diplomska naloga
Jernej Radovac (Author), Alojzij Juvanc (Mentor), Marijan Žura (Thesis defence commission member)


Idejna zasnova povezovalne ceste Padna-Sečovlje


gradbeništvo;diplomska dela;UNI;povezovalna cesta;Padna;Sečovlje;promet;cestno omrežje;ekonomski kriterij;predor;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Source: Ljubljana
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Radovac]
UDC: 625.72(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 4688737 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1623
Downloads: 462
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Outline design of linkage - road Padna-Sečovlje
Secondary abstract: The graduation thesis treats the linakge – road Sečovlje – Izola. More exactly it discusses two new alternative ways from Padna to Sečovlje and compares them with the existing route R3- 628/1427 Sečovlje – Dragonja. The planning of both new variants is based on the road designing rule-book and is completely designed by a computer program. The area between Izola, Sečovlje and the valley Drnica has an unique potential because of its favorable geographical and traffic position. Even if it is mostly part of the community of Izola it is actually the background of the three most touristic cities of the Slovenian coast; Izola, Piran and Portoroţ. The existing road network is insufficient and undeveloped and there is lack of traffic communication between the coastal cities and the countryside. The main problem of the route Padna – Sečovlje is that runs on hilly area and it confines with hills on one side and large agrarian valleys on the other side, therefore the use of tunnels is obviously considerable. The comparison was prepared on basis of traffic, technical and cost criteria with consideration of the influence on the environment and regional development. The results of the study show us, that the variant 2 of route is a slightly more appropriate than the variant 1. Even though it is economically less acceptable it has better technical elements.
Secondary keywords: linkage-road;Padna;Sečovlje;route;road network;economical criteria;tunnel;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XII, 53 str., pril.
Type (ePrints): thesis
Title (ePrints): Outline design linkage – road Padna – Sečovlje
Keywords (ePrints): povezovalna cesta;Padna;Sečovlje;promet;cestno omrežje;ekonomski kriterij;predor
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): linkage – road;Padna;Sečovlje;route;road network;economical criteria;tunnel
Abstract (ePrints): Diplomsko delo obravnava povezovalno cesto med Padno in Sečovljami. Natančneje preučuje dve novi varianti in ju primerja z obstoječo cesto R3-628/1427 Sečovlje – Dragonja. Projektiranje obeh novih variant temelji na Pravilniku o projektiranju cest (Uradni list RS 91/05) in je v celoti izdelano z računalniškim programom. Območje med Izolo, Sečovljami in dolino Drnice, na kratko ISD, ima zaradi svoje geografske in prometne lege velik razvojni potencial. Čeprav leţi večinoma znotraj izolske občine, dejansko predstavlja skupno zaledje treh turistično najbolj atraktivnih obalnih mest; Izole, Pirana in Portoroţa. Obstoječe cestno omreţje je slabo razvito in ne omogoča ustrezne komunikacije z obalnimi mesti. Teţava obravnavane trase je, da poteka na hribovitem območju, ki je omejeno s hribovjem na eni strani in z večjimi kmetijskimi dolinami na drugi strani, zato se predoru v nobenem primeru ni mogoče izogniti. Primerjava je izdelana na podlagi prometno – tehničnega in stroškovnega kriterija, ter na podlagi vplivov na okolje in regionalni razvoj. Rezultati študije kaţejo, da je varianta 2, čeprav z minimalno prednostjo, ugodnejša izbira kot varianta 1. Varianta 1 ima boljše projektne elemente trase, vendar se ne izkaţe za ekonomsko sprejemljivejšo.
Abstract (ePrints, secondary language): The graduation thesis treats the linakge – road Sečovlje – Izola. More exactly it discusses two new alternative ways from Padna to Sečovlje and compares them with the existing route R3- 628/1427 Sečovlje – Dragonja. The planning of both new variants is based on the road designing rule-book and is completely designed by a computer program. The area between Izola, Sečovlje and the valley Drnica has an unique potential because of its favorable geographical and traffic position. Even if it is mostly part of the community of Izola it is actually the background of the three most touristic cities of the Slovenian coast; Izola, Piran and Portoroţ. The existing road network is insufficient and undeveloped and there is lack of traffic communication between the coastal cities and the countryside. The main problem of the route Padna – Sečovlje is that runs on hilly area and it confines with hills on one side and large agrarian valleys on the other side, therefore the use of tunnels is obviously considerable. The comparison was prepared on basis of traffic, technical and cost criteria with consideration of the influence on the environment and regional development. The results of the study show us, that the variant 2 of route is a slightly more appropriate than the variant 1. Even though it is economically less acceptable it has better technical elements.
Keywords (ePrints, secondary language): linkage – road;Padna;Sečovlje;route;road network;economical criteria;tunnel
ID: 8310833