojiteljic do dela z gibalno oviranimi otroki




Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Lužnik]
UDC: 376.1-056.26(043.2)
COBISS: 9367113 Link will open in a new window
Views: 853
Downloads: 198
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Attitudes of preschool teachers about children with physical disabilities
Secondary abstract: Children with physical disabilities are a group of children with special needs on which teachers have various points of views for different reasons. Integration of a child with physical disabilities brings changes into teacher’s work. Children with physical disabilities need accessories and adjustments that demand more flexibility from the teacher and in most cases this work method requires more work from the teacher as well, because they are obliged to do additional educating, they have to plan and adjust activities and also work with social workers, companion service, other professionals and parents. Integration of a child with physical disabilities also brings something new to other children that have to learn to accept this difference. The objective of this degree’s work was to determine whether there are any differences in points of views on work with children with physical disabilities among teachers with and without the experience with this kind of work and among teachers of different age. The above mentioned groups of teachers participated in a research, where they were answering to a survey questionnaire containing statements about accessories and adjustments, additional educating, companion service, children’s effect on the entire group, work adjustments, cooperating with parents and cooperating with professionals. The results did not show any major differences between the teachers with past experiences with children with physical disabilities and the teachers without the experiences. Differences were only present in regard to additional education. Among the teachers of different age there are differences in points of views that apply to accessories and adjustments and also to additional education.
Secondary keywords: physically handicapped;pre-school child;teacher role;telesno prizadeti;predšolski otrok;vloga učitelja;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Predšolska vzgoja
Pages: 78 str., [4] str. pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Attitudes of preschool teachers about children with physical disabilities
Keywords (ePrints): otroci
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): children
Abstract (ePrints): Gibalno ovirani otroci so skupina otrok s posebnimi potrebami; do njih imajo vzgojiteljice različna stališča, zaradi različnih vzrokov. Vključenost gibalno oviranega otroka pomeni vzgojiteljici spremembe v delu. Gibalno ovirani otroci potrebujejo pripomočke in prilagoditve, ki od vzgojiteljice zahtevajo večjo fleksibilnost, največkrat pa ta način dela od vzgojiteljic zahteva več dela, saj so se primorane dodatno izobraževati, posebej načrtovati in prilagajati dejavnosti, ter ves čas sodelovati s strokovnimi delavci, spremljevalci, zunanjimi delavci in starši. Prav tako vključenost gibalno oviranega otroka v oddelek prinese posebnosti ostalim otrokom, ki se morajo naučiti sprejemati drugačnost. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, ali obstajajo razlike v stališčih do dela z gibalno oviranimi otroki med vzgojiteljicami z izkušnjami z delom z gibalno oviranimi otrok in brez njih ter med vzgojiteljicami različnih starosti. V raziskavi so sodelovale omenjene skupine vzgojiteljic, ki so odgovarjale na anketni vprašalnik s trditvami o pripomočkih in prilagoditvah, dodatnih izobraževanjih, spremljevalcih, vplivu gibalno oviranih otrok na celotno skupino, prilagoditvah dela, sodelovanju s starši in sodelovanju s strokovnimi delavci. Rezultati niso pokazali večjih razlik med vzgojiteljicami z izkušnjami z delom z gibalno oviranimi otroki in vzgojiteljicami brez izkušenj, tu so se razlike pojavile samo glede dodatnih izobraževanj. Med vzgojiteljicami različnih starosti pa so razlike tudi v stališčih, ki se nanašajo na pripomočke in prilagoditve ter na dodatna izobraževanja.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): Children with physical disabilities are a group of children with special needs on which teachers have various points of views for different reasons. Integration of a child with physical disabilities brings changes into teacher’s work. Children with physical disabilities need accessories and adjustments that demand more flexibility from the teacher and in most cases this work method requires more work from the teacher as well, because they are obliged to do additional educating, they have to plan and adjust activities and also work with social workers, companion service, other professionals and parents. Integration of a child with physical disabilities also brings something new to other children that have to learn to accept this difference. The objective of this degree’s work was to determine whether there are any differences in points of views on work with children with physical disabilities among teachers with and without the experience with this kind of work and among teachers of different age. The above mentioned groups of teachers participated in a research, where they were answering to a survey questionnaire containing statements about accessories and adjustments, additional educating, companion service, children’s effect on the entire group, work adjustments, cooperating with parents and cooperating with professionals. The results did not show any major differences between the teachers with past experiences with children with physical disabilities and the teachers without the experiences. Differences were only present in regard to additional education. Among the teachers of different age there are differences in points of views that apply to accessories and adjustments and also to additional education.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): children
ID: 8310727